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Harrisons 6th grade Earth Science- Classroom Management Plan

Rules and Procedures

Classroom management plan?

Many of you might be wondering why I even have this management plan or these rules I have set this management plan in place so that all students right to learn is protected. The rules that I have established for my students allow for a smoothly run class where the focus can be on learning and not on behavior issues that distract the class from this learning.

The 4 Golden Rules:

Stay up-to-date on assignments, tasks, and labs. Students will make sure to listen to all directions and follow them. All students will participate daily in class by answering questions, participating in discussions, and staying on task. Respect yourself, materials, and others.

Stay up-to-date on assignments, tasks, and labs.

Under this rule students are expected to make sure that they are turning in assignments on time, catching up on all missed/late work, working on all assigned tasks at the appropriate times, and using their in-class time appropriately to get labs and assignments completed on time.

Students will make sure to listen to all directions and follow them.
Since this is a science class and we will be doing labs that have to be completed in sequential order, it is very important that all students follow all directions. So under this rule, students are expected to follow these labs directions that are expressed either verbally or written down for them.

All students will participate daily in class by answering questions, participating in discussions, and staying on task.
A part of your childs grade this year is based on participation. It is very important that your child participates in class on a daily basis. This participation is crucial for making sure that your child is engaged in the lesson. So under this rule I expect my students to ask questions, answer questions, participate in class discussions on topics, and make sure that they are working with class members in a productive manner.

Respect yourself, materials, and others.

This is my catch all rule. It is similar to the disturbing the peace law by police which will cover and address behaviors not covered by my other three rules which are not acceptable in my classroom. I will have a discussion with my students for what behaviors fall under this rule as the year progresses. As violations to this rule are noticed we hold discussions to address how it violates this rule.

How these rules will be communicated

These rules will be permanently posted in the classroom. The students will also receive a lecture on the rules which will demonstrate appropriate behavior. The students will then be asked to sign a contract which they will sign acknowledging that they understand and will follow these classroom rules.

School policies
Along with my classroom rules I will also expect my students to follow the school wide regulations, policies, and expectations. Students are expected to know these school wide policies and follow them in my classroom too. If you would like a copy of these school policies I will be sending them home with your child this week.

Why is there a need for consequences?

Consequences are in place to protect the safety and right to learn for the well behaved students in my class. Consequences ensure that these well behaved students will be protected from behavior distractions. Consequences also help deter students from engaging in poor behavior and will address these behavior issues in the hopes of resolving them.

1. Written reminder to show the correct behavior (placed on student's desk) 2. A verbal reminder for the student to address the behavior issue

3. Loss of 20 seconds from hallway passing (the students are given a 5 minute passing period)
4. Loss of 2 minutes from hallway passing

5. Detention and a call home to families where behavior issues will be discussed.
6. Sent to the office for administrative discipline

The 6 consequences:
1. Written reminder to show the correct behavior (placed on student's desk) 2. A verbal reminder for the student to address the behavior issue 3. Loss of 20 seconds from hallway passing (the students are given a 5 minute passing period) 4. Loss of 2 minutes from hallway passing 5. Detention and a call home to families where behavior issues will be discussed. 6. Sent to the office for administrative discipline

Other components to my classroom management plan:

While rules and negative consequences are important to establishing and maintaining classroom order, it is also necessary to change this inappropriate behavior into more appropriate actions. Therefore there are some additional components to my classroom management plan which will help with establishing appropriate behaviors.

Recognizing good behavior

I will work to catch them being good this means that I will reinforce positive behaviors that I see in my classroom by acknowledging these good behaviors. I will also use encouragement for my students in which I use praise and encouragement to communicate with my students my belief in their ability to meet expectations and

Feel free to ask me any questions! Ms. Harrison (702) 497-8549 Room 118

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