Role of Punishment and Society

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Key Terms
RETRIBUTION - This is the idea of an eye for an eye, revenge for the victim PUBLIC PROTECTION - The aim of punishment is to protect the public, however unfair on an individual wrongdoer. Sometimes, the Judge believes that the offender is very likely to commit another crime and so must put them in jail to protect the public.

REPARATION - This is idea that the guilty person should compensate the victim/society for his wrong-doing REHABILITATION - This is the idea that punishment must aim to ensure that the guilty person can fit into society at the end of their punishment and also so that the person understand the error in their act. DETERRENCE - This is the idea that punishment must put the offender, and other potential offenders off reoffending

There are approx. 36 people in prison in the UK who will never be released. Rosemary West is one of them

The Role Of Punishment In Criminal Law discuss which aims the following punishments belong to: In pairs
Hanging Prison Community Service Fines HANGING = serial murder, murder, dictatorship PRISON = theft, murder, benefit fraud, assault, COMMUNITY SERVICE = benefit fraud, speeding, theft FINES = speeding, parking on double lines, illegal turning,
Take the case of the killers of Jamie Bulger who served 9 years in a young offenders institute and then on release were given new identities.

Do you think this is right? Does this have to be done in order that they are rehabilitated?
I think that at that at that age they knew what they were doing. At that age you are not totally incompetent and you know the basics of right from wrong such as not killing and stealing etc. However they were at a young age so there is a possibility of rehabilitating to help put them back on track. However, I think going to the extent of essentially wiping clean their identities and their wrong doings is wrong but because of the scale of the publicity they would have never had the chance to have a fresh start if that makes sense but then people should also have the right to know who they are dealing with. So perhaps new names but also have a criminal record not being specifically detailed of their acts.

The Role Of Punishment In Criminal Law PUBLIC PROTECTION

The aim of punishment is to protect the public from the individual regardless of how unfair the individual may think it is. This happens because the judge believes that the offender is very likely to commit another crime and harm the public or property once more so in order to prevent this, they must be put in jail.

There are approx. 36 people in prison in the UK who will never be released. Rosemary West is one of them.

This is the idea that punishment is there so that the offender can one day with a bit of help etc fit into society once more at the end of their punishment and to so they understand the error in their act.

This is the idea that punishment must put the offender, and other potential offenders off reoffending

A Model Priso
6:30 Morning wake-up 6:35-8:00 Daily chores 8:00 8:30 Breakfast 8:30-9:00 Recreational time in cell 9:00 10:30 Exercise 10:30 11:00 Shower and clean up 11:00 12:30 Chores 12:30 13:00 Lunch 13:00 13:30 Recreational time in cell 13:30 14:30 One to one time with physiatrist 14:30 17:00 Community time 17:00-18:00 Cell break 18:00 18:45 Dinner 18:45 20:00 Free time communal area 20:00 Cell retire 21:30 Lights out
Each cell will have plain white walls and wooden floors. There is a painting on the walls of the sea something 4 by four on the wall in the centre of the sea . There is one single bed in the corner with one pillow and 2 blankets, one thin one thick for appropriate weather. Their colours are again white except the thicker blanket is brown. One toilet, wash basin. Shared shower room. AIMS: *punishment*time for reflection* rehabilitation so they learn their lesson prevent re-offence* PUNISHMENT: Meals in isolation. No cell break. Total exclusion from the rest of the inmates. 2 hours of constant push-ups for example. Chores such as cleaning the cells. Extra time with physiatrist. Writing up I will not REWARD: Extra recreational time. Later wake up time. No chores for a day etc. Extra free time with family. Extra phone call home. A resource e.g. book etc. Minimising the bullying/suicide rate = 24/7 CCTV , guard patrol, no sharp or dangerous objects in Minimising possibility of reoffending on release Having a check up back at prison. Mentor of ex-

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