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Stakeholder Theory

A very brief overview Dr. Randy Richards, Ph.D. St. Ambrose University

Descriptive As a strategy As an ethical approach

Who are the stakeholders?

Shareholders/owners Employees Suppliers Customers Community

In whose interest should a corporation be managed?

Traditional answer The stake holder alternative answer Who are the stakeholders? What are the stakes and expectations of each?

In whose interest: The Traditional Answer

The shareholders/owners Managers have a fiduciary relationship to the owners to look after their interests Legal constraints on this duty Problems with this understanding of single view of responsibility

A shareholder mission statement

From Coca-Cola:

We exist to create value for our share owners on a long term basis by building a business that enhances the Coca-Cola companys trademark. This is also our ultimate commitment.


In whose interest: the stake holder alternative

Stockholders are one group among many. Stakeholders are those groups that have a stake in or claim on the resources / activities of the company. Each has a right to be treated as a end itself not just means for enrichment of the stockholders.

A stakeholder mission statement

Cadbury Schweppes

Our task is to build upon our tradition of quality and value and to provide brands, products, financial results and management performance that meet the interest of our shareholders.


Resource Base Stakeholders

Investors Employees Customers

Owners / Shareholders

Their stake:

stocks, bonds, equity, etc. some ROI

Their expectation:

Stakes and expectations: Employees

Their stake:

jobs, livelihood, career, human capital investments

Their expectation:

decent wages, security, benefits and meaningful work

Stakes and expectations: Customers

Their stake:

need for / purchases of products and services honesty, quality goods, fair pricing

Their expectations:

Stakes and expectations: Suppliers

Their stake:

income from goods and services

fairness, mutual prosperity, honesty

Their expectation:

Stakes and expectations: the community

Their stake:

the environment, taxes, payroll, infrastructure improvements good citizenship, open partnership

Their expectations:

How to decide in cases of conflicting interests?

The traditional answer

simple much more difficult

The stakeholder model

The web of stakeholder relationships

Can you serve the long term interests of the shareholders without paying attention to the others? The interconnectedness of wealth creation Long term relationships are source of wealth not individual transactions The key to organizational long term viability is manage the entire web of interconnected stakeholder relationships for everyones mutual benefit as much as possible.

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