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Clean Air Act is the comprehensive federal law that regulates air emissions and mobile sources. (set in 1975, revised in 1977 & 1990) This law authorize EPA to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to protect public health and public welfare.

The 1990 Clean Air Act amendments built on the significant progress made in improving the nations quality air pollution. In 2010 alone the amendments of 1990 Clean Air Act prevented more than:_ 160,000 cases of premature mortality _ 130,000 heart attacks _ 13 million lost work days _ 1.7 million asthma attacks 03-01-2011



Air pollution is a broad term that refers to any chemical, physical (particulate matter) or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.

Sources of Air Pollution

The greatest sources of emissions are actually the Factories Mills Automobiles. CNG has been introduced to enhance energy efficiency in various energy consuming sectors specially in the transport sector.

Major Sources

Major sources are stationary sources that emit or have potential to emit 10 tons per year or more of a hazardous air pollutants. An Area Source is any stationary source that is not a major source.

Effects of Air Pollution

air pollution is directly responsible for a large number of respiratory diseases and the deaths caused by them.

( 1 )Respiratory diseases: Globally

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 4.6 million people die each year from directly attributable to air pollution.

The Pakistan is no exception. The country is suffering from a rapid increase in respiratory diseases. Most of the respiratory diseases are related to lungs pleural cavity bronchial tubes trachea breathing

( 2 )Ozone Depletion
Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health and to the Earths ecosystem. This ozone layer resist the ultraviolet rays that causes skin cancer.


Research published in 2005 suggests that 300000 Europeans die each year from air pollution. Although annual deaths in Pakistan due to air pollution have not been well documented but no doubt its a major problem in Pakistan.

Need of Clean Air Act

Above mentioned factors justify the need of Clean Air Act for Pakistan: Law enforcing air quality standards , like the Clean Air Act (CAA) in the US, have reduced the presence of fine particles and ozone pollution and hence proved very successful. So, we should also consider these standards in Pakistan to improve the air quality.

Need of Clean Air Act

High death rate linked to air pollution than the car accidents all over the world. All these factors necessitates a great need for microbiologists and epidemiologists to work with the public health sector to play an effective role.

The benefits and cost of Clean Air Act shows that the benefits of

Avoiding early deaths Preventing heart attacks Asthma effects And reducing the no of sick days for employees are much higher than the cost of implementing Clean Air Act

All such projects require proper funding from the government and other agencies. So its the duty of the government to appreciate and support these kinds of projects morally and financially.

Policies of Pakistan
Pakistan has introduced a self monitoring and reporting system to control air pollution Pakistan is working on the following air pollution control policies: National Energy Conservation policy;
Enhance energy efficiency in various energy consuming sectors

National Climate Change Policy And Action Plan National Forest Policy National Environment Policy Increasing Natural Gas Share In The Energy Mix Fuel Efficiency In The Road Transport Sector

Daily Times Report March 02, 2009 EPA Report published in Washington. 03-01-2011

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