Our Spanish Heritage

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Our Spanish Heritage

Catholicism was Spains Greatest Legacy

Catholicism spread quickly in the Philippines.

The first Spanish missionaries who came to the Philippines were zealous soldiers of Christ. The Spanish priests destroyed the pagan idols and practices of the early Filipinos. The Beauty of Catholic rituals and the good character of the first missionaries attracted more and more new converts to Catholicism.

only the Philippines became a catholic nation in Asian world. Consider themselves as Christians who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Believes the Pope in the Vatican and so Rome can change what the Bible says.

Many Catholic priest during the Spanish era helped improve our lives. They stopped the awful pagan practices of divorces, killing unwanted babies (abortion), offering human and animal sacrifices, and tribal wars. The practices of polygamy (having many wives) was banned, and marriage between a man and woman became a holy union.

Catholic church and the Government were united. But many Catholic priest abused their power. Abused the local inhabitants of the small town. They used their religious power to terrorize people into doing what they wanted, even if they were cruel and arrogant. The bible was banned at that time.

Having a Bible during the Spanish colonial era was considered a criminal offense, and the person with a Bible could be out in jail. The abuses of the Spanish friars and the Catholic Church in the Philippines became one of the reasons for the Phil. Revolution that the Filipinos started in 1896

Hospital and Orphanages

Due to the good influence of Christianity, the sick and the poor were given better care during the Spanish era. 1578- 1st hospital founded in Manila. It was the hospital of San Juan de Dios and the San Lazaro Hospital. Started 173 years earlier than the first hospital in the US. 1810- 1st regular orphanage was founded in Manila. It was the Real Hospicio de San Jose.

San Lazaro Hospital

Hospital of San Juan de Dios

Diet and Dress

Spain introduces new food plants like corn, potatoes, coffee, cacao, cabbage, sigadillas, chicos, guava, and the wheat. Other new foods were beef (from cattle), mutton(from lamb), sausages (longganizas), ham and sardinas. Filipinos learned to eat bread, and drink coffee and chocolate.

In Clothing, The mens jacket and bahag were replaces by the Western coat and trousers. The lower-class men wore hats, instead of the putong. The women, instead of the sarong robe, they wore the saya (skirt) and the camisa (blouse). They learned to wear hair combs, shawls (monton de manila) and the handkerchiefs. they still wore jewelry, but gave up wearing armlets and anklets. Instead of bare feet, it started wearing slippers and shoes.

Traditional Clothing before the Spanish era

Traditional Clothing during Spanish era.

Family Life
Family ties were very close then. The Father was the breadwinner of the family. He consulted his wife on important decisions affecting the family. The Mother was the first tutor of the children. Taught them the alphabet and catholic prayers. There were a few broken families. It was considered a scandal to come from a broken home.

Filipino Women in Spanish Times

The Women were respected and honored by men. If single, the women were chaperoned when they attended dances. Even when they courted by a suitor, women were strictly chaperoned. They were educated in the colegios (exclusive schools) run by nuns for girls. They could not study in the universities or practice a profession. They were only trained to be good wives and good mothers.

A New Calendar
Introduced western calendar. Dates similar to that used in europe. Governor General Narciso Claveria corrected the Phil. Calendar. Aug 16, 1844 he ordered that Tuesday, Dec 31, 1844 would be Wednesday, Jan 1, 1845. Until that time, our calendar had been one day behind European time.

Spanish names for Filipinos

Filipinos got Spanish names. 1st The early Spanish colonizers changed our local names to Spanish names that they could remember. It was difficult for the Spaniards to remember Filipino names like Malakas or Maganda. 2nd the early Filipinos did not bother with surnames but it was confusing because family ties could not known.

Nov. 21, 1849 Governor General Claveria ordered all Filipino families to choose a surname from a catalog sent to all provinces.

Latin Alphabet and Spanish Language.

Introduction of Latin alphabet and Spanish language made our people closer to the western world.

About 5,000 Spanish words in our native dialects. Commonly used like mesa (table), silla (chair), oras (time), campana (bell).

Preservation of Filipino Languages.

The Spanish friars (priest) studied our native languages and taught us in these languages. Spaniards actually preserved and developed our native languages, like Tagalog, Visayan, Ilocano, etc.

The early spanish missionaries wrote the first grammar books and dictionaries of the Filipino languages.

Western Education under Spain

Introduced western-style education in the Phil The formal schooling in different levels elementary, secondary (high school), and college. Used Schools to spread Christianity/Catholic Religion and Spanish Culture. There were 3 universities during Spanish era but only University of Santo Tomas remained. Founded in 1611, the oldest existing university in the country. Also introduced vocational schools and normal schools for teacher.

Printing, Books and Newspapers.

The ancient Filipinos wrote on wood, bark or leaves of trees, and other flimsy materials. In 1593, The first printing press in the Phil. Was started by the Dominican friars in Manila. 1st Filipino printer was Tomas Pinpin. Trained under a Spanish priest of Abucay, Bataan. Prince of Filipino printers 1st book printed in the Phil. Doctrina Christiana published in 1593 by the dominican friars.

1st newspaper was Del Superior Govierno. Appeared from Aug. 8, 1811- Feb. 7,1812. it was edited and published by Governor General Manuel Gonzales de Aguilar.
19th century. 1st daily newspaper (La Esperanza) ; 1st vernacular paper (El Ilokano) ; 1st womens magazine (El Hogar).

Phil. Literature was religious and taught lessons about good and evil. 1st tagalog pasion was by Gaspar Aquino de Belen. Other types of Lit. for the masses were awits(heroic poems) and corridos (religious legendary poems) Famous Francisco Baltazar was the Prince of Tagalog poets Famous Ilocano poet was Pedro Bukaneg.

2 kinds of play become popular. 1. The cenaculo (religious play about the life of Christ ; perform during lenten season) 2. the moro-moro ( adventurous play featuring fights between Christian and Muslims)

Enriched by Spain. Phil. National Anthem shows Spanish influence. Our musical instruments, song, and dances were Westernized. Influenced Filipino dances like the cariosa, surido, pandango, and the jota. Musikong buh (bamboo musician)

Houses and Villlages

Wanted the Filipino to live pajo de campana or within the hearing of the church bell. Introduced the use of stone for building. Durning the spanish era were built the first stone churches, stone buildings, stone forts, stone houses. (bahay na bato)

European painting and sculpture were brought to the Phil. By Spain. Thus, the 1st art works were religious art of official portraits of kings or governors general.

They studied our plants and animals, and wrote many famous books on these subject.

Fiestas and Amusements

The Filipino love for pageantry and food was satisfied during Spanish times with the introduction of the fiestas and religious occasions Every barangay had its own patron saint. Each year the feast day of the patron saint will celebrated in the town. Also who gave us the idea of a sleepy and quiet Lenten season.

The Filipino love of gambling came out in the introduction of horse races, lottery, and legalized cockfighting. Other amusements during Spanish era were family events like baptism, weddings and etc. Because there were no radios or televisions then, people played games indoors and outdoors. Favorite games poetical contests (duplo and balagtasan) and outdoors games like patintero, sipa, etc.

Spanish Blood
Peninsulares ( Spaniards who originally came from Spain to live and work in the Phil.) Insulares ( Spaniards who had been born and bred in the Phil.)

Because of Spanish Influences, the Filipinos have such a good character traits. 1. Christian Devotion. 2. Delicadeza (honor) 3. Palabra de honor (keeping promises) 4. Urbanidad (good manners) 5. Romanticism Inherited some bad traits 1. Maana habit (delaying work) 2. Sentimentalism 3. Siests (afternoon nap) 4. Seorito habit (dislike of maual work) 5. Aristocracy or snobboshness.

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