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At the end of the discussion, each student is

expected to: 1. classify the representative chordates into class, order, genus, and species; 2. state the common and scientific names of representative vertebrates; and 3. name one distinct characteristic of each taxon to differentiate it from another taxon.

Topic Outline:
A. Fish and Fishlike Animals: 1. Class Agnatha 2. Class Placodermi 3. Class Chondrichthyes 4. Class Osteichthyes B. Vertebrates with Limbs: 1. Class Amphibia 2. Class Reptilia 3. Class Aves 4. Class Mammalia

Vertebrate Taxa
About 50,00 known species are animals with

vertebral columns The classification scheme used in this chapter is a conventional natural classification, which means it is based on similarity of structure, the geologic record, rationality, and intuition. The chief vertebrate taxa are classes, subclasses, superorders, order, suborders, families, genera, and species.

Vertebrate Taxa
There are eight recognized extant classes of

vertebrates: Myxini - hagfishes Cephalaspidomorpha - lampreys Chondrichthyes - cartilagenous fishes Osteichthyes - bony fishes Amphibia - frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians Reptilia - turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodilians Aves - birds Mammalia - mammals

Vertebrate Taxa
The vertebrate taxa can be grouped based on their

general habitat requirements: Pisces - collective term for all fishes; includes Myxini, Cephalaspidomorpha, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes Tetrapoda - collective term for the terrestrial vertebrates; they have four feet unless some have been secondarily lost or converted to other uses. Includes Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia

Vertebrate Taxa
Based on their feeding habits: Agnatha - jawless vertebrates, including Myxini

and Cephalaspidomorpha Gnathostomes - vertebrates with jaws derived from the mandibular arch, which may have (in primitive vertebrates) supported gills. Includes Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia.

Vertebrate Taxa
Based on their embryonic characteristics Anamniotes - vertebrates that lack an amnion, or

extra embryonic membrane that surrounds the embryo and encases it in amniotic fluid. Includes Myxini, Cephalaspidomorpha, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia. Amniotes - vertebrates that possess an amnion. Includes Reptilia, Aves, and Mammals.

Major categories of vertebrates


Reptilia Amphibia Osteichthyes Chondrichthyes Placodermi* Acanthodii* Agnatha* Agnathostomes Gnathostomes Fishes Tetrapods



Vertebrate Taxa
Binomial nomenclature as introduced by Carl

von Linne (Linnaeus) has enabled all zoologists all over the world to understand one another. Binomial designation for a species was introduced in the 10th edition(1758) of his book, Systema Naturae Scientific name of an animal is made up of generic and specific names, or the genus and the species.

Fish and Fishlike Animals

Class Agnatha
Include 2 groups of jawless fishes: ostracoderms

and cyclostomes. Common characteristics: no jaws no paired appendages a completely cartilaginous skeleton a single nostril 6 - 14 external or concealed gill slits a persistent notochord a two-chambered heart

Class Agnatha
Orders Osteotraci,

Anapsida, Heterostraci - extinct, with an armor of heavy plates, and commonly called ostracoderms.

Class Agnatha
Order Cyclostomata

- round-mouthed fishes - cylindrical body and well developed fin - scales absent, soft skin - jaws are absent -suctorial mouth, with horny teeth - single nasal aperture - no appendages - 6 to 14 pairs gill pouches

Class Agnatha: O. Cyclostomata

Suborder Myxinoidea Hagfishes and slime eels Terminal mouth with 4 pairs of tentacles Partially hermaphroditic Live in temperate, marine deep water Feed on detritus and carrion, as well as polychaete worms Tentacles around their mouths are used in locating prey Myxine, Blellostoma

Class Agnatha: O. Cyclostomata

Myxine (hagfish)
Pacific hagfish trying to

hide under a rock

Class Agnatha: O. Cyclostomata

Suborder Petromyzontia
commonly called the

lampreys suctorial mouth with horny teeth nasal sac is not connected to mouth 7 pairs of gill pouches temperate, anadromous (hatch/breed in fresh water, mature in marine and freshwater) parasitic as adults - attach to other fishes with their suction-like mouths and rasp a hole in the skin buccal glands secrete an anticoagulant to ensure freeflowing food source larvae are called ammocoetes

Class Agnatha: O. Cyclostomata

Suborder Petromyzontia parasitic marine/aquatic animal with a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth.

Class Agnatha
Lampreys attached to a lake trout

In other sources, Agnatha is a superclass. Hagfishes are classified under Class Myxini, Order

Myxiniformes. Lampreys are classified under Class Cephalaspidomorpha, Order Petromyzontiformes

Class Placodermi
Armored prehistoric fish The first jawed fishes With full size hyoid gill

slit. With paired pectoral and pelvic fins With an armor of bony scales and cartilaginous skeleton. Some skeleton maybe ossified.

Class Chondrithtyes
Cartilaginous fishes Ventral mouth and paired nostrils Skeleton completely cartilagenous with no

endoskeletal bone No swim bladder Scales dermal placoid when present Gill arches internal to gills Freshwater and marine species

Class Chondrithtyes
Subclass Elasmobranchii 5 - 7 gill openings plus spiracle anterior to first gill upper jaw not attached to braincase

teeth derived from placoid scales, deciduous and

continually replaced claspers present in males, internal fertilization, ovoviviparous (egg contained within the uterus, where the young develop and then hatch as miniature adults) or viviparous (embryos develop internally and then emerge as a miniature adult)

Class Chondrithtyes: SC Elasmobranchii

Order Squaliformes True sharks Almost purely predaceous/marine Heterocercal tailfin caudal fin is longer on the dorsal side than on the ventral side

Class Chondrithtyes: SC Elasmobranchii

Order Rajiformes
Rays, skates, sawfishes Greatly flattened bottom

dwellers Scales not over entire body Pectoral fins winglike Crushing teeth - mollusk eaters Spiracles greatly enlarged Oviparous - produce an egg pouch covered in a very tough shell

Class Chondrithtyes
Subclass Holocephali
Chimaeras or rat fishes upper jaw fused to

braincase flat, bony plates instead of teeth operculum covering gillslits strictly marine, feeding on mollusks

Class Osteichthyes
Bony fishes Endoskeleton made up of bone Jaws and paired appendages

Gill arches internal to gills

Gills covered by bony operculum Dermal scales not placoid Many forms have swim bladder Appeared in Devonian - dominant vertebrates since

mid Devonian Arose in freshwater, moved into saltwater

Class Osteichthyes: S.C. Sarcopterygii

Subclass Sarcopterygii: species previously believed to be extinct, such as the coelacanths and lungfish. Fleshy lobed fins so that fin rays do not articulate directly to girdles Internal and external nares Many retain the heterocercal tail, others with diphycercal tail With rounded or rhomboid scales The coelacanth is represented by a single species that lives off the Comoro Islands near Madagascar

Class OsteichthyesS.C. Sarcopterygii

Order Crossopterygii
Paired fins with internal

Lobed-finned fish

skeleton of basic tetrapod type Presence of maxillae, premaxillae, and spiracle Scales large and heavily overlapped Three lobed diphycercal tail Intestine with spiral valve

Class Osteichthyes: S.C. Sarcopterygii

Order Dipnoi
Median fins fused to form


diphycercal tail Lobed or filamentous fins Cycloid type of scales Maxillae, premaxillae, and spiracle absent Single or paired air bladder for breathing Intestine with spiral valve

Class Osteichthyes: S. C. Actinopterygii

Subclass Actinopterygii ray-finned fish fin rays attach directly to girdles internal nostrils - nares absent Nasal sacs open to the outside single gas bladder One dorsal fin Without cloaca known from Devonian

Order Chondrostei general primitive form typically small skeleton primarily cartilage heterocercal tail ganoid scales most died out by end of Mesozoic

Class Osteichthyes: S. C. Actinopterygii

Suborder Polypterini
Ossified skeleton


Dorsal fin divided into 8

or more finlets Slender body with thick ganoid scales Lobed pectoral fins Diphycercal caudal fin Ventral air bladder with two lobes

Class Osteichthyes: S. C. Actinopterygii

Suborder Acipenseroidei
Ossified dermal skull and

Polyodon (paddlefish)

unossified chondral skull Endoskeleton mostly cartilage; body mostly scaleless except for rows of bony scutes (ganoi) Mouth on underside of head, no teeth Heterocercal tail, with spiral valve

Class Osteichthyes: S. C. Actinopterygii

Order Holostei Skeleton moderately ossified With fairly well developed vertebral centra Ganoid to cycloid scales Abdominal pelvic fins Deficient spiracle Single air bladder with conus arteriosus Vestigial spiral valve

Class Osteichthyes: S. C. Actinopterygii

Suborder Lepidosteoidei
With thick ganoid
Lepidosteus (gar fish)

scales of rhombic shape Shortened heterocercal tail Mostly extinct

Class Osteichthyes: S. C. Actinopterygii

Suborder Amioidea
Scales tend to be thin and

Amia (bowfin)

round to cycloid type Homocercal type Bilobed swim bladder which may serve for respiration Mostly extinct

Class Osteichthyes: S. C. Actinopterygii

Order Teleostei Typical bony fishes Skeleton almost completely ossified Vertebral centra complete Thin cycloid or ctenoid scales Homocercal tail Terminal mouth Notochord a mere vestige
Pelvic fins often

displaced forward No spiracle Single, dorsal air bladder Vestigial conus arteriosus Without spiral valve

Class Osteichthyes: S. C. Actinopterygii

Class Osteichthyes


Terrestial or aquatic Limbs serve as locomotory appendages and lungs

as respiratory organs Vertebral column terminates in a tail, sometimes absent, or in a horizontal fin Heart with 2 atria With internal nares

Arose from Crossopterygian, Rhipidistian ancestors Three extant orders, two extinct subclasses Lungs and skin used as adult respiratory organs Gills present in larvae, retained into adulthood in

some neotinic forms (salamanders) Heart with two atria and one ventricle - "three chambered" Skin is naked or with bony dermal elements Ectothermic - must regulate body temperature by moving to different microclimates within its environment

Class Amphibia
Group includes smallest terrestrial vertebrates up to

some 5 in length Name implies continued tie to water - eggs must be laid in water or at least in very moist environment; young develop as gill breathing, water-dwelling tadpoles Embryos lack an amnion, but eggs are laid in a jellylike protective coating

Class Amphibia
Order Labyrinthodontia Extinct amphibians that constituted some of the dominant animals of Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic times (about 350 to 210 million years ago). They are considered to include the first vertebrates known to live on solid ground, and to have been ancestral to at least some of the groups of modern amphibians and a bridge to the reptiles.

Class Amphibia: O. Labyrinthodontia

Class Amphibia: Order Urodela

Tail maintained throughout life Limbs 1 -2 "normal" pairs

Elongated trunk and long tail

Can retain larval characteristics (flattened, shovel-

shaped head, fleshy tail, external gills) in adult forms (paedomorphic) - the result is a sexually mature individual with many other body parts in the larval or juvenile condition (neoteny)

Class Amphibia: Order Urodela


Class Amphibia: Order Anura

Loose tail as adults Caudal vertebrae fuse to form long inflexible

urostyle - relates to saltatorial locomotion Long hind limbs developed for saltatorial locomotion Vocal cords well developed Ear modified for reception of airborne sound waves

Class Amphibia: Order Anura

Rana esculenta

Class Amphibia: Order Anura


Class Amphibia
Order Gymnophiona or Apoda Elongated, snake-like, with no limbs or girdles No vocal cords or airborne sound detection Some retain scales embedded in skin Notochord persists Minute eyes, lack lids Chemosensory tentacle on head

Class Amphibia: Order Apoda

First fully terrestrial vertebrates Development of cleidoic (closed/self-contained) egg;

embryo with extra-embryonic membrane and relatively impermeable shell Lungs for respiration Heart with two atria and ventricle partially or totally (Crocodilians) divided One occipital condyle Skin with epidermal scales or bony plates

Ectothermic, sometimes called heliotherms

because they can regulate body temperature by using solar radiation First appeared in late Paleozoic, so numerous by Mesozoic known as "Age of Reptiles"

Class Reptilia: Subclass Anapsida

Order Cotylosauria Extinct reptiles Resemble the most primitive extinct amphibians

Class Reptilia: Subclass Anapsida

Order Chelonia Ribs modified along with epidermal plates to form shell - carapace and plastron Girdles inside ribs Jaws covered with horny epidermal plates, no teeth Little change since Triassic

Class Reptilia
Subclass Ichthyopterigia Order Ichthyosauria Extinct Subclass Synaptosauria Order Sauropterygia Extinct

Class Reptilia: Subclass Lepidosauria

Diapsid or modified diapsid skull Skin with horny scales

Order Rhynchocephalia Long-tailed lizard-like reptiles with weak limbs Vertebrae amphicoelus with persistent intercentra With abdominal ribs Parietal eye fairly well developed and easily seen Anus and transverse slit Mostly extinct

Class Reptilia: Subclass Lepidosauria

Sphenodon (tuatara)

Class Reptilia: Subclass Lepidosauria

Order Squamata Contains most modern reptiles Lizards known from Cretaceous, snakes in Cenozoic Skull has lost one or both temporal regions Vertebrae usually procoelous Abdominal ribs usually greatly reduced or absent Body covered with horny epidermal scales Quadrate bone moveable Teeth set in sockets

Class Reptilia: Subclass Lepidosauria

Suborderm Lacertilia
The lizards Well differentiated

appendicular muscles Limb girdles always present, reduced in limbless forms Skull with 1 temporal fossa With mandibular symphysis

Class Reptilia: Subclass Lepidosauria

Suborder Ophidia

Limbs and girdles absent,

except remnants of pelvis in some Skull has lost temporal fossae No mandibular symphysis Ligamentsts permits wide gape

Class Reptilia: Subclass Lepidosauria

Suborder Amphisbaenia
Subterranean lizards,

mostly limbless With annulated body. eardrum and eyes covered with opaque skin

Class Reptilia: Subclass Archosauria

Diapsid skull Tending to bipedal gait with ossified changes Include flying forms

Contains dinosaurs and ancestors to birds

Class Reptilia: Subclass Archosauria

Order Thecodontia
The stem archosuars


Teeth set in deep

pockets Had pneumatic bones With long neck and tail Extinct

Class Reptilia: Subclass Archosauria

Order Crocodilia Alligator, Caiman, and Crocodiles Quadrate fixed Bony plates embedded in epidermis Teeth set in sockets Abdominal ribs present in Gastralia Ventricles completely separated Developed secondary palate Crop" similar to birds

Class Reptilia: Subclass Archosauria


Class Reptilia: Subclass Archosauria

Order Pterosauria Flying reptiles

Class Reptilia: Subclass Archosauria

Order Saurichia Dinosaurs with reptilelike pelvis

Class Reptilia: Subclass Archosauria

Order Ornithischia Dinosaurs with bird-like pelvis

Class Reptilia: Subclass Synapsida

Mammal-like reptiles One lateral temporal

fossa Order Pelycosauria Early synapsids DESC

Class Reptilia: Subclass Synapsida

Order Therapsida Late synapsids Mammalian precursors


Warm-blooded oviparous tetrapods with feathers One occipital condyle Quadrate free

Forelimbs modified to wings

Heart with 2 ventricles, no sinus venosus Embryo with membranes

Class Aves: Subclass Archaornithes

Earliest birds, derived

from bipedal archausar Long tail Metacarpals separate With teeth Archaopteryx, Proavis, Archaornis


CLASS AVES: Subclass Neornithes

Include all extinct and living birds Four-chambered heart Tail feathers arranged in a fan-like manner around tail

stump Fused metacarpals Epidermal scales on bill, legs, feet Bill instead of teeth; teeth absent in modern forms Modifications for flight include hollow bones, pectoral appendages modified as wings, air sacs, large eyes and large cerebellum Modifications for vocalization

Class Aves: Subclass Neornithes

Superorder Neognathae.
Ratites and Carinates
Order Columbiformes ( a dove with its young)

Class Aves: Subclass Neornithes

Order Pelecaniformes

Class Aves: Subclass Neornithes

Order Anseriformes
Swan and Geese

Class Aves: Subclass Neornithes

Order Falconiformes

Eagle and vulture

Class Aves: Subclass Neornithes

Order Galliformes

Class Aves: Subclass Neornithes

Order Psittaciformes


Class Aves: Subclass Neornithes

Largest order of birds Perching birds

Order Passeriformes

Possess hair/fur Mammary glands to nourish young Viviparous (oviparous in one order)

Two occipital condyles

Zygomatic arch and secondary palate Single dentary bone in lower jaw Dentary-squamosal jaw for articulation Muscular diaphragm Arose from synapsid reptiles which branched off at

base of reptilian tree

Class Mammalia: Subclass Prototheria

Egg laying mammals Mammary glands without nipples Pectoral girdle with separate precoracoid, coracoid,

and interclavicle Scapula with spine Oviducts separate With cloaca

Class Mammalia: Subclass Prototheria

Order Monotremata The monotremes Duckbilled platypuses and echidnas

Class Mammalia: Subclass Metatheria

Marsupial mammals Yolk sac serves as

Precoracoid and

placenta With an abdominal skin pouch (marsupium) supported by 2 marsupial bones Teats open into the marsupium

interclavicle absent Coracoid reduced Scapula with spine Clavicle present Four molars on each side Shallow or no cloaca Smooth brain Double vagina

Class Mammalia: Subclass Metatheria

Order Marsupialia Includes the kangaroos, wallabies, wombats. Opossums, Koala bear

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

The true placental mammals Viviparous with an allantoic placenta Withuot marsupium or marsupial bones

Shoulder girdle like marsupials

Mostly three molars on each side One vagina No cloaca

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Insectivora
Insect eating mammals Small nocturnal or burrowing mammals with plantigrade

clawed feet and often elongated snout Primitive dentition Teeth with sharp cusps Auditory region incompletely ossified Uterus bicornuate With clavicle Brain small and smooth Include the moles, hedgehogs, flying lemurs

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

African hedgehog

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Chiroptera
The bats Wings are modified forelimbs where the 2nd to 5th digits

are elongated to support a thin integumental membrane for flying Thumb and hindfeet with claws With clavicle Smooth brain Teats ate found on the thorax With sharp teeth Mostly nocturnal, and are capable of true flight

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Dermoptera Flying lemurs Related to true bats and consist of the genus, Galeopithecus or Cynocephalus They cannot fly but they glide with their parachutes
Galeopterus variegatus

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Primata
Terrestial or arboreal hairy mammals With 5 digits on each foot, provided with flat nails

Plantigrade gait; forefeet for grasping

Orbital and temporal depressions partly or completely

separated by a bony ridge With clavicles Stomach simple Teats maybe abdominal, pectoral, or axillary Brain highly convoluted with very large cerebral hemispheres

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Spider Monkey

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Carnivora Flesh-eating mammals With well developed incisors and canines Auditory region is well developed usually with expanded bulla Clavicles reduced or absent Simple stomach Convoluted brain

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Carnivora Suborder Fissipedia Terrestrial carnivores with walking feet Strongly clawed Plantigrade to digitigrade gait With six incisors Anterior cheek teeth sharp, cutting, and culminating in a special carnassial tooth, behind which molars are broad or reduced.

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Suborder Fissipedia Cat and lion Leopard

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Suborder Fissipedia Dogs
wolves, and civets

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Suborder Fissipedia Fox, hyena, weasel

Raccoon, bear and otter

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Carnivora
Suborder Pinnepedia Aquatic mammals with
Sea lion and walrus

webbed feet Nails mostly reduced Cheek teeth alike No carnassial.

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Perrisodactyla
Odd-toed ungulates. Large-hoofed herbivorous mammals Third digit forming limb axis Other digits smaller or reduced

Gait unguligrade
Cheek teeth broad, with grinding ridges (lophodont) Clavicle absent

Simple stomach and no gall bladder

Convoluted brain Teats inguinal

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Perrisodactyla

Suborder Equoidea Horses, asses and zebras

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Perrisodactyla
Suborder Tapiroidea Four toes infront, three behind Reduced and wanting canines and incisors With 1 or 2 median horns of epidermal nature. Rhinoceruses

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Artiodactyla Even-toed mammals Various sizes Usually with long legs Two functional toes on each foot, usually sheathed in cornified hoof Many with antlers or horns on head Reduced dentition, except pigs
Most with a four-

compartment stomach, and ruminate or chew the cud Without clavicles and gall bladder With convoluted brain Teats inguinal or abdominal

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Artiodactyla Suborder Suina
No horns or antlers With 38-44 teeth Canines enlarged as

curved tusks Feet four-toed Stomach simple to twochambered Pigs, peccaries, hippopotamus

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Artiodactyla Suborder Tylopoda
One upper incisor

retained on each side With ruminating habit Stomach complex Feet soft, bearing nails Net hooves Camels, llamas, dromedaries, alpacas

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Artiodactyla Suborder Pecora
True ruminants

Deer, antelope, cattle

Upper incisors wanting

Two-toed feet,

rudimentary 2nd and 5th toes rarely present Stomach complex without water cells, with 3 or 4 compartments Mostly with paired horns

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Artiodactyla Suborder Pecora
Sheep, goat, and giraffe

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Cetacea
Size, medium to very large Body usually torpedo Nostrils on top of head Long tail, ending in 2 broad

shaped Long head, often pointed, joined directly to body Some with a fleshy dorsal fin Forelimbs/flippers broad and paddle-like, digits embedded No claws and hindlimbs

transverse fleshy flukes and notched in midline Teeth alike when present Whalebone or baleen if teeth are lacking Small ear openings Smooth body surface No skin glands With blubber under skin Complex stomach

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Cetacea Suborder Odontocoeti Toothed cetaceans Teeth 2 to 40 in various species Dolphins, porpoises and some whales
Killer whale

Order Cetacea: A porpoise and a dolphin

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Cetacea Suborder Mystacoeti No teeth and instead with whalebone, horny fringes hanging along the edge of the upper jaw

A baleen whale

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Proboscidea (the elephants)
Massive, large head, flat and broad ears, short neck, body

huge, legs pillar-like, thick skin (pachyderm), loose and sparsely-haired Nose and upper lip along flexible muscular proboscis Proboscis contain nasal passages with nostrils at the tip Two upper incisors elongated as tusks Feet club-like, toes 5,3,or 4, each with small nail-like hoof Weight is borne on elastic pad behind toes.

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Sirenia (manatees or sea cow)
Large, body spindle-shaped Forelimbs paddle-like

No hindlimbs
Tail with lateral flukes, not notched Blunt muzzle, small mouth, fleshy lips

No external ears
Teeth with enamel Few, scattered hairs Complex stomach

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Sirenia

(manatees or sea cow)

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Hyracoidea Small Four toes on forelimb, 3 on hind Digits with small hoofs, except 2nd clawed toe Ears and tail short Incisors No canines Procavia (Hyrax)

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Rodentia
Usually small Limbs with 5 toes and claws

Incisors 1/1 x2 exposed, chisel-like, rootless, grow

continually No canines With a gap between incisors and cheek teeth Narrow palate Jaw motion both back and forth and lateral Elbow joint rotates

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Rodentia
Squirrels, marmots, prairie

dogs, beavers, rats, mice, guinea pigs, agoutis, porcupines

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Xenartha (edentates) Includes sloths Teeth reduced to molars in forepart of jaws, or none, no enamel Toes clawed Smooth brain
A sloth and an armadillo

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

An anteater

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Pholidota (pangolins) Body covered by large overlapping horny plates with sparse hair between No teeth, tongue slender and used to capture insects Manis ( pangolin or scaly anteater)

Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Order Tubulidentata( Aadvarks)
Stout body, somewhat piglike, sparsely haired Long ears and snout

Tubular mouth and slender, protrusible tongue

Many milk teeth , few permanent teeth, unrooted, no

enamel 4 to 5 toes, with heavy claws


Class Mammalia: Subclass Eutheria

Pika, hare, and rabbit

Order Lagomorpha
Size moderate to small
Toes with claws Tail stubby Incisors chisel like No canines Palate broad Jaw motion lateral only Elbow joint nonrotating

End of Parade of the Vertebrates


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