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An Overview of Computer Security

computer security

Components of computer security Threats Policies and mechanisms The role of trust Assurance Operational Issues Human Issues

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Status of security in computing (in early 2000s)

In terms of security, computing is very close to the wild west days. Some computing professionals & managers do not even recognize the value of the resources they use or control. In the event of a computing crime, some companies do not investigate or prosecute.

Has the status changed for the better?

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Characteristics of Computer Intrusion

A computing system: a collection of hardware, software, data, and people that an organization uses to do computing tasks Any piece of the computing system can become the target of a computing crime. The weakest point is the most serious vulnerability. The principles of easiest penetration
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Security Breaches - Terminology

a form of possible loss or harm

a weakness in the system

Attack Threats
Human attacks, natural disasters, errors

Control a protective measure Assets h/w, s/w, data

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Types of Security Breaches

Disclosure: unauthorized access to info


Deception: acceptance of false data

Modification, spoofing, repudiation of origin, denial of receipt

Disruption: prevention of correct operation

Modification, man-in-the-middle attack

Usurpation: unauthorized control of some part of the system (usurp: take by force or without right)
Modification, spoofing, delay, denial of service

computer security

Security Components

Confidentiality: The assets are accessible only

by authorized parties. Keeping data and resources hidden

Integrity: The assets are modified only by

authorized parties, and only in authorized ways. Data integrity (integrity) Origin integrity (authentication)

Availability: Assets are accessible to authorized

parties. Enabling access to data and resources
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Computing System Vulnerabilities

Hardware vulnerabilities Software vulnerabilities Data vulnerabilities Human vulnerabilities ?

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Software Vulnerabilities
Destroyed (deleted) software Stolen (pirated) software Altered (but still run) software

Logic bomb Trojan horse Virus Trapdoor Information leaks

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Data Security
The principle of adequate protection Storage of encryption keys Software versus hardware methods

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Other Exposed Assets

Storage media Networks Access Key people

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People Involved in Computer Crimes

Amateurs Crackers Career Criminals

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Methods of Defense
Encryption Software controls Hardware controls Policies Physical controls

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at the heart of all security methods Confidentiality of data Some protocols rely on encryption to ensure availability of resources. Encryption does not solve all computer security problems.

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Software controls
Internal program controls OS controls Development controls Software controls are usually the 1st aspects of computer security that come to mind.

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Policies and Mechanisms

Policy says what is, and is not, allowed

This defines security for the site/system/etc.

Mechanisms enforce policies Mechanisms can be simple but effective

Example: frequent changes of passwords

Composition of policies
If policies conflict, discrepancies may create security vulnerabilities

Legal and ethical controls

Gradually evolving and maturing
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Principle of Effectiveness

Controls must be used to be effective.

Time, memory space, human activity,

Easy to use


computer security


Overlapping Controls

Several different controls may apply to one potential exposure.

H/w control + S/w control + Data control

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Goals of Security

Prevent attackers from violating security policy

Detect attackers violation of security policy

Stop attack, assess and repair damage Continue to function correctly even if attack succeeds
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Trust and Assumptions

Underlie all aspects of security Trust and verify vs Verify before trust? Policies

Unambiguously partition system states Correctly capture security requirements

Assumed to enforce policy Support mechanisms work correctly
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Types of Mechanisms




set of reachable states

computer security

set of secure states



Requirements analysis Statement of desired functionality

How system will meet specification

Programs/systems that carry out design
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Operational Issues

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Is it cheaper to prevent or to recover?

Risk Analysis
Should we protect something? How much should we protect this thing?

Laws and Customs

Are desired security measures illegal? Will people do them?
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Human Issues

Organizational Problems
Power and responsibility Financial benefits

People problems
Outsiders and insiders Social engineering

The methods that will most effectively minimize the ability of intruders to compromise information security are comprehensive user training and education. Enacting policies and procedures simply won't suffice. Even with oversight the policies and procedures may not be effective: my access to Motorola, Nokia, ATT, Sun depended upon the willingness of people to bypass policies and procedures that were in place for years before I compromised them successfully. Kevin Mitnick

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Tying Together
Threats Policy Specification Design Implementation Operation
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Key Points

Policy defines security, and mechanisms enforce security

Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Trust and knowing assumptions Importance of assurance The human factor

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