Risks of The Internet

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Charges: gastos Widespread availability: amplia disponibilidad Unsavory: desagradable Unwelcome guest: invitado no deseado Disclose: divulgar Scams: estafas Aware: consciente Arose in: se daba en Carry out: realizar Mailbox: buzn Spam: correo basura Purchase: compra Efforts: gestiones Browsers: navegador Lack: carencia

Today with the widespread availability of computers, all his activities give us almost unlimited freedom, but there are risk because the internet is so easily accesible to anyone, it can be a dangerous place with only a keytroke you can quickly get in touch with a variety of unsavory and unwelcome guests. We should be concerned about its use.

In the case of children, the lack of proper attencion from parents left them even more leeway to uncontrolled access to tv and internet. If the family computer hasnt got filters that limit access to inappropiate sites, you will find all types of content service and people not always reliable or suitable for all ages. And what starts with curiosity can end in an addiction because children and teenagers are easily seduccible. Unfortunately there are many parents who arent aware of these dangers wich arose in part to tv and video games and online now multiply.

Risk related to information. Access unreliable and false information Dispersion, wate of time Childrens access to inapporpiate and harmful Access to information: it can be dangerous, immoral and illegal.

Risk related to interpersonal comunication. Lack the mailbox Recepcion of spam Receiving personal messages offensive Loss of privacy Illegal actions Bad company( specially in chats)

Risk related to economic impact activities

Scam Shopping induced by improper adversiting Shopping for minors without parental consent Robbery Criminal actions violating of intellectual property Doing illegal bussiness on the internet Exorbitant telephone charges

Risk associated with the operation of the internet Slowness of hits Inability to access a webside or an internet service Problem with viruses Espionage Subliminal adversiting, spam

Risk related with addictions

Binge shopping Frequenting social environments Compulsive gambling

Types to keep in mind for parents and educators. Place the computer in sight Use child browsers Talking openly with children about internet use, its useful and it prevents risk. Types for children and surfers in general Dont open messages from unknow people Dont disclose private information Dont send photos without parental permission

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