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ICAO The International Civil Aviation Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations.

It was created on 7th Dec 1944 at Chicago to promote safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world.
It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for aviation environmental protection. The Organization serves as the forum for cooperation in all fields of civil aviation among its 191 Member States. Secretary General
Raymond Benjamin (France) 2009.

Council President
Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez (Mexico) 2006.


The ICAO or International Civil Aviation Organization is the global forum for civil aviation.

ICAO works to achieve its vision of safe, secure and sustainable development of civil aviation through the cooperation of its Member States.

Aviation SAFETY is at the core of ICAOs fundamental Objectives. The organization is constantly striving, in close collaboration with the entire air transport community, to improve aviations successful safety performance while maintaining a high level of efficiency. The monitoring of safety trends and indicators. ICAO audits the implementation of its Standard, Recommended Practices and Procedures through its Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme.

The development of global strategies contained in the Global Aviation Safety Plan and the Global Air Navigation Plan

The implementation of targeted safety programmes to address safety and infrastructure deficiencies.

An effective response to disruption of the aviation system created by natural disasters, conflicts or other causes.

Air Navigation Commission (ANC)

The Air Navigation Commission (ANC) is the technical body within ICAO. The Air Navigation Commission considers and recommends, for approval by the ICAO Council, Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) for the safety and efficiency of international civil aviation. The Commission is composed of nineteen persons who, as outlined in the Convention on International Civil Aviation, have suitable qualifications and experience in the science and practice of aeronautics.

It supervises the standards and practices of air navigation, its infrastructure, Flight inspection, Safety, prevention of unlawful interference, and facilitation of border- crossing procedures for international civil aviation. The ICAO also standardizes certain functions for use in the airline industry, such as the Aeronautical Message Handling System AMHS this probably makes it a standards organization.
ICAO's standards also ensure that temporary hazards to aircraft are regularly published using NOTAMs.

ICAO standardizes machine-readable passports worldwide. Such passports have an area where some of the information otherwise written in textual form is written as strings of alphanumeric characters, printed in a manner suitable for optical character recognition

ICAO publishes Doc 9303, Machine Readable Travel Documents, the technical standard for machine-readable passports.

A more recent standard is for biometric passports. These contain biometrics to authenticate the identity of travellers. The passport's critical information is stored on a tiny RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Technology) computer chip, much like information stored on smartcards. Like some smartcards, the passport book design calls for an embedded contactless chip that is able to hold digital signature data to ensure the integrity of the passport and the biometric data.

Both ICAO and IATA have their own airport and airline code systems. ICAO uses 4-letter airport codes.

for example, Charles de Gaulle Airport has an ICAO code of LFPG, where L indicates Southern Europe, F, France, PG, Paris de Gaulle.

The ICAO code is based on the region and country of the airport.

ICAO has seven regional offices serving nine regions:

1. Asia and Pacific, 2. Middle East 3. Western and Central Africa 4. South America

5. North America, Central America and Caribbean

6. Eastern and Southern Africa 7. Europe and North Atlantic

Investigations of air disasters

Most air accident investigations are carried out by an agency of a country.

for example, the Air Accident Investigation Branch conducts accident investigations on behalf of the British Government.

ICAO has, however, conducted three investigations involving air disasters.


India is one of the ICAOs founder members, having attended the Chicago Conference in 1944, and has since been a member of the council of the ICAO.

India is fully committed to the aims and objectives of the ICAO and has participated in ICAOs organizational and governance activities in a very cooperative, constructive and positive manner.

India has maintained a permanent delegation at the headquarters of ICAO in Montreal.



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