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Analog to Digital Conversion

Def: taking an analog value (voltage or current) and mapping it to a digital code that represents the analog value ADCs are used in almost all digital systems Types:
Ramp ADC Successive Approximation ADC (SAC) Flash ADC Others: tracking ADC, Delta Sigma ADC

Digital Ramp ADC

Ramp ADC Circuit


A signal to indicate the start of conversion (input)

A signal to indicate the End Of Conversion (output)

the analog input Vx the output of the DAC Where is the output of the ADC ?? the output of the counter is the output of the ADC

1. START reset counter DAC output Vx = 0V 2. Vin > Vx output of comparator is HIGH input to AND gate is HIGH EOC is LOW

3. Start is LOW AND gate is enabled the clock signal goes through to the counter 4. Counter counts !!! output of DAC (Vx) increases one step

5. This continues with each clock pulse, until : Vx > Vin + Vt output of comparator goes LOW input to AND is LOW counter stops counting EOC is HIGH 6. Conversion is complete (EOC ) 7. The counter holds the output until next START


Ramp ADC
Internal voltage Vx keeps rising in steps until it is larger than the input voltage Vin. The conversion time depends on the input voltage. Higher voltages have a longer conversion time. => worst case conversion time is when Vin is equal to full scale. The resulting value is always higher than the input voltage

Ramp ADC
Very simple design Cheap due to its simple design

Variable conversion time. Slow operation.


DAC step size 1V 4 bit converter Vin = 10.5V Output = ABCD

Start, control resets register => ABCD = 0000 Cycle 1:
Control sets MSB ABCD = 1000 Vx = 8V < 10.5

Cycle 2:
Control sets next MSB ABCD = 1100 Vx = 12V > 10.5V Control resets bit ABCD = 1000

Cycle 3:
Control sets next MSB ABCD = 1010 Vx = 10V < 10.5

Cycle 4:
Control sets next MSB ABCD = 1011 Vx = 11V > 10.5 Control resets bit ABCD = 1010

No more bits to process => EOC

Timing diagram

A bit is value is determined each clock cycle starting from the MSB. The conversion time depends on the number of bits of the converter. The resulting value is always lower than the input voltage

Fast conversion time compared to the Ramp ADC Constant conversion time, irrespective of the input voltage

Complex control unit, compared to an AND gate in the Ramp ADC.

Flash ADC

Op-Amps Resistors, XOR gates Encoder

Encod er
I7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 I1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 O1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 O0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Where is the input Vin Where is the output O2O1O0 How many bits 3 bits How many Op-Amps 8 What is the encoder type 8 to 3 line encoder

Example: Assume Vref = 4V, R = 1k V0 = Vref *(R / 8R ) = 0.5V V1 = Vref *(2R / 8R ) = 1V V2 = Vref *(3R / 8R ) = 1.5V V3 =2V, V4=2.5V, V5=3V, V6=3.5V


3.5V 3.0V

2.5V 2.0V

1.5V 1.0V



Assume 0V < Vin < 0.5V

0 3.5V 0 3.0V 0 2.5V 0 2.0V 0 1.5V 0 1.0V 0 0.5V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0

Example (continued)
Assume 0V < Vin < 0.5V Output of ALL Op-Amps is LOW Output of XOR (0) is high I0 = HIGH Output of XOR (1) is LOW I1 = LOW Output of XOR (2) is LOW I2 = LOW Output of XOR (3) is LOW I3 = LOW Output of XOR (4) is LOW I4 = LOW Output of XOR (5) is LOW I5 = LOW Output of XOR (6) is LOW I6 = LOW Output of XOR (7) is LOW I7 = LOW 0 V < Vin < 0.5V Output = 000


Assume 0.5V < Vin < 1.0V

0 3.5V 0 3.0V 0 2.5V 0 2.0V 0 1.5V 0 1.0V 1 0.5V 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1

Example (continued)
Assume 0.5V < Vin < 1.0V Output of Op-Amps (0) is HIGH, others are LOW Output of XOR (0) is high I0 = LOW Output of XOR (1) is LOW I1 = HIGH Output of XOR (2) is LOW I2 = LOW Output of XOR (3) is LOW I3 = LOW Output of XOR (4) is LOW I4 = LOW Output of XOR (5) is LOW I5 = LOW Output of XOR (6) is LOW I6 = LOW Output of XOR (7) is LOW I7 = LOW 0 V < Vin < 0.5V Output = 001


Assume 2.0V < Vin < 2.5V

0 3.5V 0 3.0V 0 2.5V 1 2.0V 1 1.5V 1 1.0V 1 0.5V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

1 0 0

Example (continued)
Assume 2.0V < Vin < 2.5V Output of Op-Amps (0), (1), (2), and (3) are HIGH, others are LOW Output of XOR (0) is high I0 = LOW Output of XOR (1) is LOW I1 = LOW Output of XOR (2) is LOW I2 = LOW Output of XOR (3) is LOW I3 = LOW Output of XOR (4) is LOW I4 = HIGH Output of XOR (5) is LOW I5 = LOW Output of XOR (6) is LOW I6 = LOW Output of XOR (7) is LOW I7 = LOW 0 V < Vin < 0.5V Output = 100

Advantages / Disadvantages
Very fast. Conversion time is only the delay of the components No input clock

Expensive . Why? Lot of components for a 10 bit converter we would need 1024 Op-Amps and 1024 to 10 line encoder. (not very easy to build)

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