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Internal Supply
Already attuned with norms and culture Motivation is increased when the employees are considered Information is available on KSAs and performance which saves time

Supply Forecasting Techniques

Skill and management inventories Succession /replacement analysis Linear programming Movement analysis Vacancy/renewal model Markov model

Skill and management inventories

Skill inventories An individualized personnel record held on each employee except those currently in management or professional positions. Management inventoriesAn individualized personnel record for managerial, professional or technical personnel that includes all elements in the skills inventory with the addition of information on specialized duties, responsibilities and accountabilities.

Skill Inventories
Personal information Education ,training and skills Work history Performance appraisal Career information Hobbies and interest

Management Inventories
History of management and professional jobs held A record of training courses and their dates of completion Key accountabilities of current job Assessment centre and appraisal data Professional and industry membership

Succession /replacement analysis

Succession readiness codesCodes listed next to the names of all potential successors contain two elements of information essential for succession planning :
The employees level of performance in the current job The employees readiness for movement or promotion

Aspects of Succession planning

Long Term Short term Ripple or chain effects: The effect caused when one promotion or transfer in the organisation causes several other personnel movement in the organisation as a series of subordinates are promoted to fill the sequential openings

Linear programming
A complex mathematical procedure commonly used for project analysis in engineering and business applications it can determine an optimum or bets supply mix solution to minimize costs or other constraints.

Movement analysis
A technique used to to analyse personnel supply specifically the chain or ripple effect that promotions or job losses have on the movements of other personnel in an organization.

Vacancy/renewal model
It analyses flows of personnel through out the organization by examining inputs and outputs at each hierarchical or compensation level.

Markov model
A model that produces a series of matrices that detail the various patterns of movement to and from the various jobs in the organization.

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