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Brand Audit of Amul by : Group 2

Amul, formed in 1946, is a dairy cooperative, based

in Anand, Gujarat.
Establishment of Amul was marked as an epoch in the

White Revolution

Largest food brand in India & world's Largest

Pouched Milk Brand Product Portfolio - Bread Spreads, Milk Drinks, Fresh Milk, Power Milk, Cheese, Desserts Market leader in ghee and butter with 85% market share Symbol of high quality products sold at reasonable prices, of availability, of service.

Introduction (Contd..)
Brand name of 2 million farmers, members of 10,000

village dairy cooperative societies throughout Gujarat. Positioned itself as "Taste of India, consistent communication campaign & brand strategy for the past 60 yrs. Recognizable mascot Amul girl & tagline Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul! Amuls advertising and marketing spend has never exceeded 1% of its revenues. Buttressing Strengths: Distribution & value-for-money seem to be the major strengths on which the brands popularity rests.

Brand Portfolio


Milk Drinks

Powder Milk

Fresh Milk




Health Drinks

Brand Hierarchy

Ice cream (1996)

Chocolates (1973)


Fresh Milk
Condensed Milk (1996)

Milk Power (1958)

Cheese (1962)


Ghee (1956)

Amul Ice creams Flaavyo Frozen yogurt


Amul Cool Caf

Amul Spray (1968)

Paneer (1997)

Amul Butter (1956)

Amul PureGhee


Amul cool Coco

Butter Milk (1998)

Amulya (1987)

Pizza Cheese (1998)

Amul Lite (1994)

Amul Cowghee


(The hierarchy goes down stating many more brands, but we havent included here, as it was turning illegible.)

Understanding Levels of Competition

Level Of Competition Product form Butter
Mother Dairy, Vita Dairy, Home- made butter Nutralite, LeBon, Britannia, Nestle, Kissan

Ice- creams
Kwality Walls, Mother Dairy, Cream Bell Baskin Robbin, Gyanis, Nirulas, Haagen-Dazs, Coco -Berry

Mother Dairy, Vita Dairy, Kwality Dairy

Nestle, Cadbury, Lotte

Product category

Nestle, Britannia (condensed milk , flavoured milk& Powdered milk)

Hershey, Mars, Ferrero

Frito Lay, HUL


Frito Lay, Britannia Nestl, HUL

Bisleri, Coke, Pepsi, Kingfisher, Nescafe

Frito Lay, Britannia, Nestl HUL


Chocolates, Fast food, Ice-creams, Video Rentals

Beverages, Fast food, Chocolates, Video Rentals

Britannia, Video Rentals, Ice creams, Fast food

Beverages, Fast food, Video Rentals, Ice creams

Understanding the Customer (STP)

Young Nation have to meet the ever-increasing nutritional needs of the new & old generations
Segmentation is not so easy because of mixed audience & various culinary application of Amul products. Nevertheless, segmentation can be done as follows: a) Customer based: Kids Amul Kool, Chocolates, Nutramul Women Amul Cacli+ Youth Milk shakes, Caf, Cheese, Desserts Calorie conscious Amul Lite, Trim milk, Amul Shakti

Industry based: Milk Ice cream manufacturers, Restaurants, Coffee shops Butter/Ghee/Cheese Bakery, Snacks retailers, Pizza joints

Targeting Concentrating equally on end-users as well as the third parties involved in supply chains. Amul has particularly identified youth as one of its potential segments. Working towards this aspect, it has come up with Amul parlours in cities.

Understanding the Customer (STP)(Contd..)

A mass market player, no premium offerings USP Quality with affordability

Amul as Taste of India creates value for money for both the dairy farmers and the customers New offerings for health conscious & vibrant India Probiotic ice creams, sugar free delights, Amul Kool Caf etc.

Brand Elements

Brand Elements (Contd..)

The Brand Name: "Amul," is the acronym of Anand

Milk Union Limited, comes from the Sanskrit "Amoolya," meaning Precious/Priceless. It was suggested by a quality control expert in Anand. The Logo: The Tagline/Slogan: The taste of India The Jingle: Utterly, butterly, delicious Amul The Character/Mascot: The Amul moppet has been the mascot of Amul since 1967, sporting a young girl in red polka dot frock with Utterly butterly delicious jingle. The URL:

Brand Building

Marketing Mix 4Ps

Pasteurizes milk & produces condensed forms; focused on dairy segment Total length of Amuls product mix is 42; Width is 8 PRODUCT Portfolio: Butter, Milk, Milk Powder,Ghee, Cheese & Spreads, Chocolates, Desserts & so on Been innovative & introduced products for specific customer segments . Follows a low-cost price strategy Quality with Affordability (core essence of Amul) Totally market oriented pricing strategy to appeal to common masses. PRICE GCMMF sets up pricing model & considers cost aspects: Cost of milk, Labour cost, Processing cost, Packaging cost, Advertising cost, Transportation cost, Sales promotion costs, Taxes etc.

Marketing Mix 4Ps (Contd..)


Covers 2.41 million producer members with milk collection average of 5.08 million litres/day. SCM: Farmers Village Cooperative Societies (VCS) Manufacturing units Company Depots Wholesale Distributors Retailers. Market Logistics: 10000 village cooperative societies 3600 wholesale distributors, 45 depots in India Over 5,00,000 retailers spread all over India Amul has entered overseas markets such as Mauritius,UAE, USA, Bangladesh, Australia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong etc.

Amul Moppet, little girl ; created a home in hearts & minds of millions of Indians. AMUL promotes its products through newspaper, T.V.,


hoarding etc.

Outdoor Media Broadcast Media Internet

Product Strategy

First Mover advantage Market Leader USP- taste

Communication Strategy

Sources of Brand Equity

Distribution Strategy

Low cost- affordable High quality Long time survivors

Pricing Strategy

Network of 3500 Distributors 500,000 retail outlets Amul Parlors, Cyber stores

Communication Strategy
The big Idea of Amul
The Big Idea of Amul centers around two basic themes The

core idea based on the concept of delicious taste, and consequently, a new idea that focuses on having a taste of everyday life across all its campaigns. It basically brings out the ability to laugh at yourself and at the problems around you. Amul tries to view common situations with a different perspective, a humorous outlook on all the controversies and issues of a common mans life and as such, it connects to the public through its mascot The Amul Utterly Butterly Girl. The Amul girl was born as a rival to the Polson butter girl.

The big Idea of Amul

The Utterly Butterly campaign involving the Amul girl started

way back in 1967. Since then, it has been the longest running Ad campaign - Now preparing to enter into the Guinness book of world record for its long race. The slogan has always been 'Utterly Butterly Delicious'. The biggest success of the campaign lies in the fact that no particular time or period could have frozen this character. It does not belong to an era. It has moved along with time reacting to the new events through time. The magic of the idea lies in the humor that anybody would enjoy. The Amul ads don't pander to ones nationality or certain sentiments. It is pure and simple, everyday fun.

Communication Strategy
Outdoor Media: Hoardings/Billboards

Print Media : Newspapers, General Interest Magazines

Broadcast Media: Television

Amul TV

Internet : Independent websites, Portals

Amul & Second life

Amul has set up its virtual

production facility in Second Life. Amul has bought eight islands, equal to 160 acres of virtual land, in Second Life to set up a simulation of its production and distribution facility. The objective behind launching a virtual setup is to demonstrate its functioning to the consumers, and experiment with any change in the production or distribution system virtually before executing it in the real world.

Leveraging Secondary Associations

Managed by an apex cooperative organization, Gujarat Co-

operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF) Amul is the brand name of 2 million farmers, members of 10,000 village dairy cooperative societies throughout Gujarat. GCMMF ensures that product mix & new product introduction is consistent with the core philosophy of providing milk at a basic, affordable price.

Distribution Channels Soul of Amul Saga Collects 447,000 litres of milk from 2.12 million farmers everyday Delivers goods worth Rs 6 crore to over 5,00,000 retail outlets across country Aim is to transform lives in rural India & contribute to development of society.

Leveraging Secondary Associations

Mascot "Amul

baby" (a chubby butter girl dressed in polka dotted dress)

A pun loving star with her bold tongue-in-cheek topicals made way directly into the hearts of millions.

Found her way directly into the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest running campaign ever. Playing the role of a social observer, its weekly comments have tickled Indias funny bone since 1967 Amuls consistently been into sponsorships - associated itself with high TRP shows like: Surabhi (1990s, Doordarshan) Star Voice of India (2007, Star TV) Master Chef India Proud sponsor of Indian Olympic team for the year 2012. Conducts various contests: Chef of the year Amul Maharani of the year Amul Food Festival Contest Slogan likho, Disneyland dekho contest Amulya Fly to Bangkok contest

Primary Research and Findings

No. of Respondents: 100

Amuls rating on different parameters

Amuls rating on different parameters

Amuls rating on different parameters

Amuls rating on different parameters





100 % of our respondents were able to identify the Amul butter mascot

If Amul butter is out of stock?

14% 25%

No, I will search for the AMUL Butter( Mera wala Butter) Hmmm Will try to search, if not then any butter I will Buy any Butter, It really doesn't matter

Cheerful Fun Loving Reliable Healthy Youthful Family Oriented Traditional Culture Oriented
0% 10%

Brand Personality

If Amul was your friend, what traits would he/she have?


58% 52% 46% 43% 23% 22%
20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%


Culture Oriented



Family Oriented Healthy

Fun Loving


Taste, Quality

Gregarious, Friendly

Brand Prism

CoOperative, Sharing

Sources of Brand Equity (CBBE Pyramid)

Resonance Loyalty, Connect with customer, Attachment Judgments Quality, product for every class, credibility, innovative Performance Convenient, widely available, reliable, satisfaction, value for money Feelings

Trustworthy, Fun, Exciting


Traditional, Pure, Natural, Fresh

Salience Brand recall, strong distributor network, awareness, range of products, packaging.

Brand/Category Extension

Launch of new products like:

Amul PRO Malt based food Amul Flaavyo Frozen Dessert Nutramul Malt based drink Amul Prolife Probiotic Dahi Amul Flaavyo yogurt Probiotic yogurt Amul Stamina Energy Drink Amul Shrikhand, Amul Basundi Amul Lassi

Localised products like:

Channel Extension
To reach out its consumers more directly and let them have

the total brand experience, Amul has come up with an extensive network of 6000 outlets in the following format:
Amul Preferred Outlets

Amul Ice-cream Parlour

Amul Railway Stalls Amul Kiosks in Food courts/ Cinemas Caf Amul

Amul cyber store Ice-cream cyber store

What more can Amul do?

Can introduce Proteins Shakes going ahead with their

strategy to meet needs of emerging market segments Can introduce Bread will complement rest of the products in the portfolio. Will try to increase the usage occasions of Amul products. Can come up with sugar free chocolates and mithai range. Can introduce its own range of milk cookies and biscuits.

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