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EM 6113 Engineering Management Techniques

Week 11 Ch 2 Business Is About People Ch 3 Why Do People Make Things So Difficult Ch 5 Everything Depends on the Customer Ch 7 Conflict is Inevitable, Get Over It

Principle 1: Mastering Relationships

People are central to business
Employees, boss, coworkers Suppliers, customers, regulators Family, friends, community

People need to be
Led Motivated Accommodated Organized

Chapter 2: Business is about People

Social interaction Communication Competition Politics Conflict What are engineers good at?

Making the Transition

Social/people focus
Relationships Communication Conflict resolution

New definition of success

Leadership Motivation Strategy (direction) Business/customer focus

Making a Successful Transition to Management

Mastering relationships Seeing the big picture Getting things done Communicating effectively Using assets wisely Taking it to the next level

People problem?
What makes humans unique?
Bounded rationality? Introversion? Emotions? Motivation? Sense of injustice Ego Individualistic

Women and interpersonal dealings?

Most Important Ingredient?

If you ask
Engineers? Computer Programmers? Sales people?

Successful Projects
Done by a group of people with good
Organization, communication Leadership, motivation, influence Focus on a goal Decision making, problem solving

Not About Technology

The best technology does not always win
Sony Betamax/VHS Windows/Mac Linux/Windows?

Management success
In modern society, we are specialists
We have expertise in a very narrow area We rely on others for everything else Relationships enable success No polymaths?

Your ability to deal with people determines your success as a manager Put people first, technology second

Your Network of People

Subordinates Supervisor Management Sponsors Functional Managers Customers Other stakeholders Community Loved ones!

Chapter 2 Themes
Engineers are valued for their technical abilities Relationships rule business People issues dominate relationships To make the transition to management, acquire good people skills

Chapter 3: Why People Seem Difficult

Technical systems, although complex, obey logical rules and/or laws
Deterministic vs random

Individual people are more complex and follow no set rules A system of multiple people is incredibly complex and unpredictable
Why? What forces play a role?

Beahviorists view
Though unique, personality patterns Not permanent Depends on several factors
Mood, circumstances, experiences

Not good or bad, rather neutral Like writing with your right hand Appreciate diversity!

Personality Types
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Extrovert/Introvert (external/internal) Sensing/iNtuitive (concrete/abstract)
How we gather and process information

Thinking/Feeling (what we trust)

Decision criteria

Judging/Perceiving (planned/spontaneous)
How we organize our life

Uses of Personality Typing

Person-job match Identify areas for development Anticipating and resolving conflict Promoting diversity

Dangers of Personality Typing

Results of tests may differ depending on when they are taken Putting people into one of 16 (2^4) neat categories seems overly simple Types can become stereotypes

Behavioral Tendencies
People tend to do what is best for themselves People want to avoid looking bad People tend to go with the crowd People make communication challenging People are imperfect

Emotional Intelligence
Emotion and intelligence are connected, not opposites Emotions affect thinking, reasoning, judgment, actions Emotional IQ may be more important than traditional IQ in success Engineers usually have low emotional IQ

Chapter 3 Themes
People are complex and hard to predict Systems of people are difficult to manage Knowing about personality types and behavioral tendencies (raising your Emotional IQ) can help you be a better manager Most engineers have a long way to go

Chapter 5: Customer Orientation

Customers pay our bills Customer service should be a high priority Customers ultimately decide the fate of your business Manufacturing vs. Service

Evolution of Manufacturing
Internal company focus
Market is infinite Reduce costs, increase production

Internal customer focus

Customer wants quality Reduce defects

External customer focus

Determine customer needs, meet them

Lack of Customer Focus

See value in technical elegance Are often ignorant of customer desires or needs Are impatient with non-technical people

Companies focus on
Internal performance Performance against competitors

Marketing focuses on the next big sale

Build Customer Focus

Walk a mile in their shoes
Consider your experiences as a customer Look at your business from a customers perspective

Know your customers

Who are they? Do they obey the Pareto principle? What do they want (good, fast, cheap)

Adoption Cycle
Innovators buy technology for its own sake Early adopters buy when benefits become known Majority proven technology, low cost, style, availability Laggards buy only when forced to

Pleasing Customers
WOW them with extraordinary service Remember that they are human beings Develop relationships with them Be genuine Make it a top priority because it is!

Chapter 5 Themes
Customer focus should be the ultimate business goal Build a customer-oriented culture This can be a big change for an engineer

The Exercise
1. You get a point if the back of your partners hand touches the table 2. You want to get as many points for yourself as possible. 3. You will have only 10 seconds to get as many points as you can. 4. GO.

The Arm Wrestle Exercise

The Arm Exercise quickly and clearly establishes the need for training, showing our tendency to:
1. 2. 3. 4. Assume a zero-sum world Approach negotiations as adversaries Restrict communication Limit negotiators ability to find an optimal solution

What is Conflict?
a state of incompatible behaviors (D.W. Johnson, & R.T. Johnson,
1996, p. 463).

Perception of mutual interference A process that begins when goals of one person/party are frustrated by another

Facts about Conflict

In conflict both parties tend to believe that their opinion is fact Conflicts are mostly seen as zero-sum by both parties Too often both parties see themselves as innocent victims who represent the side of truth and fairness

Views on Conflict
Conflict Conflict Conflict Conflict Good (Interactionists view) Natural (Naturalists view) Avoidable (Pacifists view) Bad (Traditionalists view)

Conflict Inevitable therefore it must be managed (Engineering managers view!)

Conflict Resolution Theory - 1

Conflict is a natural phenomenon, neither inherently good or bad, but there may be positive or negative outcomes.

Conflict Resolution Theory - 2

Conflict is Positive/Constructive
when it results in clarification, serves as a release to pent-up; when parties understand each others needs, and use the conflict to build cooperation and trust

Conflict is Negative/Destructive
when it diverts energy, polarizes groups and deepens differences; parties take either or positions, believing their way is right and develop negative feelings toward each other

Importance of CM in Islam
Three instances where one is allowed to lie, two out of them related to conflicts:
1. Conflict avoidance (Spouse) 2. Conflict resolution (Brotherhood)

Sources of Conflict - 1
Instrumental conflicts
concern goals, means, procedures and structures.

Conflicts of interest
concern the distribution of means such as money, time, staff, and space, or concern factors that are important for the distribution of these means, such as importance, ownership, competence and expertise.

Sources of Conflict - 2
Relational/Personal conflicts
are about questions of identity and selfimage, and important aspects in relationships. Relational conflicts may center on loyalty, breach of confidence, lack of respect, or betrayal of friendship.

Responses to Conflicts

Methods of Managing Conflict

Common Communication Behaviors

Passive Behavior Aggressive Behavior Passive Aggressive Behavior Assertive Behavior

Passive Behavior
Let someone else decide what will happen
1. Dont participate or share our thoughts 2. Always stick to middle-of-the-road, refraining from taking a stand 3. Allow others to make decisions for us 4. Keep our voice low &/or avoid eye contact; 5. Agree with others despite our real feelings 6. Bring harm or inconvenience to ourselves to avoid harming or inconveniencing others 7. Consider ourselves less knowledgeable or capable than others.

Aggressive Behavior
Complete opposite of passive.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Interrupt others when they are speaking Try to impose our position on others Make decisions for others Accuse, blame and find fault with others Bring harm or cause inconvenience to others rather than to ourselves 6. Consider ourselves more capable than others 7. Accept responsibility and positions of authority for the purpose of manipulation or to give us a means of influencing others

Passive Aggressive Behavior

A combination of the two previous
1. Dont participate and share thoughts when it is appropriate, e.g., in a meeting, but become very vocal when the issue can no longer be addressed, e.g., in the back room or with one or two people 2. Deny people an opportunity to deal with dissent since opinions not expressed openly are difficult to deal with openly 3. Whisper or exclude some people from hearing your point of view; or make side comments that all cannot hear and no one can respond to

Assertive Behaviour
Is self-enhancing
1. Allow others to complete their thoughts before we speak 2. Stand up for the position that matches our feelings or the evidence 3. Make our own decisions based on what is right 4. Face problems and decisions squarely 5. Consider ourselves strong and capable, but generally equal to other people 6. Face responsibility with respect to our situation, our own and others needs and rights.

Steps to Assertive Communication

Describe the specific situation
Express your concerns about the action Suggest other alternatives

Consequences should be stated

Interloper in a Queue
Describe the situation: Excuse me. There is a line-up here of people who all want to . Some of us have been waiting for over an hour. Express how you feel: I find it frustrating that you just push into line without concern for others Specify an alternative: I think it is only fair that you go to the end of the line and wait your turn like everyone else. State the consequences: If you dont line up properly, I will inform the authorities

Active Listening Techniques - 1

1. Attending: using non-verbal indicators such as leaning forward, sitting in an open, receptive posture 2. Paraphrasing: repeating in your own words what the other person has said 3. Speaking from the self: using "I" statements, rather than speaking for others (we all think) or speaking in the passive tense. Do not make assumptions about others, their opinions, and feelings. 4. Clarifying: asking for further clarification or an example to illustrate often helps find clarity in the meaning.

Active Listening Techniques - 2

5. Asking: probing questions; identify and explore options and alternatives e.g., use probes - short, open questions to dig deeper into issues. 6. Encouraging: asking person to tell me more about or give them a supportive comment like good idea or I like that approach. 7. Reflecting: playing back the communication as you hear and feel it, e.g., you seem to feel very strongly about that 8. Summarizing: giving back a review or summary of what you heard. This helps make sure the communication is accurate.

Conflict can be Beneficial
Conflicts force groups to explore many possibilities Unexpressed conflicts remain unresolved Conflict can be neutral
Not emotional/personal Not win/lose

Chapter 8: Politics
Playing politics is about:
Sharing power Influence without authority
Outside the formal organization

Protecting and supporting

Yourself Your area of responsibility Your subordinates

Politics according to Islam

Imam Muslim reported that the prophet (S.A.W.) said: "The children of Israel used to be ruled (tassusahum) by their prophets. Whenever a prophet died another prophet succeeded him, but there will be no prophet after me. There will be Khulafa'a and they will number many.

Political Participation
Cynic (avoidance) Innocent (unaware or uninterested) Opportunist (personal gain, good natured) Cutthroat (willing to hurt others) Practitioner (recognize value but not compelled to hurt others)

Myths about Politics

All politics are dirty Some organizations are political and some are not To play politics, you have to kiss up I should not need to play politics I must abandon my ethical principles to play politics

Political Negatives
Unethical or dirty politics Kissing up to the boss Relationships outside of the organization (family, friend, etc.) Politics take precedence over productivity

Political Tools
Common goals Mutual benefit

Positive back scratching Negative back stabbing

Competition for resources Information is power

Is Your Organization Political?

Functional structure
Hidden power structure

Political structure (committees) Reward system

Salary Advancement (power)

Can you find out at a job interview?

Hone Your Political Skills

Recognize the political landscape
Hidden organization Hidden agendas Current hot buttons

Improve your chances

Emulate successful people Build relationships Be willing to trade

Political Missteps
Stepping on toes Burning bridges The end run (By-passing) Secret affair or relationship Spies

Chapter 8 Themes
Successful managers are good political practitioners Avoiding politics limits potential Political missteps damage careers Level of politics varies between organizations Political skills can be developed Not all politics are dirty or bad

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