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Submitted toMrs Pratibha Pant.

Himani Karnatak Pooja Kholiya Abhay Kapkoti Kavita Khatti Prarena Kharakwal Vishal Shukla Shristi Nagar Harshita Negi

Concept,nature,Scope & Significance of HRM HRM in changing times. Human Resource Development

The planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and reproduction of human resources to end that individual, organizational and societal objectives are accomplished Flippo

To help the organization reach its goals To employ the skills and abilities of the workforce efficiently 3. To provide the organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees. 4. To increase to the fullest the employees job satisfaction and self-actualization. 5. To develop and maintain a quality of work life. 6. To communicate HR policies to all employees. 7. To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society.
1. 2.

Personnel Management views the man as economic man who works for money or salary.
HRM treats the people as human beings having economic, social and psychological needs.


Personnel Management

Human Resources Management

1. Employment Contract 2. Rules

Careful delineation of written contracts Importance of guiding clear rules

Aim to go beyond contract Can do outlook, impatience with rule

4. 5.

Behaviour referent
Managerial task Management Role

Monitoring Transactional Indirect Reach temporary truce Controlled access to courses Personnel procedures

Nurturing Transformational leadership Direct Manage climate & culture Learning organization Wide ranging cultural, structural & personnel strategies

6. Communication 7. 8. 9. Conflict handling T&D Focus of attention for interventions

10. Shared interests

Interests of the org. are uppermost Mutuality of interests

Personnel aspect (HRP, recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, promotion, T & D, lay off and retrenchment, remuneration, incentives, productivity, etc) Welfare aspect (canteens, crches, rest and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistant, education, health and safety, recreation facilities etc) Industrial relations aspect (union-management relations, joint consultation, collective bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures, settlement of disputes etc)

Prospects of HRM

Nature of HRM

Industrial Relations

Employee Hiring


Employee Maintenance Employee Motivation

Employee & Executive Remunera tion

Managerial Functions

Operative Functions

Planning Organizing Directing


Staffing Development Compensation Motivation Maintenance Integration Emerging Issues

Managerial Function

Operative Functions

-Planning -Organizing - Directing


Facilitating the retention of skilled and competent employees Building the competencies by facilitating continuous learning and development Developing practices that foster team work and flexibility Making the employees feel that they are valued and rewarded for their contribution

Developing management practices that endanger high commitment Facilitating management of work force diversity and availability of equal opportunities to all.

Globalization of Business
Outsourcing and increased competition Ethnic Diversity

Economic and Technological Changes

Occupational shifts from manufacturing and

agriculture to service industries and telecommunications. Pressures of global competition causing firms to adapt by lowering costs and increasing productivity.

Technological Shifts and the Internet

Growth of information technology.

Workforce Availability and Quality Concerns

Inadequate supply of workers with needed skills

for knowledge jobs Education of workers in basic skills

Growth in Contingent Workforce

Increases in temporary workers, independent

contractors, leased employees, and part-timers..

Workforce Demographics and Diversity

Increasing Racial/Ethnic Diversity More Women in the Workforce
Single-parent households
Dual-career couples Domestic partners

Working mothers and family/childcare

Significantly Aging Workforce

Age discrimination

HRD is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organization skills ,knowledge & abilities .It includes such opportunities as employee training , employee career development , performance management & development, coaching, mentoring, succession planning & organization development.

Offer a nurturing environment.

Facilitates open communication. Ensure smooth functioning.

Better understanding of organization goals.

Helps in framing system , policies &

procedure. Ensures increased job satisfaction ,commitment & moral of employees.


Large system. Maintenance


Subsystem of a large

oriented. Narrow in scope. Higher morale & satisfaction. Salary, wages, incentives & job simplifications.

system. Development oriented. Wider in scope. Improved job satisfaction & morale. Job enrichment, job challenge, informal organization etc.

Training & development.

Organization development. Career development.

The capabilities of each employee as an individual . The capabilities of each individuals in relation to his/her present & expected future roles. The good relationship b/w each employee & his/her supervisor. The team spirit & functioning in every unit of the organization.

Collaboration among different units of the organization.

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