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 Which of the following methods would
 provide the most accurate information
 for students collecting data about local
 attitudes concerning the use of
 alternative fuels for automobiles?
 F Take an opinion poll of drivers
 G Listen to speeches given by politicians
 H Study newspaper articles
 J Track prices at nearby gas stations
12 Which bird’s foot is best adapted to
flying into a region and picking up

 ANS. J
 The diagram shows a simplified
 nitrogen cycle. Which process is
 responsible for returning nitrogen to
 the air?
 F Excretion
 G Decomposition
 H Photosynthesis
 J Nitrification
 In the lab setup pictured
above, a student is trying to
determine the effect of
pollutants on the growth of
three groups of seeds. The
results will not be valid
because the experiment
 has no —
 A conclusion
 B hypothesis
 C control
 D variable
 Cowbirds often lay eggs in the nests of
 other songbirds. The young cowbirds grow up
hearing the songs of their foster parents but
sing cowbird songs when they are adults. This
is an example of —
 A imprinting
 B instinct
 C mimicry
 D camouflage
Ifa student needed to obtain 8.0 mL
of liquid for an experiment, the
appropriate piece of laboratory
equipment to use would be a —
A 50 mL beaker
B 1.0 mL pipet
C 50 mL flask
D 10.0 mL graduated cylinder
 Which of the following best describes
 why an experiment should be repeated?
 A To organize the data
 B To produce a variety of results
 C To include another variable
 D To verify the observed results
 Ifa lab group were
using hydrochloric
 acid to perform a
substitution reaction,
 which precaution
would not be a
 concern?
 A Flammability
 B Health
 C Reactivity
 D Contact
First measurement: 6.293 g
Second measurement: 6.294 g
Third measurement: 6.295 g
A student obtained these data after measuring
the mass of an object three
 different times. If the true value of the
 object’s mass is 5.550 g, these data are
 best described as —
 F precise but not accurate
 G accurate but not precise
 H accurate and precise
 J neither accurate nor precise
A team of chemistry students made the
above measurements and density
 calculations of the same type of material.
The accepted value (true value) of the
density of the material is 5.72 g/cm3. Which
trial has the least amount of absolute error?
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
The energy required to melt a
solid into a liquid is called —
F heat of vaporization
G heat of fusion
H cooling curve
J triple point
 The figure shows an experimental
 setup used to separate the components
 of a colored ink sample. Which of the
 following describes this laboratory
 technique?
 A Chromatography
 B Filtration
 C Decanting
 D Distillation
Which basic lab technique involves
the separation of a mixture’s
components through differences in
particle size?
A Filtration
B Extraction
C Distillation
D Crystallization
The atomic number
corresponds to an atom’s
number of —
F protons
G neutrons
H electrons
J positrons
Which element naturally
occurs as a diatomic
A Zn
B C
C K
D H
How should 0.000365 be
expressed in proper scientific
F 3.65 104
G 365
H 3.65
J 3.65 10-4
 What is represented by the pH of a
 solution?
 F Partial pressure of hydrogen ions in the
 solution
 G Electronegativity of dissociated
 hydrogen ions in the solution
 H Concentration of hydrogen ions in the
 solution
 J Temperature of hydrogen ions in the
 solution
 Gravitational potential energy is the energy an
object possesses due to its position
 relative to Earth’s surface. Which of the
following involve the conversion of
gravitational potential energy into electric
 A. solar cell generators
 B. nuclear power plants
 C. wind electric generators
 D. hydroelectric power plants
 Studies from 1830 indicated that a remote island
chain in the Pacific Ocean had 13 separate species
of finches. Each finch species had a distinctive
beak shape that was specialized for eating a
particular type of food. In spite of these
differences, there were strong similarities shared
by the finches. A scientist hypothesized that the
13 species of finches descended from a common
ancestor. Which of the following factors produced
variation in the finch species?
 A. mutation
 B. extinction
 C. overpopulation
 D. artificial selection
Kevin hypothesized that dark colors absorb more heat than light colors. He put equal
quantities of water in a can covered with black paper and in a can covered with
white paper. Kevin measured the temperature of the water in each can at regular
intervals on several sunny days. He constructed a graph to display the average

temperature of each can over the course of his experiment.

 Which of the following actions made Kevin’s experiment more

 A. He graphed his results.
 B. He used a lengthy procedure.
 C. He repeated his experiment on several days.
 D. He recorded the temperature in metric units.
Sam drops a rubber ball from the top of a staircase to his
friend, as shown in the picture
below. The speed of the ball increases as it gets farther
away from Sam’s hand.
 What is the best explanation
for the increase in the speed of
the ball?
 F. Electric forces are acting on
the ball.
 G. Air resistance is
accelerating the ball.
 H. Magnetic forces are pushing
the ball.
 I. Gravitational force is pulling
on the ball
Melissa wants to help her friend lift a box
using a board and a rock.

 Where should Melissa position the fulcrum in

order to minimize the amount of force needed
to lift the box?
 A. Point A
 B. Point B
 C. Point C
 D. Point D
 Which of the following has the
largest population in the Indian
River Lagoon ecosystem?
 F. crab
 G. egret
 H. flounder
 I. phytoplankton
 In the Indian River Lagoon ecosystem, many
organisms compete with one another for food
sources. Which organism in the food web
competes with egrets for food?
 A. clam worm
 B. crab
 C. flounder
 D. heron
 Which of the following
statements most accurately
describes the energy transfer
between the levels of the food
pyramid in the Indian River
 F. Energy travels up the
 G. Energy stays in the
phytoplankton at the lowest
 H. Energy is released into the
environment only at the top
 I. Energy moves from the
flounder to both the clam
worms and egret.
 An experiment was conducted in a lab to
determine the effects of dioxin, a toxic chemical
that causes damage to living organisms. A
different concentration of dioxin was added to
each of ten tanks that contained identical samples
of aquatic plants in water. After a month,
observations were recorded, the plants were
discarded, and the solution from each tank was
poured down the laboratory sink. What is the best
way to improve this experiment in order to
minimize the effects of dioxin on the
 F. use animals rather than plants
 G. use a single concentration of dioxin
 H. review the results with another scientist
 I. discard the materials at a hazardous-waste site
 Michael studied the effects of temperature
and pressure on the expansion rate of gases.
When publishing the results of the experiment
for others to study, which of the following
would be most important for Michael to
 A. detailed steps in the procedures used
 B. cost of the materials used in the study
 C. acknowledgement of family members
 D. name of the building where the
experiments were performed
 Gail’s cross-country coach advised her to eat
well-balanced meals in order to have plenty of
energy for their upcoming track meet. To
which transformation of energy is Gail’s coach
 A. heat energy to mechanical energy
 B. mechanical energy to electrical energy
 C. chemical energy to mechanical energy
 D. thermodynamic energy to dynamic energy
 Planarians are freshwater organisms that can
regenerate. Sonia had three petri dishes of
planarians. In the same room, the first petri
dish was inside a cabinet, the second petri
dish was sitting on her desk, and the third
petri dish was partially covered by a book.
After one hour, she noted the distribution of
the planarians in each petri dish. Which was
the independent variable in her experiment?
 A. color
 B. light
 C. movement
 D. temperature
Collared doves have a black half-collar, dark feathers, and a long,
white-edged tail. Until 1953, the collared dove had never been
seen in the United Kingdom. The graph below shows the
population growth of the collared dove after it first arrived in the
United Kingdom.

 Which of the following best explains why the curve flattens out
at the X mark?
 A. Predators could not catch the doves.
 B. Food in the environment was limited.
 C. Severe winters destroyed nesting sites.
 D. The doves were able to find many mates.
The graph below shows the relationship of the mass in
grams (g) of three liquids at the same temperature and
with the same volume.

 Which conclusion about density can be drawn from this

 F. Density is not always related to mass and volume.
 G. Substances of different volumes have the same
 H. It is less difficult to measure the density of liquids than
of solids.
 I. Equal volumes of different substances may have
different densities.
 Einstein and Galileo each made many
important discoveries in science that changed
the scientific world. What do their discoveries
suggest about the process of scientific study?
 F. Some branches of science are hard to
study without equipment.
 G. Lack of sophisticated equipment is a
limiting factor for researchers.
 H. It is easier to make major discoveries
when scientists have less equipment.
 I. Some discoveries are possible without the
use of sophisticated equipment.
Mr. Molina’s class studied the mass and
volume of three liquids.

 What is the difference in density between the least

and the greatest density of the liquids listed in the
 A. 0.09 g/cm3
 B. 0.10 g/cm3
 C. 0.16 g/cm3
 D. 1.08 g/cm3
 Soil organisms, such as fungi, worms, and
bacteria, are all biotic parts of the woodland
ecosystem. What is the role of these
organisms in the woodland ecosystem?
 F. to provide nitrogen for the animals
 G. to obtain dissolved oxygen from moisture
 H. to break down the remains of other living
 I. to store chlorophyll for the photosynthesis
An equal amount of potting soil was placed in three identical pots.
Twenty petunia seeds were used. Three seeds were planted in Pot
A, seven seeds in Pot B, and ten seeds in Pot C. The pots were all
placed on the same table, and after they grew to a height of about
10 centimeters (cm), the plants from each pot were cut off at soil
level, dried overnight, and weighed. The chart below shows the
average plant mass from each pot.

 What is the variable in this investigation?

 F. the soil
 G. the temperature
 H. the mass of each plant
 I. the space available for each seed
 When brown tree snakes were first introduced
to the island of Guam, they had no natural
predators. These snakes sought out and ate
many of the eggs of insect-eating birds. What
probably occurred after the introduction of
the brown tree snakes?
 F. The bird population increased.
 G. The insect population increased.
 H. The bird population began to seek a new
food source.
 I. The insect population began to seek a new
food source.
 Carmen conducted an experiment to determine if
listening to different types of music would affect a
person’s pulse. Her hypothesis was that pulse rate
would change with different types of music. Each
person listened to seven different selections of music
for 30 seconds each. Each person’s pulse was taken
before the music and then after each 30 second
interval of music. The pulses were taken again after
the music selections were completed. Based on her
experiment, Carmen concluded that a person’s pulse
rate changed when the person listened to different
types of music.
 Which component is missing from Carmen’s
 A. a question
 B. a hypothesis
 C. a control group
 D. a description of the experiment
Plants use many gallons of water
every day. Almost all of the water
used by plants is absorbed through
the roots. Water leaves plants by
which process?
A. infiltration
B. precipitation
C. runoff
D. transpiration
The diagram below shows a food

 Which population would probably increase if

the tadpole population decreased?
 A. herons
 B. alligators
 C. fish
 D. algae
A food web is shown below.

 Which organism in this food web is a decomposer?

 A.American plum
 B.golden mycena
 C.metallic wood borer
 D.white-tailed deer
The figure below represents the flow of food
energy through a system.
 In an experiment, chickens were fed
grain that contained a chemical marker
in its proteins. The presence of the
marker can be detected in organisms.
 Which of the following is the most
reasonable prediction from this
 A. The marker will only be found in the
 B. Both chickens and wolves will have
the marker.
 C. Wolves will have the marker, but
chickens will not.
 D. The marker will only be found in the
The natural cycling of oxygen
between organisms and their
environment is most directly
accomplished through which of the
following pairs of processes?
A.fermentation and oxidation
B.transpiration and evaporation
C.precipitation and condensation
D.photosynthesis and respiration
A man ran on a treadmill for 1,800
seconds. At the end of his run, the
treadmill indicated his energy output
as 240,000 J. What average power did
he generate?
A. 666 W
B. 133 W
C. 66 W
D. 7 W
A solution that contains less
solute than it can hold at a given
temperature is
A. disassociated.
B. saturated.
C. supersaturated.
D. unsaturated.
The table below shows some information for four
different elements.

 A cube of an unknown element has a shiny, silvery

color. The side of the cube measures 2.0 cm and the
cube has a mass of 14.56 g.
 Based on the information in the table, which element
makes up the cube?
 A. barium
 B. beryllium
 C. chromium
 D. phosphorus
The table below contains data for water
samples from four sources.

 Nancy analyzed water samples from several sources:

rainfall, a nearby creek, a swimming pool, and her
kitchen faucet. She recorded her data in the table.
 Which sample was most acidic?
 A. rain
 B. creek
 C. pool
 D. faucet
 Which of the following explains why
saltwater is considered a mixture?
 A. It is composed of one element.
 B. It is composed of one compound.
 C. It is composed of two or more
substances and has new chemical
 D. It is composed of two or more
substances that retain their own chemical
In the following diagrams, the spheres represent particles.
Different shadings represent different particles. Which of the
following contains only one pure substance?

 Ans. C
 Which of the following is an example of a
physical change?
 A. Iron exposed to air produces rust.
 B. Hydrogen combined with oxygen forms
 C. Sulfur combined with oxygen produces
sulfur dioxide.
 D. Liquid nitrogen exposed to air becomes
nitrogen gas.
A solid cube was put into a cylinder containing
four liquids with different densities as shown
 The cube fell quickly
through layer A, fell
slowly through layer B,
and stopped upon
reaching layer C. The
density of the cube most
likely lies between
 A. 1.00 and 1.50 g/cm3.
 B. 1.51 and 3.50 g/cm3.
 C. 3.51 and 6.00 g/cm3.
 D. 6.00 and 9.00 g/cm3.
A student was assigned to take water
 samples from a lake near his home. He
 measured the pH of one of the water
 samples to be 6.0. Which of the following
 best describes this sample of water?
 A. highly acidic
 B. slightly acidic
 C. highly basic
 D. slightly basic
Which of the following groups of
organisms uses sunlight to
convert carbon dioxide and water
into sugar and oxygen?
A. carnivores
B. decomposers
C. herbivores
D. producers
The ocean water near the equator
absorbs more heat throughout the
year than ocean water near the North
Pole. Which of the following best
explains this difference?
A. The equator is closer to the Sun.
B. The equator has higher sea levels.
C. The equator receives more direct
D. The equator rotates more quickly
on Earth’s axis.
Which of the following is an example
of a physical change but not a
chemical change?
A. A log gives off heat and light as it
B. A tree stores energy from the Sun
in its fruit.
C. A penny lost in the grass slowly
changes color.
D. A water pipe freezes and cracks on
a cold night.
Which of the following is an
example of the formation of a
A. rust forming on an iron nail
B. sugar crystals dissolving in
C. sodium and chlorine forming
table salt
D. hydrogen and oxygen reacting
to produce water
Which of the following
substances can be separated
into several elements?
A. nitrogen
B. zinc
C. air
D. aluminum
Which of the following best describes
a role of mushrooms in ecosystems?
A. capturing energy from sunlight
B. consuming living plant material
C. taking energy from animal hosts
D. breaking down dead plant material
Which of the following is a
characteristic of all chemical
A. A different state of matter is
B. Some mass is converted to energy.
C. Some form of light is given off.
D. A new material is formed.
What is the smallest unit
of an element that still has
the properties of that
A. an atom
B. a compound
C. an electron
D. a molecule
 The organism in the terrestrial food web that corresponds to
the krill in the marine food web is labeled X. Which of the
following organisms is most likely organism X?
 Similar structures are present in the embryos of
fish, chickens, and rabbits. In fish, these
structures develop into gills, but in chickens and
rabbits, they either disappear or develop into
other body parts later in embryonic development.
 Which of the statements below best explains the
presence of these structures in the embryos of all
three species?
 A. The embryos of the three species are similar in
 B. Breathing structures are similar among the
young of the three species.
 C. The three species have a common ancestor
with these embryonic structures.
 D. The reproductive mechanisms are similar
among the adults of the three species.
The water cycle would not
occur if which of the
following were missing?
A. animals
B. bacteria
C. ice caps
D. solar energy
Part of a tundra food web is shown
Which of the following
describes the relationship
between the sedge and the
arctic hare?
A. competition
B. host-parasite
C. mutualism
D. producer-consumer
A car is parked on the side of a hill.
 Which of the following most likely prevents
the car from moving down the hill?
 A. The car has too much mass to move
 B. There is friction in the door hinges of
the car.
 C. There is friction between the tires and
the road.
 D. The weight of the car is mostly on the
front wheel
A cart at the top of a hill is released and
rolls down the hill. Which of the following
describes the energy of the cart just as it
reaches the bottom of the hill?
 A. The cart has no energy.
 B. The cart has maximum kinetic energy.
 C. The cart has maximum gravitational
potential energy.
 D.
The cart has equal gravitational
potential and kinetic energy.
Which of the following is a
vector quantity?
A. mass
B. force
C. temperature
D. kinetic energy
What is the mass of an
object weighing 63 N on
A. 0.1 kg
B. 6.3 kg
C. 73 kg
D. 617 kg
How long will it take a car to
accelerate from 20 m/s to 26 m/s
at a rate of 1.4 m/s2?
A. 2.2 s
B. 2.7 s
C. 4.3 s
D. 4.6 s
A crane lifts two 100 kg loads of building
materials to the top of a building under
construction. The first load is lifted in 10 s
and the second load is lifted in 13 s.
 Which of the following statements best
compares the work and power expended by
the crane lifting the two loads?
 A. The crane does more work and expends
more power for the first lift.
 B. The crane does the same work and
expends the same power for each lift.
 C. The crane does the same work for each
lift but expends more power for the first
 D. The crane does more work in the second
lift but expends the same power for each
The graph below relates velocity to time.

 The graph would most likely apply to which of the

following events?
 A. A soccer ball that is at rest is suddenly kicked.
 B. A ball is thrown upward and returns to the
 C. A person who is running at a constant speed
decides to run faster.
 D. A car traveling at a constant speed applies its
brakes and comes to a stop.
A 9 kg model airplane flies horizontally at a
constant speed. If the plane suddenly dives
from its altitude of 50 m and levels off at
20 m, how much potential energy does it
lose in the dive?
 A. 450 J
 B. 1800 J
 C. 2700 J
 D. 9000 J
Because of this animal’s
adaptations, it would be
most successful at —
F competing with birds
G making its own food
H hiding from predators
J running very rapidly
Which process best shows the
conversion of solar energy to chemical
F Prevailing winds causing windmills to
G Green plants making their own food
H Uranium producing heat to make
J Tides generating electricity
 Thediagram shows physical
changes that occur in the
water cycle. Which of these
shows condensation?
A Q
B R
C S
D T
 Which of these groups of organisms
would most likely have
accumulated the largest
concentration of a long-lasting
chemical pollutant in their bodies?
 A Phytoplankton
 B Zooplankton
 C Lake trout
 D Gulls
A scientist has hypothesized that the
existence of life on Mars is likely because
Mars’s atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide .
 Which question is valid in testing this
 F Do most other scientists agree with the
 G Could abiotic processes account for the
carbon dioxide?
 H What is the percent of argon compared to
carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere?
 J Have the scientist’s other predictions about
Mars been validated?
 What is the
potential energy of
the rock?
 A 59,900 joules
 B 64,600 joules
 C 93,100 joules
 D 121,600 joules
 How much work is performed when a 50 kg
crate is pushed 15 m with a force of 20 N?
 F 300 J
 G 750 J
 H 1,000 J
 J 15,000 J
 Two science students discovered that the mass of
a sample of acetone in an open beaker decreased
within a few minutes. One student hypothesized
that the acetone reacted with oxygen to form a
gaseous compound that escaped. The other
student believed that the acetone evaporated into
the air. What should the students do to test these
 F Combine the hypotheses so they give valid
predictions of the acetone’s behavior
 G Conduct a study of original papers describing
the experiments leading to acetone’s discovery
 H Perform an experiment that attempts to identify
the gas above the open beaker
 J Ask a classmate’s opinion about the chemical
and physical properties of acetone
How much force is needed to
accelerate a 1,300 kg car at a
rate of 1.5 m/s 2?
F 867 N
G 1,950 N
H 8,493 N
J 16,562 N
 Which of these is a hypothesis that can be
tested through experimentation?
 F Bacterial growth increases exponentially as
temperature increases.
 G A fish’s ability to taste food is affected by
the clarity of aquarium water.
 H Tadpoles’ fear of carnivorous insect larvae
increases as the tadpoles age.
 J The number of times a dog wags its tail
indicates how content the dog is.
Oxygen (O2) is an example of
A an alloy
B a molecule
C a salt
D a mixture
 The reason for wafting or fanning a small
amount of chemical vapors toward the nose as
a means to detect odors in a test tube is to —
 A avoid experimental error from excessive loss
of mass of reactants or products
 B avoid splashing chemicals into the face of
any person
 C protect the respiratory tract against
potentially harmful vapors
 D determine the relative strength of the odor
before smelling directly
 Which of the following will allow
measurement of a liquid’s volume with the
greatest precision?
 A 50 mL cylinder graduated in 1 mL
 B100 mL cylinder graduated in 0.5 mL
 C 100 mL cylinder graduated in 1 mL
 D 200 mL cylinder graduated in 5 mL
Ten frogs were placed in a large container with three sections.
Each section had equal amounts of light, shelter, food, and water.
Each section was painted a different color: red, green, or blue.
Daily observations were made of the frogs’ locations for six
weeks. These data were compiled to produce the following frog
location frequencies.
Red area = 31%
Green area = 35%
Blue area = 34%

 Which conclusion about the frogs is supported by

these data?
 A Four frogs out of ten preferred the green area.
 B The frogs randomly moved into the colored
 C Most frogs tended to avoid the red area.
 D Most frogs preferred the color blue.
In Central America there is a tree called bullhorn acacia
(Acacia cornigera) that provides both food and shelter to a
certain species of ant (Pseudomyrmex ferru ginea). The ants
live within the tree without causing it harm. In fact, the ants
protect the tree by vigorously attacking and stinging other
animals that try to eat it.

 Thisrelationship is an example of —
 A predation
 B parasitism
 C mutualism
 D commensalism
Which of the following pieces of equipment
would be most appropriate for measuring the
volume of a marble?

 Ans. B
 Wolves and hawks are at the same trophic
level because they —
 A both live on land
 B are both large mammals
 C both eat primary consumers
 D have similar hunting patterns
 Approximately how much of
the energy available in the
tissues of the producer is
eventually incorporated into
the tissues of a secondary
 A Less than 1%
 B Between 20% and 30%
 C Approximately 50%
 D More than 50%
 Objects of the same mass but of different sizes
 and shapes were dropped from a given height.
 Their rates of free fall were measured and
 recorded. Which of the following is most likely
 the question this experiment was designed to
 answer?
 F How does height affect the force of gravity?
 G How does gravity affect objects of different
 H How do mass and weight affect falling objects?
 J How do size and shape affect an object’s rate of
free fall?
 Laboratory equipment is cleaned and properly
stored after use primarily so that —
 A chemical products can be measured and
recorded as data
 B time is saved in setting up the next
 C toxic materials can be kept in the laboratory
 D the possibility of contamination in the
laboratory is minimized
Four different living organisms are shown

 Which statement is true for all of the

organisms shown?
 (1) They carry out photosynthesis.
 (2) They are multicellular.
 (3) They contain at least one cell.
 (4) They are consumers
Grasses, shrubs, and trees are
called producers because they
(1) water
(2) carbon dioxide
(3) minerals
(4) food
The diagram below shows a deer and
green plants
 Which statement best describes
the relationship
 between the deer and the
 (1) The deer supplies food and
oxygen to the green plants.
 (2) The deer supplies food and
carbon dioxide to the green
 (3) The green plants supply food
and carbon dioxide to the deer.
 (4) The green plants supply food
and oxygen to the deer.
 The picture shows an experiment designed to investigate
biochemical activity in a water plant in a dark room. Over time,
bubbles can be easily observed and counted as they escape
from the funnel. The number of bubbles is an indicator of the
rate of photosynthesis. Which of these data tables best reflects
the expected results of this experiment?

This picture indicates
that the chemical
represented is —
F pressurized
G corrosive
H flammable
J toxic
 The diagram above is intended to show
 relationships in an ecosystem. What do the
arrows represent?
 F The direction of population migration
 G Differences in dietary habits
 H Progressively smaller organisms
 J The direction of energy flow
 In an activity, a ball is dropped from a height of
100 cm onto five different materials. The rebound
height of each drop is shown in the graph. Which
of the following describes the hypothesis most
likely being tested?
 A The mass of the ball affects the rebound height.
 B The material the ball is made of affects the
rebound height.
 C The height the ball is dropped from affects the
rebound height.
 D The surface the ball is dropped onto affects the
rebound height.

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