Linac Dental

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Linear particle accelerator (disebut juga LINAC) adalah instrumentasi untuk percepatan (acceleration) dari partikel subatomic.

Particle accelerator memiliki banyak aplikasi, salah satunya adalah dibidang medik untuk membangkitkan sinar-X berenergi tinggi bagi keperluan terapi (radioterapi). Desain pesawat linac tergantung jenis partikel yang dipercepat: electron, proton atau ion. Jangkauan ukuran dari seukuran cathode ray tube hingga sepanjang 2mil Stanford Linear Accelerator Center di California. ; Untuk keperluan radioterapi 0.5 1.5 meter

A linear particle accelerator consists of the following elements:

Sumber partikel. The design of the source depends on the particle that is being accelerated. Electrons are generated by a cold cathode, a hot cathode, a photocathode, or RF ion sources. Protons are generated in an ion source, which can have many different designs. If heavier particles are to be accelerated, (e.g. uranium ions), a specialized ion source is needed. A high voltage source for the initial injection of particles.

A hollow pipe vacuum chamber. The length will vary with the application. If the device is used for the production of X-rays for inspection or therapy the pipe may be only 0.5 to 1.5 meters long. If the device is to be an injector for a synchrotron it may be about ten meters long. If the device is used as the primary accelerator for nuclear particle investigations, it may be several thousand meters long. Within the chamber, electrically isolated cylindrical electrodes whose length varies with the distance along the pipe

One or more sources of radio frequency energy, used to energize the cylindrical electrodes. A very high power accelerator will use one source for each electrode. The sources must operate at precise power, frequency and phase appropriate to the particle type to be accelerated to obtain maximum device power An appropriate target. If electrons are accelerated to produce X-rays then a water cooled tungsten target is used. Various target materials are used when protons or other nuclei are accelerated, depending upon the specific investigation. For particle-to-particle collision investigations the beam may be directed to a pair of storage rings, with the particles kept within the ring by magnetic fields. The beams may then be extracted from the storage rings to create head on particle collisions.

Blok Diagram Linac

Electron gun

Treatment head


Magnetron Or Klystron

Powe supply

Types of Accelerator

The acceleration of the particles can be made with three general methods: Electrostatically: The particles are accelerated the electric field between two different fixed potentials. Examples include the Van de Graaf, Pelletron and Tadem accelerators. Induction a pulsed voltage is applied around magnetic cores. The electric field produced by this voltage is used to accelerate the particles. Radio frequensi RF : The electric field component of radio waves acclerate particles inside a partially closed conducting cavity acting as a RF cavity resonator. Examples incude the travelling wave, Alvarez and Wideroe cavity type accelerators.

Medical linacs utilise monoenergetic electron beams between 4 and 25 MeV, giving an x-ray output with a spectrum of energies up to and including the electron energy. The x-rays treat both benign and malignant disease. The reliability, flexibility and accuracy of the radiation beam produced has largely supplanted cobalt therapy as a treatment tool. In addition, the device can simply be powered off when not in use; there is no source requiring heavy shielding.


The device length limits the locations where one may be placed. A great number of driver devices and their associated power supplies are required, increasing the construction and maintenance expense of this portion If the walls of the accelerating cavities are made of normally conducting material and the accelerating fields are large, the wall resistivity converts electric energy into heat quickly. On the other hand superconductors have various limits and are too expensive for very large accelerators. Therefore, high energy accelerators such as SLAC, still the longest in the world, (in its various generations) are run in short pulses, limiting the average current output and forcing the experimental detectors to handle data coming in short bursts.

Pengobatan kanker (tumor ganas) dengan radiasi. Tujuan : - Menyembuhkan (primer) - Penunjang / kombinasi terapi - Meringankan / memperlambat pertumbuhan tumor

Teknik Radioterapi
Suatu target diberi radiasi sebesar x rad Untuk mecapai dosis target dilakukan secara bertahap (y kali) pada tempat yang berbeda-beda sehingga target memperoleh radiasi sebasar x rad namun jaringan organ normal disekitarnya di upayakan tidak dipengaruhi.

Dental unit dan Pesawat panoramik

Mengambil gambar gigi-geligi secara tomografi/irisan Seluruh gigi terliputi


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