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Preterm Labor

What is Premature Birth?

What is Premature Birth?

Risk Factors

and Causes
Preterm Labor

Warning Signs

Of Premature Labor
Preterm Labor

2. Evaluate the fetus for distress, size, and maturity (sonography and lecithinsphingomyelin ratio)

3. Perform measures to manage or stop preterm labor.

Place the client on bed rest in the side-lying position. Prepare for possible ultrasonography, amniocentesis, tocolytic drug therapy, and steroid therapy. Administer tocolytic (contraction-inhibiting) medications as prescribed. Assess for side effects of tocolytic therapy (e.g., decreased maternal blood pressure, dyspnea, chest pain, and FHR exceeding 180 beats/min).

4. Provide physical and emotional support. Provide adequate hydration.

5. Provide client and family education.

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