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Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA)

Occupational Health Physical, Mental and Emotional well being of an employee inside and outside of the work place.
Occupational Health

Physical Health

Mental Health

Occupational Health & Safety Administration

Physical Health The state of being physically fit to do the job Mental Health Ability to understand the reality of the life Adaptation to situational mental stresses and working accordingly

Occupational Health & Safety Administration

Occupational Safety Working environment with free from danger and risk Working environment with free from accidents and industrial disasters Which create an environment with no personal injury or ill health to employees

Objectives of Occupational Health & Safety

Prevention and maintenance of the high degree of physical, mental and social well being of workers in all occupations. Providing and maintaining a work place which provide psychological and physiological requirement of the employees.

Significance of OSHA
Improves employees performances Enhance creativeness Improve employee moral Improve employee relationship Improve loyalty to the organization Develop effective and efficient workforce Finally enhance the overall productivity

Factors Affecting Employee Health & Safety

Industrial Accidents Occupational Diseases Low Quality of Work Life Organizational Stress Personal factors Nature of work Poorly arranged jobs

Consequents of Environmental Hazards

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