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Magneto Hydrodynamic Generator and Wave energy

Presented by ABDUL JALEEL ROLL NO :9

Magneto Hydrodynamic Generator

Introduction Principle Various System Advantage

Eighty percentage of total electricity produced in the world is hydal , while the remaining 20% is produced from nuclear, thermal, solar, geothermal energy and from Magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) Generator MHD Power generation is a new system of electric power generation which is said to be of high efficiency and low pollution. In advanced countries MHD generators are widely used but in developing countries like india it is still under construction .This construction work is in progress in trichy at tamilnadu under joint effort of BARC,BHE and ACC and Russian technologists

As its name implies MHD is concerned with flow of conducting fluid in the presence of magnetic and electric field. The fluid may be gas at elevated temperature or liquid An MHD generator is a device for converting heat energy of fuel directly into electrical energy without conventional electric generator

In this system an MHD converter system is a heat engine , in which heat taken up at higher temperature is partially converted to useful work and the remainder is rejected at a temperature like all heat engine Thermal efficiency of MHD can be increased by by supplying heat at highest practical temperature and rejecting it at lowest practical temperature


When an electric conductor is moved across a magnetic field ,a voltage is produced in it which produces an electric current. This is the principle of conventional generator where the conductor consist of copper strips In MHD generator , the solid conductors are replaced by an ionized gas . If such a gas is passed at a high velocity through a powerful magnetic field, a current is generated and can be extracted by placing electrodes in

The principle can be explained as follows, an electric conductor moving through magnetic field experience a retarding force as well as an induced electric field and current

this effect is a result of Faradays law of electromagnetic induction The induced emf is given by E=U x B The induced current is given by J= Electric conductivity x E The retarding force on the conductor is Lorentz force is given by F= J x B

When a fluid is used for energy conversion it is called MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC energy conversion If the flow direction is right angles to the magnetic field an electromotive force or electric voltage is induced in the direction at right angles to both flow and field directions

An ionized gas is used as conducting fluid. The ionization is produced by thermal means ie by elevated temperature or by seeding with a substance like ceisium or pottasiam vapours which ionize at relatively lower temperature The atoms of seed element split off electrons. The presence of negatively charged

MHD system can be broadly classified 1)Open cycle system -Flue gas is released to the atmosphere 2)Closed cycle system - Working fluid is circulated in the system

Open Cycle System and Closed Cycle System

Fuel used may be oil or gasified coal The fuel is burned in the combustor or combustion chamber The hot gases from combustor is then seeded with a small amount of an ionized alkali metal (ceisium or pottasium) to increase electrical conductivity of gas The seed material, generally pottassium carbonate is injected into combustion chamber , the pottassium is then ionized by the hot combustion gases at a temperature of (2300-2700 oC) The hot gases coming out of the combustor is at high temperature and high pressure

The working fluid is accelerated to almost supersonic speeds in divergent portion of the duct. The magnetic field coils are placed in such a way that magnetic field is in direction perpendicular to the field In Closed Cycle System working fluid is circulated again

The conversion efficiency of a MHD system can be around 50%. Large amount of power is generated. It has no moving parts, so more reliable The closed cycle system produces power free of pollution. It has the ability to reach the full power level as soon as started.

The size of plant (m2/kw) is considerably smaller than conventional fossil plants. Although the cost cannot be predicted accurately, yet it has been reported that capital cost of MHD plant s will be competitive with those of conventional steam plant. It has been estimated that overall operational cost in MHD plant would be about 20% less than conventional

Direct conversion of heat into electricity permits to eliminate the gas turbine ( compared with gas turbine power plant) or both boiler and turbine (compared with steam power plant) . This elimination reduces loss of energy.

Wave Energy

Waves are created by gravitational action of sun and the moon and interaction of wind with surface of the sea It is a renewable energy source Wave energy can be extracted and converted into electrical energy by wave power machines. They can be deployed either on the shoreline or deeper water offshore

Wave energy fluxes against coasts may vary from a few watts to kilowatts per meter. In favourable locations, wave energy density can average 65 megawatts per mile of coastline. The total power of waves breaking on the worlds coastline is estimated to about 2 to 3 million megawatts.

Wave motion consist of both vertical and horizontal movement of water. They are smallest in summer and greatest in winter



1.Float or pitching device

The device floats on or just below the surface of water. A wave power machine needs to resist the motion of the waves to generate power: part of the machine needs to move while another part remains still In this type of device, the wave motion will move only one part of the machine. Electricity is generates from the pitching action of the floating object which can be mounted to a floating raft or to a device fixed on the ocean floor

2.Oscillating water column (OWC)

An oscillating water column is partially submerged, hollow structure that is installed in the ocean. It is open to the sea below the water line , enclosing a column of air above on top of column of water. Waves cause the water column to raise and fall, which in turn compresses and depresses the air column.

Oscillating water column..

This trapped air is allowed to flow to and from the atmosphere via turbine which has the ability to rotate in the same direction regardless of the direction of the airflow . The rotation of the turbine is used to generate electricity.

3.Hinged contour device

Here the resistance to the waves is created by alternate motion of the waves, which raises and lowers different sections of machine relative to each other pushing hydraulic fluid through hydraulic pumps to generate . A hinged contour device is able to operate at greater depth than float device

These shoreline devices rely on shore mounted structure to channel and concentrate the waves , driving them to an elevated reservoir . Water flow out of this reservoir is used to generate electricity, using standard hydropower technology.


It produces no green house gases or other waste It need no fuel It produces electricity reliably It is free and renewable energy sources These devices are relatively pollution free

The energy is available in ocean. Therefore extraction equipment must operate in a marine environment which will have to be taken into account during its construction , lifetime and reliability should be considered since energy may have to be transported through great distance

Wave energy conversion devices that have been proposed are relatively complex. Economic factors such as capital investment, cost of maintenance, repair and replacement as well as problems of biological growth of marine organisms which seem to be very large are all relatively unknown.

Wave energy converters must be capable of withstanding very severe peak stresses in storm.

Thank You

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