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Child Labour

Presentation by: Capt. Sumit Sharma Varun Lakhwani V Hariharan Som Shekhar

A picture is worth a thousand words!!

We have some good ones!!

Some not so good ones!!

And some bitter ones!!

Child Labour includes

Work performed by children under the age of 15
Long hours of work on a regular or full-time basis Abusive treatment by the employer

No access, or poor access, to education

Usually child Labour means involving children for work that can hinder their growth physically, mentally or socially

Child Labour, however, is not always bad. It sometimes lets the child learn new skills

Child Labour Some Facts

Globally number of child Labourers Engaged in hazardous work Less than 10 years old 218 million 12.6 million 73 million

India is the country with highest number of Labourers in the world under 14 years of age 42 million children in the age-group 6-14 years do not attend school in India

The Prime Cause: Poverty

Poverty is the main cause of child Labour. It is really difficult to differentiate between forced and chosen

Other Causes
Increasing Population Unemployment for elders

Social Apathy Orphans Supply & Demand Willingness to Exploit Children

We see them everyday

Some jobs are not dangerous Some are

What can we do?

Say NO
It starts from us. If only we can ensure that around us no child will be deprived of education, food and shelter Instruct others to do so too Create awareness Use law enforcement

Lets have the happy world again

Thank You
Presentation by: Capt. Sumit Sharma Varun Lakhwani V Hariharan Som Shekhar

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