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1. Which among the different strategies discussed can bring out the highest form of learning among the students? Justify.

I believe that inductive strategy is what can

bring out the highest form of learning among

the students. Yes, the teacher directs the instruction to the students step by step but by doing so, we are assured that the students understand what is being taught. And through the steps, itll be easier to locate which among it is the topic that the student is having difficulty with so that maximum learning is achieved.

2. Should teachers be flexible in managing the class? Justify.

Of course. With the teachers having quality

such as flexibility they would be able to manage the class more effectively and optimum learning will be achieved.

Aina Dela Cruz Lyceum University Of Philippines (Batangas) Biochemistry

A. A professor handling lecture and laboratory class B. A professor who has experienced handing short time or long time.

Question: A. Which one is more difficult to handle: a lecture or a laboratory? Why?

Definitely, laboratory. There are certain hazards in the lab and

most especially the students are all in my care and are under my responsibility

B. How was the experience handling a lecture class for short/long period of time for a particular class? What were some of your difficulties? How were you able to resolve them?
Teaching for a short period of time, like assessment, is rather

difficult for getting the attention of the students take quite some time. Furthermore, getting them to listen, we must arouse their listening skills. On the other hand, teaching in a long period of time is just difficult as teaching in a short period for students have such a small attention span.

Too early class (1st lecture class)

Fr. Sonny de Armas ICS Religion Question: A. what do you observe in your class? What were some of your difficulties as a teacher? How did you handle them?
Most of the time, students are tardy. During morning

classes, a lot are daydreaming and not paying attention. It has always been an issue. Getting their attention takes some time. I usually ask them to stand up and exercise to wake them up and play games. Another is that I give additional points to those who are not late.

A lecture class scheduled last in the morning

B. what do you observe in your class? What

were some of your difficulties as a teacher? How did you handle them?
Students are not listening anymore. And it is

evident that their minds are else where. Furthermore, most of them are complaining to be dismissed since they are hungry already. I handle them simply. I say that if they pay attention, I'll dismiss the early.

Last lecture class on a tight whole day

Edmund Santos ICMS English What do you observe in your class? What were some of your difficulties as a teacher? How did you handle them?
Very very few of them listen. However, I make it

rather interesting so that I can get their attention. I teach enthusiastically and energize my class

4th subj. and the 3 earlier subj. gave long examinations

What do you observe in your class? What

were some of your difficulties as a teacher? How did you handle them? Students are drained. Very few pay attention. And teaching gets more difficult. I tackle half of the topic and make it more interesting.

2nd subject and the next subject would give a long exam
Ed Rodriguez ICS Latin Question: What do you observe in your class? What were some of your difficulties as a teacher? How did you handle them? many are not paying attention. Some are busy and mostly studying for the exam. So, to get them to listen, I make an arrangement if they listen and we finish discussing early, I would dismiss them early so they could prepare for their exam.

Last class after the teacher had 3 or more lecture sessions

What were some of your difficulties as a

teacher? How did you handle them?

My energy level has been drained. I often also miss important topics thinking that Ive mentioned it. To be honest, I become very irritable because I guess of my old age and being tired. But I try to avoid it at all times. I handled them by making an outline and asking the students from time to time of Ive mentioned the important things and if they can follow my lessons

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