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Purpose and Path

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The Mix at CEG

You may be among the best students in your School. You are all different, that diversity makes it interesting - location, family background, income status, social milieu, dialect, school type, language skills, dressing, eating, goal, and why you are here everything may be different. This diversity is the best opportunity


But there are some common issues

How do I navigate my Engineering course into future? First time, being independent new place / new people Dealing with Hormones and Opposite sex Language and Communication issues Out of your Cocoon Protected to Free Support to Self Manage 1/5/13

Why do you want become an Engineer?


If you find a purpose, you can find a path


1/5/13 Who all among you think, that you cannot decide about success or

What makes one successful?


What makes one successful?

Talent Background / Gene (?) Effort Passion IQ Luck Circumstances / Environment

Others 1/5/13

But, studies prove

Talent is often overrated Sachin, Tiger Woods, Anand Background does not ensure success for all Gene ? Very controversial no conclusive proof! Effort ? Yes to a large extent Everything in our body is plastic Brain is plastic too.


By entering in to CEG you have covered some of these already Luckily, with effort, you can change a lot and create those



Casual Vs Effectual the entrepreneurial way

Casual approach Having everything to achieve a goal and then achieving the goal. Effectual approach Using whatever is available and still achieving the goal. Do what is possible. And Do it Now.

New possibilities would open up.

Give names of people who are talented?



Give names of people who are talented?




A belief by a person about what is possible and achievable, what the person feels capable of doing. Click to edit Master subtitle style


Carol Dweck Educational Leadership


Only differentiator

Between Chimpanzee and Human beings only 2% of the DNA seem to be different. 98% we are similar The key differentiator is perhaps,

Our ability to learn and learn based on what we have learnt. Conceptualize ideas and plan Develop language to communicate


Building a Growth Mindset

Emphasize challenge, success Provide a sense of progress Assess for growth Aim for long-term success Praise the students process Fast learning is not necessarily the deepest or best learning
1/5/13 Carol Dweck, Larmer, Mergendoller

2 Kinds of Mindsets
Growth Intelligence is an Fixed can be developed inborn trait over timedont Students Students like effortvalue effort even Everything geniuses have to should come work hard if have naturally, Respond to the ability obstacles byto If they have remaining they work hard,


Carol Dweck - Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality and Development, Psychology Press, 1999

Self-Theories: Entity(Fixed) v Incremental(Growth)

I thrive on challenge I throw myself into difficult tasks I am self-confident

I believe that intelligence is not fixed My intelligence can be improved through learning

I can ignore the low aspirations of my peers

I react to failure by trying harder I engage in self monitoring

I have learning goals I like feedback on my performa so I nce can improve

About 40% of US students hold an incremental theory of ability


Carol Dweck - Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality and Development, Psychology Press, 1999

Self-Theories: Entity(Fixed) v Incremental(Growth) I believe that I dont like challenge

intelligence is fixed I was born bright/not very bright I dont want to risk looking stupid I am vulnerable

I tend to conform to the low aspirations of my peers

I react to failure by switching off and avoiding the issues

I like easy performance goals and being told Ive done well

About 40% of US students hold an entity theory of ability Easy praise is not the answer - it makes the situation worse



So, what should you do to survive

Build your competence dont worry about talent or lack of it. Rule: 10 years 10000 hours of focused efforts! Develop Growth Mindset Find a Purpose to find your path. Be ready and dont be afraid to fail, but take charge. Make correction by learning.


Being at CEG

Be Curious Nothing can compensate for learning Ask end a everyday, what did I learn today? Be passionate identify your interest or get interested in the subject or activity you want to pursue it can be even nonacademic Be here now Get rid of your fear, 1/5/13 shyness, anxiety, worries, difficulties

Having at CEG

Have Good Friends. Be a Good Friend. ( You dont learn alone, you learn from all) Have a Goal that aligns with your value that gives you a purpose but understand that there will be always uncertainty. - (Scott Fitz Geralds First rate intelligence).

Have courage to fail and learn and

Doing at CEG

Learn - read , do projects, meet people, attend a seminar of a different subject, organize events, volunteer. Play and Have fun this would be the best moment in life. Do things that you are afraid of doing. Help others take a cause larger 1/5/13 than you

For getting your First job

Attitude Aspiration

IQ & Academic


Skills (Technical)

Soft Skills Life skills


Diamond Competency Model Securing your first job and growing

End of session 1 Q&A


Success to be recognized by all!

Stephen R Covey 1/5/13

9 things successful people do!


Get Specific Not jut score high, Score 95% Seize the moment to act on your goals. You will have prioroties competing always Focus on most important goal Know exactly how far you have left to go Keep a score card




Be a realistic optimist Not just 1/5/13 optimism, but realistic too.




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