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Introduction Role of Government in the Context of Ethnic Relations Establishment of JPNIN Empowering Sek.

. Keb Wawasan School National service training program (PLKN) Topic Role of society in the context of ethnic relations Neighbourhood Watch Open House Acceptance of Culture Program at the Institute of higher education Role of NGOs in the Context of E.R Conclusion

The process of fostering unity & Ethnic Relations generally be top-down. Malaysia's successful effort to maintain harmony is wellsupported by the private sector, NGOs & people. This chapter will then discuss the role of government, society and NGOs in efforts to strengthen the Ethnic Relations in Malaysia

13 May 1969Majlis Gerakan Negara (MAGERAN) Jabatan Perpaduan Negara (1 July 1969) handle issues relating to the social solidarity. MAGERAN disbandment23 Feb 1971-Majlis Penasihat Perpaduan Negara. 1990-2004-Jabatan Perpaduan Negara under Kementerian Perpaduan Negara dan Pembangunan MasyarakatJabatan Perdana Menteri-Jabatan perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional (JPNIN) Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan, Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan, Dasar Ekonomi Barau. Rukun Negara National Ideologi Dasar Pembangunan Negara, Dasar Wawasan Negara, dasar sosial Negara. JPNIN Pelan Tindakan Perpaduan Dan Integrasi Nasional 2005-2010


1) Political strategy: understanding Agreement in the constitution. 2) Economic strategy Counterbalance socioeconomic status. Program to reduce and eradicate poverty. Private sector 3) Educational strategy Bahasa Melayu, standardized co-cu and co-co, examination, certification. Students interact each others (from another school and institution) Curriculum focus on our country history. Incorporates attitudes and moral values in co-co and co-cu Lifelong learning


4) The use of national language strategy
Bahasa Melayu

5) Religion strategy
Free to practice and profess their faith

6) Cultural strategy
Based on Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan principal

7) Regional integration strategy

Improving national communication and transportation system. Peninsular Malaysia Sabah & Sarawak, urban-rural areas.


8) Security strategy
Prevention conflict (e.g Akta Hasutan) Recovery police, RELA, Rukun Tetangga

9) Area development strategy

Different ethnics, background, sosioeconomic Rukun Tetangga, facilities

10)Utilization of manpower strategy

Position based on qualification Implement all the policies that have been enacted by government. Interaction between the workers.

create opportunities and environment for social interaction Promote better relationship among society regardless of race Encourage patriotic spirit

increase research on national unity and national integration Form instrument to measure level of unity publication of reading materials about the solidarity and customs and traditions of community in Malaysia

Create monitoring mechanisms in level of national unity and integration Detection of social communication through online system To take early prevention

Discuss the issue of national cohesion & integration. acting as coordinator to other agencies. responsible to advising, reporting, and get approval of Cabinet Ministers and Parliamentary o the issue of national unity & integration.

unity mapping program School level Workplace Community level

implement national identity characteristics through the process promote the values of unity By using all suitable channel and infrastructure

Creates training in the field of intercultural communication. Create government policy auditing Create one ethics of rights & responsibility of humanity Publish reading material about races in Malaysia extensively


Should be empowered to implement the spirit of solidarity among students of various ethnic groups. Efforts should be taken to implement a stronger foundation towards uniting people of different races without neglecting national-type primary schools. National schools are educational institutions and mainstream primary education for all citizens.

Measures to foster unity among the students: Not dispense with the command of their respective native languages. To create awareness among students about the importance of interacting with other ethnic groups. Organize more activities between ethnic groups. Hold the process of interaction between the schools.

An alternative approach to look beyond fostering unity and national integrity. Introduced to build two or three new types of different primary medium of instruction and administration in the same area and shared facilities. Implementation aims to create an environment that provides opportunities for students of various races to mingle and interact.


First implemented in 2004. Compulsory course for 3 months. Includes four modules: Physics module. Module statehood. Character building modules. Community service module.

The purpose of the implementation: Increase patriotism. Fostering national unity and integration. Form a positive character. The spirit of volunteerism. Inculcate more alert, intelligent and full of confidence. Contribute to efforts to foster racial unity. Module is able to inculcate patriotic love homeland. Produce teenagers are willing to sacrifice for the sake of unity.

A non-governmental organization (NGO)

A term that has become widely accepted as referring to a legally constituted. Created by natural or legal persons with no participation or representation of any government. Funded totally or partially by governments. The NGO maintains its non-governmental status and excludes government representatives from membership in the organization.

Malaysian Youth Council (MYC)


National Chamber Of Commerce And Industry Of Malaysia(NCCIM)

Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)

Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC)

Malaysian Youth Council (MYC)

Strengthen the voluntary and democratic principles in the youth movement.

Provided an opinion to the government, statutory bodies or other bodies on matters pertaining to youth.
Promote international recognition, racial understanding, cooperation and prosperity through youth activities.

National Chamber Of Commerce And Industry Of Malaysia(NCCIM)

NCCIMs role is to help represent the interests of the Malaysian business community on the domestic and international fronts.
To promote Malaysian exports and investments abroad

5 principal members/constituent chambers

1) Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM)/Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia 2) The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) 3) Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (MAICCI) 4) Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI) 5) Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM)

Malaysian Islamic Youth/Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)

Contribute proactively building a Muslim society can become the core of the process of building a strong nation Malaysia in various aspects of life.

Strengthening multi-ethnic relationships in order to build national integration, build a healthy appearance and national culture.
Create solidarity.

Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC)

Malaysias national ICT initiative designed to attract worldclass technology companies while grooming the local ICT industry. Fully supported by the Malaysian Government. gateway to the ICT industry in Malaysia and the region.

Neighborhood Association

Open House

Cultural Acceptance

Establish on 1975 To guard the residence areas Compulsory to citizens that above 18 - 55 years old. 1/1/1983 : Subsequently renewed by emphasizing the

philosophy that will ensure the well-being of neighborhoods

of the country. Expanded with community development approach to ensure the unity and harmonious relations in the community will continue long and continuous.

This activity aims to enable local people acquainted, with help

and support in facing the problem together, nteract

and foster closer ties between grassroots leaders and the

people and between people of different ethnicity, customs and culture

This logo highlights the functions and goals of Neighborhood Watch to the creation of the Malaysia Unity based on National Ideology

: To help the formation of one united nation Malaysia in the context of the achievement of Vision 2020. : Promote understanding & tolerant towards united Malaysian nation building & own identity : UNITE MOVING FORWARD

Of visiting during the festive season. Take into account the sensitivities of race.

Understand & respect each other's culture.

To give understanding to the non-Muslim citizens

the Islamic teachings which to be kind with mankind

Unique to Malaysia that have led to the peace and good conditions in the country.

Sharing of taste through costumes and dishes. Duit raya given in ang-pau Dragon dance during Chinese New Year Spread through arts like cooperation of the various races in Malaysia enabled festivals of the main ethnic groups in the country to be celebrated together.


Each ethnic group has a specific identity and practice in accordance with their respective communities. An efforts towards maintaining the existing diversity should be organized and understood for the sake of harmony in ethnic relations. This harmony will sound if every ethnic group respect the rights to another ethnic identity.

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