Understanding Operating Systems Fifth Edition

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Understanding Operating Systems Fifth Edition

Chapter 13 Unix Operating System

Learning Objectives
The goals of UNIX designers The significance of using files to manipulate devices The strengths and weaknesses of having competing versions of UNIX The advantages of command-driven user interfaces The roles of the Memory, Processor, Device, and File Managers in UNIX

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition

Three major advantages of UNIX
Code written in high-level language (C language)

Powerful utilities
Brief, single operation commands Combinable into single command

Application device independence

Configurable to operate on any device type

No single standardized version Brief, cryptic commands difficult for novice learner
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 3

Research project originally in 1965
Joint venture between Bell Labs, AT&T, General Electric, and MIT

Develop MULTICS for GE-645 mainframe

MULTICS ambition
Serve diverse user group needs
Too intricate, complex, large for commercial value

Bell labs withdrew in 1969 Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie continued the project
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 4

History (continued)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition

The Evolution of Unix

Original language
DEC PDP-7 assembly language

First official version: 1971

Do one thing well

Ran on DEC PDP-11 No pipes or filters

Added in version 2

Thompson and Ritchie: version 3

New programming language (C language)
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 6

The Evolution of Unix (continued)

AT&T forbidden to sell software
Universities and developers advanced software
Commercial transformation Berkley BSD version: 1973-1975

1984: government deregulation

AT&T personal computer with UNIX System 4
Contained additional Berkley version features AT&T System 4 promotion as standard fails

1990: two dozen versions

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition

The Evolution of Unix (continued)

1991: AT&T UNIX system laboratories
Develops System V release 4 Features
System V release 3, BSD 4.3, SunOS, Xenix

The Open Group formed

Owns UNIX trademark

1993: Berkeley
4.4 BSD: based on AT&Ts UNIX (AT&T license) Novell acquires UNIX from AT&T

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition

The Evolution of Unix (continued)

Current releases
Modify do one thing well position Commands more difficult to use
Pipelines preserved

Adaptable to new situations with ease

Meet new user needs

Full local area network support Comply with international standards Security improved Uses Common Desktop Environment (CDE) ISO/IEC 9945:2003 Standard

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition

Design Goals
Thompson and Ritchie vision
UNIX operating system
Created by programmers for programmers

Fast, flexible, easy-to-use

Immediate goals
Support software development
Included utilities for customized code Utilities designed for simplicity: do one thing well Small manageable sections of code

Keep algorithms simple

Based on simplicity, not sophistication
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 10

Design Goals (continued)

Long-term goal
Reduces conversion costs Application packages not obsolete

Achieved with UNIX version 4

Hardware independent

Portable operating system interface for computer environments
IEEE standards defining portable operating system interface IEEE STD. 1003.1 (2004 edition)
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 11

Memory Management
Multiprogramming systems
Swapping (small jobs)
Entire program in main memory before execution Program size restriction Round robin policy

Demand paging (large jobs)

More complicated hardware Increases system overhead Thrashing (under heavy loads) Advantage: implements virtual memory concept

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Memory Management (continued)

Typical internal memory layout (single user)
Program code Data segment Stack

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Memory Management (continued)

Program code
Sharable portion of program Reentrant code
Physically shared by several processes Code protected: instructions not modified during normal execution Data references: without absolute physical address

Space allocation
Program cannot release until all processes completed Text table: tracks processes using program code

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Memory Management (continued)

Data segment
After program code
Grows toward higher memory locations

Nonsharable section of memory

Starts at highest memory address
Grows downward Subroutine calls and interrupts add information Main memory Process information saved when process interrupted

Nonsharable section of memory

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Memory Management (continued)

UNIX kernel
Implements system calls
Memory boundaries for process coexistence

System calls
File Manager interaction and request of I/O services

Implements most primitive system functions

Permanently resides in memory

Uses LRU page replacement algorithm

Network PCs, single-user, and multi-user systems

Use same memory management concepts
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 16

Process Management
CPU allocation Process scheduling Satisfaction of process requests

Kernel maintains tables

Coordinates process execution Device allocation

Uses predefined policies

Select process from READY queue Begin execution
Give time slice
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 17

Process Management (continued)

Process scheduling algorithm
Selects highest priority process to run first Priority value: accumulated CPU time
Processes with large CPU time get lower priority

Compute-to-total-time ratio
System updates for each job every second Total time process in system divided by used process CPU time

Ratio = one
CPU-bound job

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Process Management (continued)

Process scheduling algorithm (continued)
Processes with same computed priority
Handled by round robin

Interactive processes: low ratio (no special policies) Balance I/O-bound jobs with CPU-bound jobs
Keeps processor busy Minimizes waiting processes overhead

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Process Management (continued)

Process scheduling algorithm (continued)
Loading process from READY queue
Process with longest secondary storage time

Swap out process

Process waiting longest (disk I/O, idle )

When processor becomes available

Process selected may not be ready (waiting on I/O) Determine inactive but ready for execution Process priorities recalculated Handled dynamically

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Process Table Versus User Table

Simple processes (nonsharable code) Tables
Keep system running smoothly

Process table
Always resides in memory Maintains text table

User table
Resides in memory while process is active User table, process data segment, code segment
Swapped as needed
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 21

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Process Table Versus User Table (continued)

Process table Each entry contains:
Process identification number User identification number Process memory address or secondary storage address Process size and scheduling information

Set up when process is created Deleted when process terminates

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Process Table Versus User Table (continued)

Text table
Sharable code processes Process table maintains

Memory address or secondary storage address of text segment (sharable code) Count: tracks number of processes using code
Increased by one when process starts using code Decreased by one when process stops using code Count = 0: implies code no longer needed
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 24

Process Table Versus User Table (continued)

User table
Allocated to each active process Stored in transient memory area

User and group identification numbers
Determine file access privileges

Pointers to systems file table

Every file process uses

Pointer to current directory List of responses for various interrupts All information accessible when process running
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 25

True multitasking operating system

Requires processes wait for certain events

Each event represented by integers
Equal to address of table associated with event

Race occurs
Event happens during process transition decision
Wait for event and entering WAIT state

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Synchronization (continued)
Execute one program from another program Second program
Given all first program attributes (open files)

Save first program in original form Split program: two copies

Both run from statement after fork command

fork executed
Process id (pid) generated Ensure each process has unique ID number
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 27

Synchronization (continued)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Synchronization (continued)
Synchronize process execution
Suspend parent until child finished

Program IF-THEN-ELSE structure

Controlled by pid value pid > zero: parent process pid = zero: child process pid < zero: error in fork call

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Synchronization (continued)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Synchronization (continued)
Start new program execution from another program
execl, execv, execls, execlp, and execvp

Successful exec call

Overlay second program over first Only second program in memory

No return from successful exec call

Parent-child concept: does not hold

Each exec call

Followed by test ensuring successful completion

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Synchronization (continued)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Device Management
Device independence to applications
I/O device treated as special file type

Device files given name

Descriptors called iodes
Identifies devices, contains device information, stored in device directory

Device drivers
Subroutines working with operating system Supervise data transmission
Between main memory and peripheral unit

Most common drivers included in UNIX

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 33

Device Management (continued)

Device driver kernel incorporation
During system configuration

Recent UNIX versions

Program called config Automatically creates conf.c
For any hardware configuration

conf.c contains parameters controlling resources

Number of internal kernel buffers and swap space size

conf.c contains two tables

bdevsw (block I/O switch) cdevsw (character I/O switch)
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 34

Device Classifications
Divide I/O system
Block I/O system (structured I/O system) Character I/O system (unstructured I/O system)

Physical device identification

Minor device number Major device number Class: block or character

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Device Classifications (continued)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Device Classifications (continued)

Class: block or character
Each has configuration table
Array of entry points into device drivers

Major device number

Index to array to access appropriate code (specific driver)

Minor device number

Passed as an argument to device driver Access one of several identical physical devices

Block I/O system

Devices addressed as 512-byte block sequences Allows device manager to buffer (reduce I/O traffic)
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 37

Device Classifications (continued)

Character class devices
Device drivers handle implementing character lists Example: terminal
Typical character device Two input queues and one output queue

I/O procedure synchronized through hardware completion interrupts Some devices belong to both classes
Examples: disk drives, tape drives

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Device Drivers
Special section in kernel
Includes instructions
Allows operating system communication with device

Disk drives device drivers

Use seek strategy to minimize arm movement

Kept in set of files

Loaded as needed
Case of seldom used devices

Kept in memory all the time

Loaded at boot time

Kept in /dev directory by default and convention

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 39

File Management
Three file types
Directories Ordinary files Special files

Each enjoys certain privileges Directories

Maintain hierarchical structure of file system Users allowed to read information in directory files Only system allowed directory file modification

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


File Management (continued)

Ordinary files
Users store information Protection based on user requests
Related to read, write, execute, delete functions performed on file

Special files
Device drivers providing I/O hardware interface Appear as entries in directories Part of file system (most in /dev directory) Special filename indicates type of device association

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition

File Management (continued)

Files stored as sequences of bytes
No structure imposed

Text files
Character strings
Lines delimited by line feed, new line, character

Binary files
Sequences of binary digits
Grouped into words as they appear in memory during program execution

Structure of files
Controlled by programs using them: not by system
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 42

File Management (continued)

Organizes disk into blocks of 512 bytes each Divides disk into four basic regions
First region (address 0): reserved for booting Second region: contains disk size and other regions boundaries Third region includes: file definitions called i-list Remaining region: free blocks available for file storage

Files stored in contiguous empty blocks

Simple allocation and no need to compact
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 43

File Management (continued)

i-node Each entry in i-list called an i-node (or inode)
Contains 13 disk addresses

Contains specific file information

Owners identification Protection bits, physical address, file size Time of creation, last use, and last update Number of links File type
Directory, ordinary file, or special file
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 44

File Naming Conventions

Case-sensitive filenames 255 character length No file naming conventions
Some compilers expect specific suffixes

Supports hierarchical tree file structure

Root directory identified by slash (/)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


File Naming Conventions (continued)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


File Naming Conventions (continued)

Path name rules
Path name starting with slash
Root directory

Path name
One name or list of names: separated by slashes Last name on list: filename requested

Two periods (..) in path name

Moves upward in hierarchy (closer to root) Only way to go up hierarchy All other path names go down tree

Spaces not allowed within path names

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 47

Directory Listings
long listing
Eight pieces of information for each file

First column
Shows file type and access privileges for each file
First character: nature of file or directory Next three characters: access privileges granted file owner Next three characters: access privileges granted other users group members Last three characters: access privileges granted to users at large (system-wide)
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 48

Directory Listings (continued)

Second column
Indicates number of links (number of aliases)
Referring to same physical file

Important UNIX feature: support file sharing
Several users work together on same project

Shared files appear in different directories belonging to different users Filename: may be different from directory to directory Eventually number will indicate when file no longer needed: can be deleted
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 49

Directory Listings (continued)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Data Structures
File descriptors divided into parts
Hierarchical directories
Contain filename and i-number Pointer to another location: i-node

Contains rest of information

i-nodes stored in reserved part of device

Where directory resides

i-node has 13 pointers (012)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Data Structures (continued)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Data Structures (continued)

When file opened
Device, i-number, read/write pointer stored in system file table and indexed by i-node

When file created

i-node allocated to it Directory entry with filename and i-node number created

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Data Structures (continued)

When file linked
Directory entry created with new name Original i-node number and link-count field in the inode incremented by one

When shared file deleted

Link-count field in i-node decremented by one When count reaches zero
Directory entry erased Deallocate all disk blocks and allocate i-node block to file

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


User Interface
Command-driven system User commands
Very short
One character or a group of characters (acronym)

Cannot be abbreviated or spelled out Must be in correct case

System prompt very economical

Only one character: ($) or (%)

Error messages quite brief

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


User Interface (continued)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


User Interface (continued)

General syntax of commands
command arguments file_name

Any legal operating system command
Interpreted and executed by shell

Required for some commands, optional for others

Relative or absolute path name

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


User Interface (continued)

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Script Files
Automate repetitious tasks
Command files
Often called shell files or script files

Each line of file

Valid instruction
Executed by typing sh and script file name

Also executed by defining file as executable command

Type filename at system prompt

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Script Files (continued)

Script file example
setenv DBPATH /u/lumber:.:/zdlf/product/central/db setenv TERMCAP $INFODIR/etc/termcap stty erase `^H set savehistory set history=20 alias h history alias 4gen infogen -f setenv PATH /usr/info/bin:/etc

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Send output to file or another device
Symbol: > (between command and destination) Examples:
ls > myfiles cat chapt1 chapt2 > sectiona, cat chapt* > sectiona

Symbol >> appends new file to an existing file Examples:

cat chapt1 chapt2 >> sectiona cat chapt* >> sectiona

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Redirection (continued)
Reverse redirection (<)
Takes input for program from existing file instead of keyboard Example:
mail ann roger < memo

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Redirection (continued)
Redirection (>)
Combined with system commands to achieve any desired results Example: who > temporary
Store in temporary file: all user names logged on

Interpretation of < and >

Carried out by shell Not by individual program

Input and output redirection

Used with any program
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 63

Provide possibility to redirect output or input to selected files or devices
Connect output from one program to input of another No need for temporary or intermediate files Example: who | sort

Several programs simultaneously processing same I/O stream Example: who | sort | lpr

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Read some input, manipulate it, generate output wc (word count):
Example: wc journal System response: 10 140 700

File journal has 10 lines, 140 words, 700 characters

sort: Contents of file sorted and displayed on screen

Example: sort sortednames

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Filters (continued)
Sort list in alphabetical order ignoring letter case
sort f > sortednames

Obtain numerical sort in ascending order

sort -n > sortednums

Obtain numerical sort in descending order

sort -nr > sortednums

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


Additional Commands
Displays operating system online manual Example: man cmp
Displays page for compare (cmp) command

global regular expression and print Look for specific character patterns Examples:
grep Pittsburgh maillist grep -v Pittsburgh maillist grep -c Pittsburgh maillist
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 67

Additional Commands (continued)

grep (continued)
Can be combined with who command Example: who | grep sam
Sams name, device, date and time he logged in

Example: ls -l / | grep '^d

Displays subdirectories list (not files) in root directory

Log off the system without program completion Example:
nohup cp oldlargefile newlargefile and
Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 68

Additional Commands (continued)

Allows lowering program priority Example: nice cp oldlargefile newlargefile and

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition


UNIX: major force in operating system field
Written by programmers for programmers Quite popular among programmers

Spare user interface, device independence, portability, lack of verbosity, powerful command combinations

Learning command-driven interface, brief commands

Graphical interface and point-and-click surfacing

Understanding Operating Systems, Fifth Edition 70

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