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It is also known as Intercultural Communication.

It is a field of study that looks at how people from differing culture background communicate among themselves.

What is Cross Culture Communication?

Why the concept of cross cultural communication came into existence?

Cross cultural Blunders

Pepsodent tried to sell toothpaste in South East Asia saying whitens your teeth.
The local natives chew beetelnuts to blacken their teeth which they found attractive.

When president George Bush made a direct demand on Japanese leaders ,He violated Japanese etiquette. To Japanese it is considered as rude and a sign of ignorance. When PepsiCo. advertised its ad in Taiwan Come Alive with Pepsi they had no idea that it translated to Chinese as Pepsi brings your ancestors back from death

U.S and British negotiators found themselves to a standstill when the American company told that they want to table particular key points. In U.S Tabling a Motion "means not to discuss it ,while the same phrase in Great Britain means Bring it to table for discussion

So, to overcome these blunders some points should always be kept in mind they are

1. Be careful with Introduction and titles and names. Ex- unlike Americans Japanese does not like to take the first name unless it is between a very personal relationship.

2. Slowdown 3. Beware of possible negative implications of color symbolism . Ex- Black market, Black Money

4. Remember the rules of attentiveness during conversation Ex- constant maintenance of eye contact while listening during conversation often violates a conversational rule in a working class African American culture.

5. Research the protocol of greeting and space Ex- In Japan ,a greeting is often a bow and a hand shake. In certain culture a handshake may progress to embraces and kisses on both cheeks.

Another important aspect of International communication is PROXEMICS......or SPACE. Ex- In U.S the space is usually about 20 to 36 inches , if the person is not known it is 2 to 4 feet away during conversation. whereas in Middle East is even lesser than 12 inches or 1 feet.

6. Time and Time consciousness Ex- Americans believe in Time is money and get down to business. While, In India we believe that quality of life issues are more important.

7. AVOIDE SLANGS Ex- Americans says I m jazzed when that happens. Japanese do not like to refuse something so they say that it will be discussed later , which means never.

8 . Write

it down Ex- A Billion in US is 1000,000,000,000 while in UK it is 1000,000,000.

9. Avoid Negative Questions

Ex- The response to are you not coming? may be yes or no.

10. Maintain Etiquette

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