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Social Concerns and Social Issues



These are matters which directly or indirectly affect a person or the members of a society and are considered to be problems, controversies related to moral/values . Social concerns deals with current issues or problem of a community or the country.

It uses facts, data to investigate the issue and to analyze the root, cause and effect of the problem. We have been aware through radios, television broadcasts, articles, magazines, networking sites, documentary films and other materials which gives us a clearer view and understanding of the problems in our society.

The objectives of this lesson are:

to provide a comprehensive view of a social issue; to present the factors that influence the social issue as well as areas that it affects; to show the complexities and relationship of the key players of the social issue; to cite the positive and negative aspects of the social concern; and to create probable solutions or propose a plan to remedy the problem (viable interventions).


In looking at the issues of the society, there are several components that need to be inspected to fully understand its dynamics. These are important information to have a good grasp of the issue and to come up with better solutions or plan of actions. 1. Background of the Issue 2. Key Players 3. Characteristics of the Issue 4. Effects of the Issue

Background of the Issue

All things have a beginning. Issues can be based on the occurrence of certain situations or events. Looking at how the issue started can provide insight on the root cause of the problem and how it develops into the existing phenomenon. It is the baseline information in investigating the problem.

Key Players
These are the personalities connected to the problem. They can be the victim, initiator, advocate, contributor and spectator. These are people who influence, support, combat /resist or are affected by the issue. They play different roles in the issue and influence its development. It is also important to know their relationships and how it interplays in relation to the issue.

Characteristics of the Issue

The issue can be categorized into a public concern or a sectoral issue. With public concerns, regardless of personal background, status or other classification, people are affected by the problem. All citizens can relate and fully understand the problem. For sectoral issues, only a segment or portion of the society experiences the problem. It can be related to culture, beliefs or circumstances.

Effects of the Issue

These are the consequences or results brought about by the issue. These can be classified into areas such as economic, social, moral, environmental, and political and others.

Examples of Social Problems and Issues

Poverty Unemployment Graft and corruption Pollution Population explosion/ Overpopulation Child abuse and sexual Abuse

The percentage of the labor force unemployed An economic condition marked by the fact that individuals seeking for vacant posts or work remains jobless.

Types of Unemployment
1. Frictional
voluntary job changing temporary lay offs

2. Structural
insufficient skills skills are not in demand

3. Cyclical
business cycle insufficient total spending

Causes of Unemployment
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Benefits / reduced incentives Fixed costs / uneconomical Changing industries Immigrants Exportation of jobs Overpopulation

Graft and Corruption

the impairment of integrity, virtue or moral principle. an act of acquiring money, position or other profit by dishonest and illegal means Taking advantage of a public office or position

Bad examples by the leaders Low and unrealistic salaries Cultural and legal norms Red tape Complex judiciary system The system is prone to corruption

Causes of Graft and Corruption

Loss of respect for the government Dislocation of economic planning Wastage of government funds Costs becomes taxation Inequalities

Effects of Graft and Corruption

Pollution- is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that has detrimental effects and causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem.

Kinds of Pollution
Air Pollution
Smoke Exhaust Vehicle Gases

Water Pollution
Sewage disposal Domestic wastes Mining Agricultural Wastes Pesticides, fertilizers

Land Pollution
Waste Disposal

Noise Pollution

Population Explosion
It is the pyramiding of the number of a biological population or expansion of a biological population, especially the unchecked growth in human population.

1. Increase in birth rate 2. Decrease in death rate 3. Migration to urban areas due to different reasons

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Unemployment Poverty Malnutrition Pollution Lack of education Domestic violence Juvenile delinquency Shortage of basic needs Crimes

This refers to the maltreatment of a child whether habitual or not. This includes any of the following: Psychological and physical abuse, sexual abuse , cruelty, neglect and emotional maltreatment. An act which could either be by words or deeds which debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child or a person Deprivation of the childs basic needs unreasonably for survival such as food , clothes and shelter and; No medical treatment is given to an injured child which results in a serious impairment of his growth and development or in his permanent incapacity or death


1. Physical abuse also known as child battering. Any act which results in non- accidental and/ or unreasonable inflicting of physical injury to a child. 2. Psychological abuse any harm to a childs emotional or intellectual functioning through verbal assault, which includes but not limited to cursing, belittling, rejecting and other similar acts. 3. Deception-the deprivation of childrens proper learning opportunity by giving them incorrect ideas and concepts.


4. Child Trafficking- the act of engaging in trading and dealing with the children including but not limited to ; the act of buying and selling a child for money or for any consideration or barter. 5. Neglect the deprivation of the childs basic needs unreasonably such as food , shelter, clothing, education, medical, general care, love and concern and supervision by parents, guardians or custodian. 6. Child Labor the internationally recommended age for work by the ILO Convention No. 138 is fifteen years old (15 years old).

It is any sexual act between an adult and a minor or between two minors when one exerts power over the other It is any employment , use, persuasion inducement, enticement, coercion of a child to engage in, or assist another person engage in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct or the molestation, prostitution or incest with children

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