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Definition of (UI) User interface or UI this the link between the user of a computer program and the program the word interface a set of commands or menus through which a user communicates with a program. these include A menu interface A command driven interface

The user Interface

The user interface is one of the most important parts of any program because it determines how easily you can make the program do what you want. A powerful program with a poorly designed user interface has little value. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that use windows, icons, and popup menus have become standard on personal computers.

Evaluating site design

Navigation features Their are (7) basic types of navigation on a UI and they include Site structure navigation Function navigation Direct navigation Reference navigation Dynamic navigation Breadcrumb navigation Step navigation

Site structure navigation

This is the navigation buttons that takes users between the page categories such as HOME ,About US ,BRANDS,JOBS,INVESTORS, MEDIA ,R&D..e.t.c

Function navigation
On the Nestle website the function bar allows user to change his or her location from the global website example below
Nestle global site

Nestle malaysia

Direct navigation & reference navigation

Direct navigation leads users to some pages directly, Usually it appears on the top page of the site and on the Local Content Area. e.g. Ad banner, shortcut link. In the case of nestle its at the middle The reference navigation This navigation leads users to related contents and/or related pages of the current content. Usually it appears as linked text on the Local Content Area or the Local Navigation Area.

Dynamic & Bread crumps

The dynamic navigation generates dynamic result pages. - e.g. Search form.

Breadcrumb Navigation This navigation shows the location of the user and allows users to go back to the upper layer. - e.g. contact US > site map > T&C.

STEP Navigation

Step Navigation - This navigation shows a sequence of pages and the location, and it allows users to move to the previous, next and any other pages. - e.g. <PREVIOUS 1|2|3|4|5 NEXT>

Web Graphics Used JPG ,GIF, and PnG

Most web pages can JPG--accommodate 2 types of web images directly in the page and the third type (PNG) is gaining a GIF---mouse over lot more support. Note, there are other image formats that some browsers support, but these three types are the most common. Web graphics used by the nestle PnG company are mostly basic animated these includes

JPG ,GIF, and PnG

Color Schemes
The Nestle website use a two simple color scheme BLUE and WHITE the basic background colors

Theme Used
The theme used in the website is more of a user friendly one .everything is clear and big for users to move and navigate on the page and its entertaining too.

Hyperlinks Supplied
There are so many hyper links on the main page taking you to other pages some of which are shortcuts e.g.


The organization and consistency of information;

The organization and consistency of the website is actually very simple and basic and consistent because all the pages have different information to offer which are mostly very important to the visitor

Navigation is averagely good Because there is no product for sale They only provide service and information Feed back to surveys and competition

Searching the site for specific items;

Searching for items is pretty easy on the website a demonstration Is illustrated below . We are looking for their brands of coffee Step 1 scroll down to quick menu Step 2 click on coffee

Step 3 coffee page


Description of existing User Interface (UI) that

The 8 qualities of a good interface


Responsive Familiar

Description of existing User Interface (UI) that

The 8 qualities of a good interface Efficient Global Forgiving




Qualities of a bad UI

Bad interfaces may cause users to need more time for performing their tasks make more errors feel dissatisfied need more time for learning how to use the software not learn/use the full functionality of the software (if given a choice:) refrain from using the software

effectiveness of hyperlinks used;

The hyperlink on the page are very effective and efficient that it takes less than 2 secs to navigate to next page they have 2 types of hyper link on the web page the buttons and the images

Image links

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