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Dr.Shamantakamani Narendran M.D. (pead), Ph.D. (yoga science)

What are Nadis

Word Nadi is derived from Sanskrit word Nad meaning hollow stalk, sound vibration and resonance Nadis are ducts, channels which carry air, water, blood, nutrients and other substances throughout the body They connect at special points called Chakras

There are 101 main Nadis (channels for Prana). Each of these has 72,000 nadis each

Varahopanishad says that the nadis penetrate the body from the soles of the feet to the crown of the head. In them is prana, the breath of life. All nadis originate from one of two centres: The Kandasthana a little above the navel and the heart. Twelve digits above the anus and genital organs and just below the navel, there is an egg shaped bulb called kanda.
On the physical level there is a physical body, an organ and on the subtle level there prevails a Nadi and they almost occupy the same space, thus influencing one another

Functions and Activities of Nadis

Nadis carry a life force energy known as Prana in Sanskrit. Prana circulates inside Pingala while apana circulates inside Ida.
Sushumna circulates kundalini in when awakened The rhythmical breathing and special breathing techniques influence the flow of nadis, the energy currents

Five Pranas
Prana takes five separate forms. These five vital forces breathe life into our body:

Prana is inward and downward motion. Seated in the heart, it governs respiration, swallowing and movements of the gullet. Apana is downward and outward motion. Seated in the anus, it governs excretion and the kidneys, bladder, genitals, colon and rectum. It regulates the sense of smell, makes the body stable. Samana is horizontal motion. Seated in the navel, it maintains digestive fire and regulates stomach, liver, pancreas and intestine. By maintaining Samana Vayu, all parts of our body are properly nourished and the energy supplied by food is evenly distributed. Udana is upward and outward motion. Seated in the throat above the larynx, it regulates sleep, controls all auto functions in the head and maintains body heat. Udana is responsible for speech, music and humming, for kundalini rising up in the spine. Vyana is circular motion, a combination of Prana and Apana by which these two are held. Vyana is responsible for blood flow and lymph detoxification, sweating and coordination of all systems. Vyana means pervading one.

Nadi Channels in our body

Purification of Nadis

In order to awaken the kundalini, we need to be able to withdraw the life force (prana) from the Nadis and concentrate it at the point between the eyebrows If the Nadis are blocked, then the prana also encounters blockages when we try to withdraw it

Nadis are cleansed through performance of Kriyas and also mantras.

With more cleansing the body becomes stronger. One must begin to see a 5 point star, surrounded by blue light, surrounded by yellow. One needs to penetrate this star to enter the realm of cosmic consciousness

Types of Nadis

Alambusa: Connects the mouth and anus Chitra: One of the nadis emanating from the heart through which the creative energy (Shakti) of Kundalini passes to reach the Sahasrara (crown). Of the 101 nadis, only the chitra splits into two parts at the root of sushumna Gandhari: One of the nadis is behind the Ida nadi, terminating near the left eye, regulating the function of sight Hastijihva: located in front of the Ida nadi, terminating near the right eye, regulating the function of sight Ida: Starting from the left nostril, moving to the crown of the head and descending to the base of the spine. In its course it conveys lunar energy and is therefore called Chandra nadi. Its function is cooling (tamas), inertia.

Kausiki : Terminates at the big toes. Kuhu : This is located in front of the Sushumna, its function is to evacuate faeces. Kurma : Subsidiary nadi whose function is to stabilize the body and the mind. Payaswini : One of the nadis terminating at the right big toe, located between the pusa (which is behind the pingala nadi and the Saraswati (behind Sushumna).

Pingala : (= tawny or reddish) starting at the right nostril moving to the crown and down the spine to the base. As the solar energy flows through it, it is also called Surya nadi. Its function is burning (rajas), action.
Pusa : nadi situated behind Pingala, terminating at the right ear. Its function is hearing. Raka : nadi creates hunger and thirst and collects mucus at the sinuses.

Samkhini : Terminates at the genital organs, is situated between Gandhari and Sarasvati. It carries the essence of food.
Sarasvati : Nadi which is behind Sushumna nadi, terminating at the tongue, controlling speech and keeping the abdominal organs free from disease. Sura : Nadi which is between the eyebrows. Surya : The nadi of the Sun Sushumna : From the base of the spine to the crown of the head, up the centre of the spine. Its function is Agni, Fire (sattva), illumination. Varuni : Nadi flows throughout the body. Its function is the evacuation of urine. Its position is between Yasasvini - and Kuhu.

Vijnana - Nadis are vessels of consciousness. Visvodhari - Nadi has the function of absorption of food. Its position is between Hastijivha and Kuhu. Yasasvini - nadi. (Before Pingala, between Gandhari and Sarasvati situated between the left ear and the left big toe. In addition to the various primary and minor nadis, the Shakta Tantra and Kundalini/Laya Yoga traditions emphasis is placed on the central nadis which represented concentric (hence increasingly subtle) channels along or in front of the spine, and along which are strung the 7 chakras. These 4 'central' nadis are; Sushumna-nadi -Starts from the Kanda-mula , lying just below the Muladara chakra and goes upward centrally within the vertebral column.

Vajra -nadi - Starts from the starting point of Sushumna and goes upwards, lying within Sushumna
Chitrini -nadi -Starts at the starting point of the Vajra nadi and goes upward, lying within the Vajra nadi.

Brahma-nadi or Brahmarandra-nadi - Starts from the orifice of Swayambhu-linga in the Muladhara chakra and goes upwards, lying within Chitrini - .
The chakras are actually said to be strung along the fine Chitrini nadi, rather than the Sushumna as is commonly stated in the West.

Nadi Therapy (Chikitsa)

Nadi Chikitsa is the oldest Indian traditional method of healing different ailments for which it provides permanent cure for most of the declared incurables. It is a system of kneading, stroking and activating different parts of the body. It can relieve pain, stimulate, relax and tone the muscles. Massage work help the muscles under the skin and also the deeper layers of muscles well.

It also stimulates blood circulation

Types of Diseases Cured by Nadi Chikitsa

All diseases are the result of blocks or congestion in the nadi system.

Cervical dystonia Brainstem stroke Knee problem RA Problem Polio Migraine Sciatica Back pain Cervical Spondylitis Frozen Shoulder Slipped Disc Parkinsons Disease Neuromuscular Disorders

Beneficial Effects on the body

Wonderfully beneficial for de-stressing the whole body by dispersing toxins from knotted muscles, improving blood-circulation and helping to oxygenate the brain. Total relaxation, producing a state of calm, peace and tranquility, reducing nervous tension (stress, anxiety). Deeply relaxes the muscles, reducing aches and pains, neck rigidity and headaches. Increases and improves the circulation of blood to the head, neck, shoulders and face, with vital nutrients to repair and rejuvenate skin tissue, cells and muscles. Stimulates the immune system from the break down of toxins in the muscles and cells. Increases flow of Oxygen to the cells, opening and releasing physical and emotional stress.

Stretches and mobilizes the tissue in the neck and shoulders to alleviate the rigidity and replace it with flexibility. Improves circulation to the scalp, stimulating the skin and helping hair growth.

With increased blood and oxygen flow one can reduce neck rigidity, headache, eye strain and enhances concentration.
Irritability is reduced after receiving a massage and deep rest is felt, helping sleep problems. It is a healing technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It releases the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the contracted areas. It is used to release chronic muscle tension through slower strokes and more direct deep pressure or friction.

Diagnosing disease Nadi Shastra

Nadi Shastra is the art of pulse reading. Nadi readings were practiced to diagnose the disease of the patient. Just by reading the pulse, the disease and ailment is diagnosed along with what might have caused the problem. The best time to check the pulse is in the early morning, physiologically the least active time of the day. Three fingers are used to check pulse points, the middle, index, and ring, with the index finger placed closest to the wrist crease At first, the three positions are palpated simultaneously, lightly, with medium pressure and strongly After this, each position is checked separately. Different systems are used where the pulse at each position is identified with certain organs When the pulse is taken, attention is given to the frequency, amplitude and quality of the pulse. A normal pulse is distinct, discernible to the fingertip upon medium pressure, and can still be palpated with the application of heavy pressure

Nadi Shastra has two critical aspects - one is the identification and the other is the treatment. Treatment is a very critical aspect. Treatment is largely in the form of kadas. Kadas are made from herbs that are boiled in water. The treatment aims at cleansing these channels, pacifying the disease and nourishing the body. It provides longevity, immunity against the disease.

Successful pulse reading involves touching, feeling, observing, and experiencing not only the rate, rhythm, and volume of the pulse; but also its movement, amplitude, temperature, force, and consistency in the body.
Various problems such as infertility, obesity, hypertension, paralysis, mental disorders, severe joint pains and skin diseases can be detected by Nadi shastra.

How is Massage different from Nadi Chikitsa

Nadi Chikitsa is a system of kneading, stroking and activating different parts of the body. It can relieve pain, stimulate, relax and tone the muscles Massage therapy helps the muscles under the skin and works under deep layers of muscles. It stimulates blood circulation



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