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Ecole Nationale de lIndustrie Minrale

Soukaina Ouarahmoun Lamia Amachou

every seconds, people die of stress related illnesses around the world

110 million people every single year

Mental damage
effects of being stressed cause us lose a significant proportion of brainpower.. This leads to erratic and hasty thinking, missing options and perspectives, and if we can't immediately find a solution to a problem, we end up just going round in circles, only making ourselves more stressed in the process!

What Stress isnt

tests, finances, People who bother you , etc.
But, that doesnt really define stress at a basic level.


What is stress
Heres the Official Definition: (are you ready for this?) Stress is the non-specific response of the body to any perceived demand.

Uh-huh. Can I go home now?

What is stress
A physical

or psychological stimulus that can produce mental tension or physiological reactions that may lead to illness."

What is stress

is a feeling experienced when a person thinks that "the demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.
Richard S Lazarus

That Non-Specific Response:

Your heart beats faster You breath faster Your pupils dilate You feel an adrenaline rush


But I heard stress can be good for


positive stress occurs when your level of stress is high enough to motivate you to move into action to get things accomplished..

Distress or negative stress occurs when your level of stress is either too high or too low and your body and/or mind begin to respond negatively to the stressors.

Stage of stress




psychological changes occur in your body. Its disrupts your bodys normal balance and immediately your body begins to respond to the stressor(s) as effectively as possible.

your body tries to cope or adapt to the stressors :repairing any damage the stressor has caused.

Your friends, family or co-workers may notice changes in you before you do so it is important to examine their feedback to make sure you do not reach overload.

Behavior indicators :

lack of enthusiasm for family, school, work or life in general, withdrawal, change in eating habits, insomnia, hypersomnia, anger, fatigue.


Emotional indicators include:

tearfulness fear anxiety panic guilt agitation depression overwhelmed.

During this stage the stressor is not being managed effectively and the body and mind are not able to repair the damage.

Digestive disorders, withdrawal, headaches, tension, insomnia, loss of temper.


is not necessarily something bad, it all depends on how you take it. The stress of exhilarating, creative successful work is beneficial, while that of failure, humiliation or infection is detrimental."
Hans Selye , 1956

You know that saying : Everything in moderation?

It turns out that each of us has a level of stress that is optimal for us. That is, at that particular level, we work most efficiently and feel good.

OK, so how do I get in the zone?

Well actually look at that in a bit, but first you need to know that the zone may change.

The Floating Levels

How much demand is there at any moment in time for me?

How well am I able to cope with those demands at that time?

What Influences Demands?

Experience The more you have with a particular demand, the more, on average, you feel you can handle it, so the demand tends to be less.

New tasks tend to be more demanding, because we may not know if we can be successful.

What Influences Demands?

Number of Demands

Remember, the number of demands is additive.

What Influences Coping?

Skills The more skills you have across a wide variety of dimensions, the more you will feel that you can handle whatever comes your way.

What Influences Coping?

Health The more fit you are, physically and emotionally, the more energy you will have to devote to dealing with each demand.

So, Lets Recap

Stress is a non-specific response of the body to any perceived demand Your ability to cope with stress depends on your physical and mental health at that moment Your ability to cope also depends on the experience and skills you have in dealing with that particular stress

OK, fine. Now what?

How to Deal With Stress:

Thats we will hear it from Lamia

The Most Stressful Jobs

Rank Score Stress Score

1. 2. 3. 6. 10. 12. 16. 17. 20. 22. 25. 31. 33. 35. 42.

US President Firefighter Senior Executive Surgeon Air Traffic Controller Public Relations Executive Advertising Account Executive Real Estate Stockbroker Pilot Architect Lawyer General Physician Insurance Agent Advertising Salesperson

176.6 110.9 108.6 99.5 83.1 78.5 74.6 73.1 71.7 68.7 66.9 64.3 64.0 63.3 59.9

Rank Score

Stress Score

47. Auto Salesperson 50. College Professor 60. School Principal 103. Market Research Analyst 104. Personnel Recruiter 113. Hospital Administrator 119. Economist 122. Mechanical Engineer 124. Chiropractor 132. Technical Writer 149. Retail Salesperson 173. Accountant 193. Purchasing Agent 229. Broadcast Technician 245. Actuary

56.3 54.2 51.7 42.1 41.8 39.6 38.7 38.3 37.9 36.5 34.9 31.1 28.9 24.2 20.2


A=AWARENESS What causes you stress? How do you react?

There is a fine line between positive/negative stress

How much can you cope with before it becomes negative?

What can you do to help yourself combat the negative effects of stress?

Change your Thinking

is a technique to change the way you look at things in order to feel better about them.


Change your thinking

positive thinking
Forget powerlessness, dejection, despair, failure Stress leaves us vulnerable to nagative Suggestion so focus on positives; Focus on your strengths Learn from the stress you are under Look for opportunities Seek out the positive-make a chnage

Change your behaviour

Be assertive Get organised Ventilation Humour Diversion and distraction

Be assertive
Assertiveness helps to manage stressful situations, and will, in time, help to reduce their frequency. Lack of assertiveness often shows low self esteem and low self confidence. The key to assertiveness is verbal and non verbal communication. Extending our range of communication skills will improve our assertiveness.

Equality and Basic Rights

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The right to express my feelings The right to express opinions / beliefs The right to say Yes/No for yourself Right to change your mind Right to say I dont understand Right to be yourself, not acting for the benefit of others.

Assertive Skills
Establish good eye contact / dont stare Stand or sit comfortably dont fidget Talk in a firm, steady voice Use body language i think/i feel what do you think? / what do you feel? Concise and to the point

Assertive people
Respect themselves and others Take responsibility for actions and choices Ask openly for what they want Disappointed if want denied Self-confidence remains intact Not reliant on the approval of others

Higher self-esteem Less self-conscious Less anxious Manage stress more successfully Appreciate yourself and others more easily Feeling of self-control

Get organised
Poor organisation is one of the most common causes of stess. Structured approaches offer security againts out of the blue problems. Prioritising objectives, duties and activities makes them manageable and achievable. Dont overload your mind. Organisation will help avoid personal and professional chaos.

Time management
Make a list What must be done what should be done Cut out time wasting Learn to drop unimportant activities Say no or delegate Proper ventilation facility

Good stress reducer Applies at home and work Relieves muscular tension Improves breathing

Diversion and distraction

Take time out Get away from things that bother you Doesnt solve the problem Reduce stress level Calm down Think logically

Change your life style

Diet Exercise Sleep Leisure relaxation

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