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By Gunjan Narulkar

Michael Hammer and James Champy define

Most of the work being done does not add any value for reengineering as the fundamental rethinking customers, and this work should be removed, not accelerated through automation. Instead, companies and radical redesign of business processes to should reconsider their processes in order to maximize achieve dramatic minimizing the in critical customer value, while improvements consumption of resources required for delivering their product or service.

contemporary measures of performance, such

as cost, quality, service, and speed.

Business strategy is the primary driver. BPR is different from other approaches (such as TQM). Its aim is fundamental and radical change rather than iterative improvement. IT is major contributing factor and should be used as an enabler of new organizational forms instead of just increasing organizational efficiency.

A competency / customer Forcastof support center was system created to facilitate for requirements The existing the transfer and engage next system was 20 years. customers. Assessmentfor its analyzed of Quality guidelines were urgency A pilot was done on characteristics. created for vendersbest possible Assessment Budgetas 1 million The customers. well as support staff. technology alternatives was Resources Stage-wise planned was Weekly reports were choosen. deployment model done monitored by higher used. Vender was Best possible management. to deploy it. chosen Customers were alternative chosen kept in loopOther requirements were planned for.



Customer BuyIn & Education

Use of Marketing channels Setting up exclusive cells

Organization wide commitment

Representation from all departments Dedicated BPR team and Budget Strong Leadership

BPR Team Composition

Members from SBU affected New members Old members Customer representative Technologists

Continuous Improvements
Performance measurement should be built inside the system Pilots should be done before deployment Risk management should be built in

BPR assumes that the limiting factors are the inefficiencies in the process might not be true! BPR totally disregard status quo and starts from scratch BPR has been commonly accused of focusing only on technology and efficiency and missing out on human factor

BPR is a great tool if used in proper context and in a proper way Human focus of the organization should be taken care at all the stages of the changes No single pill for all sorrows! Innovation in other areas is as important Hammer admitted that: "I wasn't smart enough about that. I was reflecting my engineering background and was insufficient appreciative of the human dimension. I've learned that's critical."

Thank You

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