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Building Technology

Basic Foundation Design

Wide Strip

Deep Strip
Strip Foundation Foundation


Raft Foundation
Principles of design and factors
affecting choice of foundations
• What are the factors that will determine the
selection of a suitable foundation for any given
building? the type of building structure – how heavy the
loads are that the building will carry or exert on
the ground
the soil conditions – including whether the site is located in an
area that has known problems such as Radon Gas, minerals or
evidence of mineral extraction in the area

external or site constraints – the physical size and shape

of the site and whether it is possible or practicable to use
mechanical digging equipment

type of foundations available – whether the foundations are

suitable for the type of building that is being designed
Choosing the Right
• Traditional Strip
• This is a well established and proven method, most
Building areand
Services familiar with
pipes such traditional strip
as drains
etc will mostly cross the wall above the
concrete which will help in the construction

Cheaper to create than trench fill

or wider foundations that use more concrete
Trench Fill or “deep strip”
• Deep Strip foundations are completed fairly
quickly in the programme which means
greater ground stability since earth is not left
Reduced need for planking and strutting to form
earthwork support therefore considerable cost savings
for the contractor
No need for operatives to work at base of
trench and therefore is much safer
especially in poor ground conditions

Concrete usually stabilises the earth with no risk of

trenches collapsing and damaging blockwork
Concrete is strong enough to bridge minor soft spots in
base of trench or in poor bearing ground
Example of Trench-fill

The photos above show a trench-fill

foundation for a new two storey house.
The trenches are just over 1 metre
deep and about 500mm wide. They
are filled with concrete to a level
about 300mm or so below finished
ground level.
Raft Foundations
• Used where the soil has
low load bearing
capacity including loose
sand, soft clays, filled
Where differential movements are expected
or where subsidence is likely due to mining
or mineral extraction
Either flat slab of concrete or with edge
beam thickening sections
Usually used where pad or strip foundations would cover
more than 50% of the ground area below the building and
hence becomes more economic to produce.
Typical Raft Foundation Detail
Piled Foundations
• Used where strip
foundations or raft/slabs
may not always be
The increased costs involved in
the surplus excavation from
foundation trenches is removed
resulting in cost savings
Smaller piling rigs and piling
systems which have become
available have made this an
attractive option for smaller
buildings A series of piles then accepts a ring beam or tie
beam to provide a flat level surface on which to

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