Basic Electronics

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Chapter 6

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Chapter Objectives
Explain Oscilloscope

Identify different types of oscilloscope

Describe how to use an oscilloscope Explain front panel of oscilloscope

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Voltage rise can be defined as the energy added to a

circuit and voltage drop is defined as the energy removed from the circuit. Kirchhoff voltage Law states that the sum of voltage drops is equal to the sum of the voltage rises in a closed circuit. Kirchhoff current Law states that the current entering any point in a circuit is equal to the current leaving the same point.

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

An oscilloscope is a type of electronic test equipment

that allows signal voltages to be viewed, as a twodimensional graph in the given span of time.
The Y- axis of the graph represents voltage and X-

axis represents time.

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Question for GD
What is an Oscilloscope?

Time Limit-2min

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Oscilloscopes can be analog or digital.

In an analog oscilloscope, voltage is directly applied to an electron beam moving across the oscilloscope screen. Digital oscilloscopes convert the signals into a digital format by using the analog to digital converter. Then process the signal and reconvert in to analog format.

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Types of Oscilloscopes
The types of oscilloscope are as follows: Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope (CRO)
These oscilloscopes contains cathode, intensity grid, focus grid, and accelerating anode together known as electron gun. The electron gun generates electron beam fired along the cathode ray tube and hits on a fluorescent screen and produces light.

Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)

These oscilloscopes consist of a screen like television or a computer monitor that can display elements such as waveforms and texts.

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Types of Oscilloscopes
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (DPO)
DPO displays the signal in three different dimensions such as time, amplitude, and the distribution of amplitude over a period of time.

Digital Sampling Oscilloscope (DSO)

These oscilloscopes are generally used for signals with very high frequency. These oscilloscopes can view signal frequencies up to more then 50 GHz.

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Question for GD

Time Limit-2min

What is an application of Oscilloscope /


Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Front Panel of an Oscilloscope - I

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Front Panel of an Oscilloscope - II

The front panel of an Oscilloscope is divided into five

parts as follows:
Display Area - Displays the graph which is often known as trace which is created by the signal

A Main Display B Bright dot C & D It is horizontal and vertical lines E Central horizontal and vertical lines
Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Release 1-Sep-2010

Front Panel of an Oscilloscope - III

Power, Calibration and Display Controls - Includes the power On/Off button, trace rotation control, intensity control, focus control and the calibration point

1Power Button 2 Power Led 3 Trace Rotation (TR) 4 Intensity Control 5 Focus Control 6 Calibration Control
Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Release 1-Sep-2010

Vertical Axis Control This section provides controls that can be used to position trace, toggle between chop-mode and alt mode, AC/DC toggle, GND toggle and so on

1 Vertical Position Control 2 Alternate Mode 3 Volts/div 4 Variable Height Control 5 Toggle between AC/DC 6 Ground 7Channel signal input 8 Sliding switch control
Release 1-Sep-2010 Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Horizontal Axis Control This section provides controls such as time base selector, 10 MAG control , XY mode and so on 1 x10 MAG control 2 To portion the trace 3 XY mode 4 Time/Div 5 Non-standard Time Base 6 Variable time base 7 Ground

Release 1-Sep-2010 Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Triggering Controls - This section provides controls such as, holdoff , level adjuster, lock mode, normal and auto button
1 HoldOff 2 Level 3 Normal /Auto 4 Lock 5 Coupling 6 Trigger 7 Trigger Alt 8 Slope 9 External sync signal
Release 1-Sep-2010 Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Question for GD

Time Limit 2min

What are the components of an


Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Use of Oscilloscope
Oscilloscope is used for testing and finding

errors in various electronic circuits.

Oscilloscope is used in medicines,

engineering and telecommunications field.

It is used in workshops for repairing electronic


Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Hands on
Measurement of DC voltage using


Measurement of AC voltage using


Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Oscilloscope is a device which is used to draw a

graph of voltage in the given span of time. The Cathode-Ray Oscilloscopes (CRO), Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (DSO), Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes and Digital Sampling Oscilloscopes are the different types of oscilloscopes. The Display Area, Power, Calibration and Display, Vertical Axis, Horizontal Axis, and Triggering are the controls of the front panel of an oscilloscope.

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

Mind Map
Draw a mind map to summarize this chapter

Release 1-Sep-2010

Jetking Infotrain Ltd.

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