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The Enlightenment

Philosophy in the Age of Reason

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke

Best known for writing Leviathan Hobbes argued that people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish. If not strictly controlled, they would fight, rob, and oppress one another. What does it mean to oppress? Life in the state of nature without laws or other controlwould be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. PESSIMISTIC POINT OF VIEW

Thomas Hobbes

Escape that brutish life, said Hobbes, people entered into a social contract an agreement by which they gave up their freedom for an organized society. Hobbes believed that only a powerful government could ensure an orderly society. For him, such a government was an absolute monarchy.

Hobbes and Locke both mention the idea of a social contract but differ on the meaning. John Locke: conception of the social contract differed from Hobbes. Locke believed that individuals in a state of nature would have stronger moral limits on their action than accepted by Hobbes, but recognized that people would still live in fear of one another.

John Locke
Overall awesome individual What does it mean to be an individual? John Locke had a more optimistic view of human nature. He thought people were basically reasonable and moral. In addition, people had natural rights or rights that belonged to all humans from birth. These included the right to life, liberty, and property.

John Locke believed all men were created equal. It did not matter who you were at birth or what was in your blood. In what ways are these rights fought for now?

Lockes Two Treatises of Government

People formed governments to protect their natural rights, not take them away. They best kind of government, he said, had limited power and was accepted by all citizens. Unlike Hobbes, Locke rejected absolute monarchy.

Locke thought James II deserved to be dethroned for violating the rights of the English. Locke also said that government had an obligation to the people it governs. If a government fails its obligations or violates peoples natural rights, the people have the right to overthrow that government.

Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot

The Philosophes
In the 1700s, there was a flowering of Enlightenment thought. This is when a group of Enlightenment thinkers in France applied the methods of science to understand and improve society. They believed that the use of reason could lead to reforms of government, law, and society. These thinkers were called philosophes which means philosophers.

Baron de Montesquieu
Studied the governments of Europe, from Italy to England. He read about ancient and medieval Europe, and learned about Chinese and Native American cultures. Criticized absolute monarchy (Which English
philosopher also criticized absolute monarchy?)

Published The Spirit of the Laws which discussed governments throughout history

Montesquieu felt that the best way to protect liberty was to divide the various functions and powers of government among three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. He also felt each government should be able to serve as a check on the other two, an idea that we call checks and balances. He would have a influence on the Framers of the United States Constitution.


Denis Diderot
Wrote 28 volume set of books called the Encyclopedia. As the editor, he did more than write articles. His purpose was to change the general way of thinking by explaining ideas on topics such as government, philosophy, and religion. A huge effort was made to stop the Encyclopedia from being printed. Despite this, 4000 copies were printed and translated.

Enlightenment ideas spread throughout Europe and across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. Diderot is also usually credited with the invention of the art criticism. Diderot's The Salon of 1765 was one of the first real attempts to capture art in words.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The Social Contract

Believed people in their natural state were basically good. This natural innocence, he felt, was corrupted by the evils of society, especially the unequal distribution of property. Felt society placed too many limitations on peoples behavior. He believed some controls were necessary, but that they should be minimal.

In addition, only governments that had been freely elected should impose these controls. Rousseau put his faith in the general will or the best conscience of the people. They good of the community as a whole, he said, should be placed about individual interests.

Parent: I would choose Rousseau. I think it is important for parents to be more lenient with their children. Rousseau believed that society placed too many limitations on peoples behavior. He believed some controls were necessary, but they should be minimal. If Rousseau was my parent, he would give me the freedom I need to grow and develop into a wonderful young woman.

Enlightenment Leads to Revolution

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