Biodiversity PPT Prepared by Krishna Sastry Durbha For Green Earth Organisation, Anaparthy

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Green Earth Organization

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What is it? Why is it important? Threats to biodiversity Impact on human life Future

GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

11:41:23 PM

Biodiversity What is it?

What do you think biodiversity is? Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth and the essential interdependence of all living things What do you think biodiversity is?

GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

Types of Biodiversity

2. 3.

Genetic diversity
Species diversity Ecosystem diversity

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Types of Biodiversity

Genetic diversity - genetic variability or diversity within a species Paddy 88,000 varieties Mangoes 5000 varieties

GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

Types of Biodiversity
2.Species diversity - diversity between different species

Felis domestica
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Felis tigris

Types of Biodiversity
3. Ecosystem diversity diversity within a region Plains to Hills and Valleys

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Facts on Resources - Worldwide

Total Land Area of Earth 150 m. Forest Cover 38 m. (25%) 40% of Global Forest Land is in South America, Africa, and South Asia.
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Facts on Resources - Worldwide

There are 5 million to 100 million species on earth. Only 1.9 million species have been catalogued so far. There are 34 recognised Hotspots in the world.

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Facts on Resources - India Land area - 3.3 m. sq. km India occupies 2.47% of Worlds land area and has only 1% of the forest India has 16% of world human population

and 15% of cattle population

Forest Cover in India 23.6%

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India and Biodiversity India is sharing 12.5% of worlds biodiversity India has 3.9% of grasslands, 2.0% of hot deserts, 4.1 m. ha of wetland ecosystems. India is the 7th largest country in the world and one among the 17 mega diversity centers.
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India and Biodiversity India recorded :

45,000 + species of wild plants

89,000 + species of wild animals At least 320 species of wild relatives of crops have been originated here.

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India and Biodiversity

In India: 1,39,000 species of plants, animals and microbes are recorded

More than 4 lakh species are yet to be identified There are three mega centers of endemism and 26 micro centers of endemism

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1. Endemism
(0.5% or 1500 species of the worlds 3 Lakh Plant species as endemics should be present)

2. Degree of Threat Hotspots of India Three

1. Western Ghats 2. Eastern Himalayas 3. Indo-Burma region

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GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

This is the assembly of life that took a billion years to evolve. It has eaten the storms-folded them into its genes-and created the world that created us. It holds the world steady. Edward O. Wilson
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Why Biodiversity is important?

What do we get from biodiversity? Oxygen Food Clean Water Medicine Aesthetics Ideas
GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

Why Biodiversity is important?

1.Commercial value : Oil, Fertilizers etc. extracted from species of plants and animals. 2.Biological value: Pollination, Soil formation, Nutrient enrichment 3.Recreational Value: Can not be measured in terms of money. 4. Aesthetic Value: Art, Poetry, Literature. 5.Scientific Value: Gene Pool, Evolution, Human Welfare, etc.

Provides food, fodder, fruit, fuel, timber, medicine

Above all Nature has been a great inspiration to most of the inventions helping human life today.
GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

Why Biodiversity is important?

GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

Threats to Biodiversity 1
Deforestation and overgrazing Agricultural expansion Forest fires including smoking in the woods. Spreading urbanization and establishment of industries

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Threats to Biodiversity 2
Over-exploitation of the resources. Pollution of various kinds and release of toxic substances. Construction of hydro-electric power projects Mining activities and quarrying.

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Threats to Biodiversity 3
Habitat destruction and fragmentation of the area. Poaching / hunting for flesh, fur, skin, horn, nail and recreation. Natural calamities like floods, high wind velocities, earthquakes, etc.,. Soil erosion and loss of soil nutrients.

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Threats to Biodiversity 4
Population pressure and unequal distribution of the resources Invasive /introduced species push out natives Climatic changes - depletion of ozone, global warming, increased levels of CO2, etc. Movie Clipping Lack of awareness.

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Threats to Biodiversity 5

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Threats to Biodiversity 6

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Threats to Biodiversity 7

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Threats to Biodiversity 8

GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.

Mahatma Gandhi

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Impact of Loss Of Biodiversity

Global warming and climate change

Increased pollution Soil erosion and loss of fertility Decomposition rate by microbes is altered Nutrient cycling is altered

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Impact of Loss Of Biodiversity

Reduces gene pool - affects speciation Food chain is altered Alteration in Hydrologic Cycle

GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

Biodiversity has Intrinsic Value

Intrinsic Value = Something that has value in and of itself

Biodiversity also has utilitarian Value

Utilitarian Value = the value something has as a means to anothers end.

Utilitarian values include: Goods Services Information

GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

Value of a Tree
A tree that lives for 50 years: Generates Rs. 5.3 lakhs worth of oxygen Facilitates Rs. 6.4 lakhs worth of soil erosion control

Controls air pollution - Service worth Rs.10lakhs

Provides Rs. 5.3 lakhs worth of shelter for birds and animals
GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

Value of a Tree
Recycles Rs. 6.5 lakhs worth of fertility

Besides provide flower, fruits and timber

Think before you cut down a tree it is worth more than Rs. 34 lakhs.

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GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy


Future is in our hands. Protect it by behaving responsibly. Save our Earth.

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GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy


GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.
Mahatma Gandhi

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Natural Resources
Indestructible Destructible Renewable Air Water Soil Forest Wildlife


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What can we do to conserve?

Buy Local Buy Fresh Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Live and let live Love Nature Encourage Endemics Stay away from chemicals Plant more trees

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Be the CHANGE that you want to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi
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One Last Word

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Live and let live Love Nature Plant more trees

Concluding Movie GreenEarthOrganization, Anaparthy

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