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Integrated Marketing Communications


Integrated Marketing Communications

The Role of Marketing Communications Marketing Communications Mix Integrated Marketing Communications Developing Effective Communications Measuring Communication Results


The Role of Marketing Communications

Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers directly or indirectly about the products and brands that they sell.


The Role of Marketing Communications

Marketing communications perform many functions for consumers.

Consumers can be told or shown how and why a product is used. Consumers can learn about who makes the product and what the company and brand stand for. Consumers can be given an incentive or reward for trial or usage. Marketing communications allow companies to linked their brands to other people, places, events, brands, experiences, feelings and things. Marketing communications can contribute to brand equity by establishing the brand in the memory and crafting a brand image.


The Marketing Communications Mix

A marketing communications mix consists of the following six major modes of communication.

Advertising any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of market offerings. Sales promotion A variety of short term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or service. Events and experiences company sponsored activities and programs designed to create daily or special brand related interactions. Public relations and publicity A variety of programs desinged to promote or protect a companys image or its individual products. Direct marketing use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail or internet to communicate directly with or solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects. Personal selling face to face interaction with one or ore prospective purchasers for the purpose of making presentations, answering questions, and producing orders. 5


Integrated Marketing Communications

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is a strategic, coordinated use of various promotional activities to deliver one consistent message across multiple channels to ensure maximum persuasive impact on firms audience. It is not only important to coordinate all promotional elements but also to coordinate IMC with other elements of the marketing mix so as to communicate a consistent message from all possible angles.


Integrated Marketing Communications

Advertising Brand awareness Brand Image

Sales Promotion
Events & Experiencing Public relation & publicity Personal selling

Marketing Communications Program

Brand Equity

Brand responses

Direct Marketing

Brand relationships

Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity

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Communication Channels
Advertising Print and broadcast ads Packaging inserts Motion pictures Brochures and booklets Posters Billboards POP displays Logos Videotapes

Sales Promotion Contests Premiums Sampling Trade shows, exhibits Coupons Rebates Entertainment Continuity programs

Communication Channels
Events/ Experiences

Public Relations

Sports Entertainment Festivals Arts Factory tours Company museums Street activities

Press kits Speeches Seminars Annual reports Charitable donations Publications Community relations Lobbying Company magazine Product Placement


Communication Channels
Personal Selling

Direct Marketing

Sales presentations Sales meetings Samples Fairs and trade shows

Catalogs Mailings Telemarketing Electronic shopping TV shopping Fax mail E-mail Voice mail Blogs Websites



Evaluating Communication Channels

Each communication tool has its own unique characteristics and costs: Advertising Persuasiveness Amplified expressiveness Impersonality

Sales promotion Communication Incentive Invitation Public relations & publicity

High credibility Ability to catch buyers off guard Dramatization



Developing Effective Communications

Events & Experiences

Relevant Involving Implicit

Direct Marketing Customized Up-to-date Interactive

Personal Selling Personal Interaction Cultivation Response



Developing Effective Communications

Identify Target audience Determine Objectives Design the Communications Select the Channels Establish Promotion Budget
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Developing Effective Communications

Identify the Target Audience
Image A set of beliefs, ideas, and impressions that a person holds regarding an object. People's attitudes and actions toward an object are highly conditioned by that object's image.
Image Analysis Assessment of the the audience's current image of the company or its products Familiarity scale
Never Heard Of Heard Of Only Know a Little Bit Know a Fair Amount Know Very Well

Favorability scale
Very Unfavorable Somewhat Unfavorable Indifferent Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable



Developing Effective Communications

Determine the communication objectives
Category need aligning the companys product or service with a particular category that already exists or introducing a new category. Brand awareness ability to identify the brand within the category. Brand attitude evaluation of a brand with respect to its perceived ability to meet a currently relevant need. Brand purchase intention self instructions to purchase the brand or to take purchase related decision.



Developing Effective Communications

Design the communications
Designing the communications to achieve the desired response will require solving three problems:

Message strategy (what to say): appeals or themes that will establish the pods and pops of the brand. Creative strategy (how to say): communications effectiveness depends on how a message is being expressed as well as the content of the message itself. Message source (who should say it): messages delivered by attractive or popular sources can potentially achieve higher attention are recall.



Developing Effective Communications

Select channels
Personal communication channels

Direct marketing Viral marketing Personal Selling

Non personal communication channels

Media Advertisements Sales promotions Events & experiences Public relations



Developing Effective Communications

Establishing promotion budget
Allocation of financial resources towards communications can be done by any of the four methods.

Affordable method - what the company can afford. Ignores role of promotion as an investment. Percentage of sales method - many companies set promotion expenditures at a specified percentage of actual or anticipated sales. Competitive parity method - setting the promotion budget to achieve share-of-voice parity with the competitors. Objective and task method - developing promotion budgets by defining specific objectives, determining the tasks the must be performed to achieve these objectives and estimating the costs of performing these tasks.


Measuring Communication Results

Organizations want to know the results of the investment in communication instruments in terms of incremental revenues, customer awareness and brand recall.
Market research and a measure of sales for a specific period would give a fairly good idea of the impact of the market communication activities.



Measuring Communication Results

Brand A
20% Not Aware

Brand B

100% Market

40% Did not Try 80% Aware 60% Tried

60% Not Aware

20% Satisfied 80%


100% Market
70% Did not Try 30% Tried

80% Satisfied 20% Dissatisfied

40% Aware

Total Awareness Brand Satisfaction Trial

Total Awareness Brand Satisfaction Trial



Managing the Integrated Marketing Communications Process

Managing the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a process that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication mixes to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum sales impact through the seamless integration of discrete messages.
IMC improves the companys ability to reach the right customers with the right messages at the right time and in the right place





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