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CH1: Introduction to Biology

1.1 The Study of Biology 1.2 The Scientific Investigation

1.1 The Study of Biology

Learning outcomes: At the end of lesson, student should be able to: State what the study of Biology is Explain the importance of Biology List the different fields of study in Biology List the careers related to Biology.

The Meaning of Biology

Comes from Greek words Bios and Logos.

Bios means life

Logos means study Bios + Logos Biology = Study of life.

The importance of Biology

Enable us to: Understand ourselves and our surrounding enviroment. Understand the interaction between living things and the enviroment. In Biological research, benefits include: A better understanding of how human body functions Finding cure for diseases Saving endangered species which are on the verge of extinction A better management of problems related to environment

Different fields of study in Biology

Genetics -Study of heredity(pewarisan) Virology -Study of viruses Entomology -Study of insect(serangga) Anatomy -Study of structure of organisms/skeleton(rangka) Ecology -Study of the enviroment and it's relationship with organisms Botany -Study of plant Zoology -Study of animals Embryology -Study of embryonic development Taxonomy -Study of the classification Histology -Study of tissue Bacteriology -Study of bacteria Physiology -Study of biochemical process in the body Microbiology -Study of microorganisms Mycology -Study of fungi

Careers related to Biology


Environmental engineers
Biomedical scientist Biologist in agriculture and forestry Biologist in marine and freshwater biology.

1.2 The Scientific Investigation

Learning outcomes At the end of lesson, students should be able to: 1. State various ways of studying Biology 2. Identify the relationship between two variables to form a hypothesis

Scientific skills
Science process skills Manipulative skills Psychomotor skills



Creative thinking

Steps in Scientific Investigation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

9. 10.

Identifying a problem-observation. Forming a hypothesis Planning the experiment-apparatus, materials, procedure(active sentenses) Identifying and controlling variables-manipulated, responding,fixed/constant . Conducting the experiment-control experiment ? Collecting data- observation and measurement. Recording data- graph,simple diagram, table Analyzing and interpreting data-calculations. discussions Drawing conclusion-accepted or rejected. Writing a report

Writing a report

Problem statement
Hypothesis Variables Materials and apparatus Technique Procedure Results Discussion Conclusion

Scientific attitudes and noble values

All scientific investigation must be conducted

systematically and objectively. He/ she must be careful, cooperative and considerate. Honest and accurate in conducting experiment and recording and validating data. A biologist must be accountable for scientific investigation.

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