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Gujarat State Disaster Management Policy

Some Highlights

Anuj Kumar Vaksha

Indraprastha University

Why policy? What was the need?

To articulate governments vision and strategy for

disaster management in the state. To have a framework for proactive, comprehensive, sustained and systematic approach to disaster management in a manner which reduces detrimental effects of disasters on overall socio-economic effects of disasters in the state. To provide a guideline to various entities in disaster management in the state to discharge their responsibilities more effectively.

Anuj Kumar Vaksha

Indraprastha University

Aim (General Objective)

Establish necessary systems, structure, programs,

resources, capabilities and guiding principles for reducing disaster risks and preparing for responding to disasters and threats of disasters in the state in order to

Save lives and property Avoid disruption of economic activity Avoid damage to environment Ensure the continuity and sustainability of development

Anuj Kumar Vaksha

Indraprastha University

Specific Objectives
To assess the risks and vulnerabilities associated with various

disasters To develop appropriate disaster prevention and mitigation strategies To provide clarity on the roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders concerned with disaster management so that disasters can be managed more effectively To develop and maintain arrangements for accessing resources, equipments, supplies and funding in preparation for disasters that might occur To ensure that arrangements are in place to mobilize the resources and capability for relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction and recovery from disasters To create awareness and preparedness and provide advice and training to the agencies involved in disaster management and to the community To strengthen the capabilities of the community and establish and maintain effective systems for responding to disasters

Anuj Kumar Vaksha

Indraprastha University

Specific Objectives
To ensure co-ordination with agencies related to disaster

management in other Indian states and those at the national and international level To ensure relief/assistance to the affected without any discrimination of caste, creed, community or sex To establish and maintain a proactive programme of risk reduction, this programme being implemented through existing sectoral and inter-sectoral programmes and being part of the overall development process in the state To develop and implement programmes for risk sharing and risk transfer for all types of disaster To address gender issues in disaster management with special thrust on empowerment of women towards lon term disaster mitigation To develop disaster management as a distinct management discipline and creation of a systematic and streamlined disaster management cadre.
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Anuj Kumar Vaksha

Specific Objectives (Summary)

Risk and vulnerabilities assessments Strategies for disaster prevention and mitigation Clarity on roles and responsibilities for effective management Preparedness for disasters Resources and capabilities for relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction and recovery Awareness and preparedness to the agencies and community Community Capacity building for responding to disaster Coordination with state, national, international level agencies Relief and assistance without discrimination Risk reduction programmes inducted in the development processes of the state Develop and implement programmes for risk sharing and risk transfer Address gender issues in the disaster Develop disaster management professionals, the discipline and the cadre.
Indraprastha University 6

Anuj Kumar Vaksha

Key Elements

Governments prerogative to declare the occurrence of disaster and the boundary of the affected area. Governments view of disaster management long term process that involves creation of disaster management and mitigation capacity of the state and processes to provide relief and rehabilitation Establishment of Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority as nodal agency with sufficient statutory powers under Gujarat State Disaster Management Act 2002 Responsibilities for emergency relief measures Revenue Department through State Relief Commissioner and the District Collectors Development planning incorporate disaster management principles as an integral part of the overall planning process Capacity building of all stakeholders and mechanism for coordination between Mechanism for continual feedback to improve the existing processes Developing self reliance among the local communities Directions to all administrative subdivisions to develop and maintain plans for disaster management functions and activities

Anuj Kumar Vaksha

Indraprastha University

Key Responsibilities
Declaration of disaster State Government Initiation and execution of emergency relief Revenue Department in conjunction with other relevant departments Responsibility for post disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority Responsibility for overall development, implementation, review and

maintenance of disaster management plans and programmes

Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority

Responsibility for initiation and implementation of risk reduction


Relevant Government Departments and other stakeholders

Coordination and monitoring of risk reduction programmes Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority

Anuj Kumar Vaksha

Indraprastha University

Principles of Disaster Management

Integrating disaster management into development planning Multi hazard approach to disasters Sustainable and continuous approach Leverage existing government machinery Effective interagency cooperation and co-ordination Capacity building Autonomy and equity Legal Sanction Accommodating aspirations of the people Accommodating local conditions Financial sustainability Cost sharing and cost recovery Develop, share and disseminate knowledge.

Anuj Kumar Vaksha

Indraprastha University

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