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Cytology is the study of cells.

Discovery of Cells
1665- English Scientist, Robert Hooke, discovered cells while looking at a thin slice of cork. He described the cells as tiny boxes or a honeycomb He thought that cells only existed in plants and fungi

Anton van Leuwenhoek

1673- Used a handmade microscope to observe pond scum & discovered single-celled organisms He called them animalcules

He also observed blood cells from fish, birds, frogs, dogs, and humans Therefore, it was known that cells are found in animals as well as plants

Development of Cell Theory

1838- German Botanist, Matthias Schleiden, concluded that all plant parts are made of cells 1839- German physiologist, Theodor Schwann, who was a close friend of Schleiden, stated that all animal tissues are composed of cells.

Development of Cell Theory

1858- Rudolf Virchow, German physician, after extensive study of cellular pathology, concluded that cells must arise from preexisting cells.


All organisms are made of one or more cells and the products of those cells. The cell is the basic unit of function of all living things. All life activities are carried on by cells.

New cells arise only from other living cells by a process of cell division.

Differences between Plant and Animal Cells

Cell OrganellesSome Relationships

Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Participate in energy transformations involving ATP Have DNA, making them capable of reproducing themselves Have ribosomes Believed to have once been independent cells according to the Endosymbiotic Hypothesis


Centrioles, Cilia, Flagella, Basal Bodies

All involved in motion of some kind All are made of microtubules Centrioles aid in movement of chromosomes. Basal bodies create cilia and flagella. Cilia and flagella propel certain types of cells. Cilia can also be used to clean respiratory tracts.

Centrioles, Basal Bodies, Mitochondria, Chloroplasts All have their own DNA

Nucleus, ER, Golgi, Lysosomes, Endosomes

The nucleus contains DNA. DNA directs synthesis of RNA, which travels to the ribosomes to aid in the manufacture of proteins. Some of these proteins are enzymes which are packaged by Golgi into lysosomes. lysosomes hook up to endosomes (food vacuoles, which are formed after phagocytosis of food particles. The food is digested within the food vacuole by enzymes from the lysosome.

Plasma Membrane Cell Coat or Glycocalyx Cell Wall

Other Cellular Transport Mechanisms

Facilitated DiffusionUses a channel protein to aid in the transport of substance along/with the concentration gradient. It is a form of passive transport like diffusion an osmosis since it does not require energy. Active TransportUses energy and a pump protein to transport substances against their concentration gradient.

Endocytosisprocesses which take substances into cell

Phagocytosis (cell eating)the engulfing of solid particles

Pinocytosis (cell drinking)the engulfing of water and dissolved substances

Exocytosisprocess which takes substances out of the cell

Cell wall protects and gives support to the plant cell.

Diffusion Demonstration
Diffusionthe movement of a substance from a region where it is more concentrated to a region where is less concentrated. Osmosisthe diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane from a region where it is more concentrated to a region where it is less concentrated. A selectively permeable membrane is one which allows certain substances to pass and not others (also called differentially permeable or semipermeable).


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