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Site Preparation and Environmental Issues

Chapter 20

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Chapter Objectives
Explain Site preparation concept

Identify the Environmental factors affecting a site

List the Safety Precautions and Measurement Explain the Data Center Location and Design

Perform Pre-installation inspection

Identify the Safety and Protection Equipments List the Safety Considerations Explain the Conditioning power supply Identify the use and types of UPS

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Microprocessor is a device that reads binary

instruction from memory, accepts binary data as input, processes data according to the instructions and provides results as output The Pentium processor has 32 bit and 64 bit address bus Some of the main features of Pentium processors are Superscalar Architecture, Functional Redundancy Check, Halt input and Power management

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Site Preparation Concepts

Site preparation involves the planning process with

some issues such as physical location and power supply

All the items are not applicable for every installation You must consider some issues before performing

any system installation

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Physical Location
While choosing a location for new system, you must

take care of: Width of doorways and corridor Height of doorways and corridor
While shifting the system to a new location, you must

take care of: Air temperature of the location Location should be clean Should use some safety equipments at the location
Release 16/7/2009 Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Question for GD

Time Limit-2mins

List down the things which you need to take care in

physical location for your system.

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Power Requirements
Power measured in volt-amperes (VA) and in watts Systems VA rating measured by multiplying the

voltage and amperes (current) of a system

VA = volts amps

Watts = VA power factor

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Question for GD

Time Limit-2mins

What is the difference between Volts and watts

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Environmental Factors
Temperature and Humidity The device must be

set up in an environment, where the temperature and relative humidity can be controlled. Temperature must be from 180C to 280C or 640F to 830F and Relative humidity should be between 40-60%
Lighting device must be operated under sufficient

lighting conditions.

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Question for GD
environmental factors?

Time Limit-2mins

What is do you understand by the term

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Safety Precautions and measurement

Safety Precautions and Measurement includes :

Fire Protection - You should keep fire extinguisher for the fire protection. A first aid kit should be kept for emergency. Cabling - All the cables should be contained with suitable conduits or channels that are connected to a single device. A circuit breaker is an electrical switch which operates to protect the circuit from damage by overload or short circuit.
Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Release 16/7/2009

Data Center Location and Design - I

While determining the data center location, you must

keep the following in mind:

Moisture and air leakage - Must check that data center is not located below the room that causes water or moisture leakage Contaminants Separates data center from the activities that can damage the environment

Access Make sure that the loading dock, freight elevator or other equipment entrances can sufficiently access the data center
Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Release 16/7/2009

Data Center Location and Design II

Security Proper security mechanism should be provided so that only a particular person can access the equipments Room Temperature and humidity You should take care that sufficient cooling equipment should be attached with the data center Airflow Must take care of airflow of the systems in the data center Raised Flooring Raised flooring must be designed to combine cabinets and racks and to maximize access to support equipment and cables.
Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Release 16/7/2009

Data Center Location and Design III

Ceiling height Difference between the floor and

ceiling must be minimum height of 8 feet 6 inches (259 cm)

Aisle Space Sufficient space at the front and back

of cabinets and rack provides proper servicing of the system

Expansion Room Data center must be designed in

a way that can accommodate additional equipments in future

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Question for GD

Time Limit-2mins

List down the point which you need to take care

during data center location and design

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Pre-installation Inspection - I
You must confirm the following points before starting

the installation:

Construction work must be completed before installing the device Installation area must be dust free

Suitable area must be available and easily reachable by the delivery truck
Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Release 16/7/2009

Pre-installation Inspection - II

Sufficient aisle space must be provided Power connections must be installed and located properly Network access (where necessary) has been defined and implemented

There must be sufficient space in the corridors and doors so that the devices can be brought in easily
Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Release 16/7/2009

Hands on
Perform the Pre-installation check list verification as

mentioned in the page no 416 of the text book

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Safety and Protection Equipment:

Cable management equipment Protects people

against the accidents and devices against power loss

Emergency Power-Off switch Provides protection

against various dangerous electrical situations

Fire-Fighting Equipment with an Electrical Rating

Must equip site with fire fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Safety and Protection Equipment:

Lightning Protection Prevents damage at the

location with large power surges

Power-Line Treatment Improves the power


Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Safety Consideration - I
There are various safety considerations, which need

to be considered before handling a computer. Some of them are :

Always use an anti-static mat or grounding wrist strap while working with any systems. If any cables or component need to be plugged which is loose, first turn off the computer and then properly replace it.
Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Release 16/7/2009

Safety Consideration - II
Avoid using carpets on floor while working, as

carpet generates many static charges. Always maintain a clean atmosphere while working. Never use metallic instruments to touch switches or other components as they may damage the components. Never touch any of the components of computer unless you are properly grounded.

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Question for GD

Time Limit-2mins

List down the safety and protection equipment list

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Power Conditioners
Helps in optimizing the quality of power supply Used for protecting components from electric spikes,

by providing it with a steady voltage Come in a variety of sizes depending upon their applications

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

Used to provide a steady or uninterrupted supply of

current in case of power failure Helps in filtering of the AC current

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Types of UPS
Three types of UPS are:

Standby UPS Inline UPS Line-Interactive UPS

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Standby UPS
Primary circuit form the AC current outlet along with

an inline surge suppressor and filter

In case of power failure, the UPS switches from this

primary circuit to secondary circuit

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Inline UPS
When a failure in AC current occurs, switching of

circuit is not needed Design of the Inline UPS is called as a double conversion

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Line-Interactive UPS
Reduces the switching time

Has an automatic voltage regulator called as the

buck-boost feature

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Question for GD

Time Limit-2mins

Which type of Ups is best and why?

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Calculating UPS requirement

UPS requirement calculator is designed to estimate

the size and load capacity of an UPS for components of a computer system
UPS requirement for one system is 550 VA UPS requirement for 5 systems, 10 systems and 50

systems are 2 KV, 3 KV, and 15 KV respectively

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Hands on
Calculate UPS rating for your one of the computer

laboratory in your centre

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Summary - I
Site preparation involves issues such as physical

location, power supply requirement, and environmental factors

Power is measured in volt-amperes (VA) and in watts.

Both VA and watt are important in preparing wiring, power conditioning, and cooling
The device must be set up in an environment, where

the temperature and relative humidity can be controlled

Release 16/7/2009 Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Summary - II
There are various safety considerations, which need

to be considered before handling a computer

Power conditioner is a device, which helps in

optimizing the quality of power supply

UPS is a device, which is used to provide a steady

or uninterrupted supply of current in case of a power failure

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Mind Map
Draw the mind map to summarize this chapter

Release 16/7/2009

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

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