Ucok Ulong Shaharuddin Tahir Hazwan: Traditional Sports in Malaysia 1

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Ulong Shaharuddin Tahir Hazwan


Traditional Sports In Malaysia

Traditional Sports In Malaysia

Malay community has a wide variety of cultural grasped from different roots. Culture was consolidated into a unique culture because almost every descent has custom forming Malay culture. These include the likes cooperate economic activities, where the bond is strengthened and Forge Closer with brio events and entertainment. Such customs because then many traditional games contested. When a game was held in a village, villagers also traveled to take part or just giving spirit. Party atmosphere on the playground can create social interaction between villages that participated. Thus the traditional game is also known as a game of the people. Some of these games are now not played yet but is only known by the parents and grandparents only. But there are also people who still played again by children today. In between the games, including marbles, pride, kite, selambut, sepak raga, tops and others.

Traditional Sports In Malaysia

Types of traditional sports in malaysia

Congkak Sepak Raga Batu Seremban

Traditional Sports In Malaysia


traditional games often played as an indoor activity or as a contest. uses a hollow wooden board or a hole in the ground and typically cavalier use of rubber seeds or marbles They have the advantage of an efficient guess at gathering points and went on to win the game Board cavalier boat shaped and can be made of various types of wood and there is a row of five or seven holes, known as the 'village' and at both ends there is a hole mother called 'home'. Long boards cavalier seven holes usually around 80 cm and 18 cm wide. Two players required and positioned facing each other.

Traditional Sports In Malaysia


game has since the days of the Malacca Sultanate and mostly played by the Common bangsawan. Currently takraw better known as sepak takraw. It is not only played by the Malays but other races, but was known throughout. Sports soccer blades made of woven rattan round like a basket of fruit pulp oil two or three layers. The game begins with one player tossing the ball to his hand. Players who form the circle or circles must take turns fondle the ball and control it from falling to the ground. If the ball is dropped, the game in the round is terminated.
Traditional Sports In Malaysia 6


Seremban also known as Selambut or Serembat game. this game are usually played by girls, either individually or in pairs. It is played in groups of two to four people or more. Usually it uses glass marbles, rubber seeds, small stones or lumps lai round objects. Commonly used number five seed. Batu Seremban play some levels or different ways of celebration. Starting with the first stage a simple to use piece of fruit named as one until higher or highest level of seven named.
Traditional Sports In Malaysia 7

Traditional Sports In Malaysia

Traditional Sports In Malaysia

Traditional Sports In Malaysia


Traditional Sports In Malaysia


Traditional Sports In Malaysia


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Bsv XvC70UY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rr1 u1wIJ3Q

Traditional Sports In Malaysia


Traditional Sports In Malaysia


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