Biomass Energy

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By; Surendra Bam

Presentation Outline: 1. Energy and its Linkages 2. Sources of Energy in Nepal 3. Sources of Biomass Energy 4. Application of biomass energy technology

5. Some facts about biomass energy promotion in Nepal 6. Benefits of biomass energy
7. Conclusions 8. Recommendations

1.Energy and its Linkages

Energy is essential for development and per capita

energy consumption is often seen as an indicator of economic status and well being.
Nepals per capita energy consumption at 15GJ is one of

the lowest in the world and more than 90 percent of the energy is consumed in the residential sector, indicating the low use of the energy economic development related activities.
Besides being indicator for economic development,

household energy also has multiple linkages with important social issues poverty, gender, environment and health.

FIGURE 1: Multiple Negative impacts of Inefficient Household Energy Use


Loss of time Loss of productivity due to poor health and environment

GENDER Opportunity cost of lost time Increased drudgery of women Injuries and assault during fuel collection


Household Energy

ARI, COPD, Lung Cancer, TB, low birth weight, cataract Burns


Local: deforestation, erosion, desertification, air pollution Global: green gas emissions

2. Sources of Energy in Nepal

It is estimated that 50 percent of the worlds

populations are still at the bottom of this energy ladder as they use solid biomass fuels such as fuel wood, dung and agriculture residues.
The situation is worse in Nepal as 85 percent of Nepals

population depend on the solid fuels for cooking.

Of the total energy consumed in Nepal, it is estimated

that about 75percent comes from fuelwood and about 9.5percent comes from agricultural residues and dung, while only about 2 percent come electricity and renewable energy sources.

FIGURE 2.1: Energy Ladder

X Electricity

LPG, natural gas

Kerosene, coal

Wood Animal dung, agro & forest residues Y

where, x=Increasing cleanliness, convenience and cost of fuel Y= Improving socioeconomic condition

FIGURE 2.2: Pie chart showing sources of energy in Nepal

1.47 3.53 0.48

3.75 5.74

Fuel wood 9.24 Petroleum Animal waste Agricultural Residue

Coal Electricity Renewables


Source: Economic Survey 2006-07 (values given in %)

3. Sources of Biomass Energy

Biomass energy is defined as energy from plant and animal origins such

as woody biomass (stems, branches, and twigs), non-woody biomass (stalks, leaves, grass), agriculture residue (rice husk, straw), oil seeds, industrial residue (molasses) and animal and human faces.
The main sources of biomass energy that are currently in use in Nepal

are fuelwood, cattle dung and agricultural residues.

Other potential biomass energy sources in Nepal are:

- oil bearing plants such as Nageshwor or Mesua ferrea (77% oil), and Sajiwan or Jatropha curcass (45-56% oil) which can be used to produce biodiesel. - resin from pine trees, which can be used to produce biohydrocarbon. - molasses from sugar industry that can be used to produce ethanol. - organic waste that can be used to produce briquettes or biogas.

FIGURE 3.1: Sources of biomass energy

Sources of Biomass Energy

Energy Crops

Agro & Forest Residues

Industrial By-products

Organic Waste

Harvesting, Collection, etc.




Thermo-Chemical Conversion

Physical Conversion

Bio-Chemical Conversion





Alcohol fermentations

An-aerobic digestion


Producer Gas


Liquid biofuel






4. Application of biomass energy technology

The following processes can be used to process biomass resources into different forms: Thermo- chemical conversion- In this process, biomass is burned in the absence of oxygen (pyrolysis) to from char or partially burned in a gasifier to produce a combustible gas. Bio-chemical conversion- This process includes digestion of biomass in aerobic conditions to produces biogas in aerobic or fermentation to produce ethanol. Physical conversion- By applying physical pressure, biomass may be densified, as in the case of briquettes, or expelled to extract oil from plants. The extracted oil may be treated to remove heavy particles.

5. Some facts about biomass energy promotion in Nepal

Direct use biomass in various types of improved cook stoves (ICS) and processing of biomass in household biogas plant has been found to be very promising technologies and have been promoted extensively by various organizations, including AEPC/ESAP. ICS and Biogas were introduced in Nepal in the 1950s and currently there is well established system for promoting these technologies through the coordinated effort of government, local bodies, NGOs, private sector and community groups.

Currently more than 200,000 households have installed ICS and more than 160,000 households have installed biogas plants in Nepal.

6. Benefits of biomass energy Reduction in deforestation Reduction in indoor air pollution and hence smokerelated diseases Reduction in womens drudgery and cooking time Improved sanitation from better management of animal dung and human faeces

Improvement in soil fertility because of the use of slurry from biogas plant as biofertilizer

Benefits contd.

Reduced dependence on chemical fertilizer

Reduction in green gas emissions

Contributions to local economy, through better utilization of local resources Preventions of fire hazards Cleaner kitchen environment

7. Conclusions: Because biomass continues to be the main source of energy in Nepal and use of biomass is often associated with major environmental problems such as deforestation and indoor air pollution, there is urgent need to introduce and popularize technologies that will make use of these of the energy resources more efficient, convenient, and cost effective and environment friendly. This requires further research and development as well as promotional activities.

Conclusion Contd.

Consider these numbers: one Nepalese model reduces CO2 by 4.7 tons per year and the trade-in for 1 ton is up to $10.

Using the stated fact that Nepal has now commissioned their 100,000th biogas plant they would have made as much as $4,700,000 per year from the trading of reduced CO2.

8. Recommendations:
Nepal is faced with a double-edged sword when dealing with the issue of energy. The amount of fuel wood is diminishing while the demand for more energy is increasing. Eventually, there will be a time when Nepals resources are gone. Alternate methods of deriving fuel and energy will be necessary in the near future. Biogas is one of the more efficient ways of supplying energy resources to Nepal.
Biomass systems release next to nothing as far as carbon dioxide and the Kyoto Protocol would make it possible for Nepal to trade CO2 emissions to countries that release too much of it.

Recommendations Contd
The Kyoto Protocol is an issue that is still being debated. In order for this to go into effect, the nations that account for more than 55% of the emissions have to be approved. As the situation now stands, the United States is at a stand still and is not concerning themselves with the subject. Therefore, Nepal must place their hope in other countries that have high emission rates such and Russia and Japan. These countries are not in any hurry to approve the Kyoto Protocol, but it seems that they are more ready to approve than the US.


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