Testing of Digital Circuits

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ECE465: Lecture #12 Digital Circuit Testing

Shantanu Dutt UIC

Acknowledgement: Initial slides prepared by Huan Ren from Prof. Dutts Lecture Notes (significant modifications/additions made subsequently by Prof. Dutt).

Testing of Combinational Circuit

Complex submicron chips / multi-chip PCBs possibility of errors in the manufacturing process physical faults in the digital circuits Need to test at manufacturer before shipping out Need to test periodically at user end as faults can also develop due to various circuit stresses (high temp, moisture, impact, etc.) Testing Scenarios
Fault-detecting test set (FDTS): inputs (test vectors) detecting presence/absence of faults (under certain assumptions, e.g., single fault). Fault-locating test set (FLTS): inputs locating the fault(s). CUT: Circuit under test . Signature: Compaction of all O/Ps

Fault Models
Types: permanent, intermittent, transient responses Many possible physical faults: E.g., broken or shorted wires, defective transistors, noise, improper power voltage Vdd

s-a-on s-a-1
Wire break (s-a-0) Wire short to GND (s-a-0)
Defective transistor (always on)

Fault Models (Contd.)

A good fault model that can account for the logical behaviors of most faults is the stuck at fault model: s-a-0, s-a-1 for each interconnect/wire in the circuit


Wire break (s-a-0) Wire short to GND (s-a-0) Defective transistor (always on)

The s-a-0/1 fault model accounts for mpst physical fault types but not all. E.g., it does not account for bridging and cross point faults)

Bridging fault (2 signal wires shorted)

Function Notations in Fault Circuits

x1 x2 x3
1 2 3 4 5


For f(xn)=f(x1, x2,,xn), let p be a wire in the circuit and d in {0,1}. Then fp/d(x1,,xn) is the function for the faulty circuit with wire p s-a-d. E.g., f3/0(x3)=x1x2, and f2/1(x3)=x1+x3 1 1 x1 x1 4 f3/0 x2 2 4 x2 s-a-1 2 5 x3 5 s-a-0 x3 3 3


Fault Testing
Circuits with r wires have 2r different single faults and 3r-1 possible single/multiple faults. Exhaustive testing is impractical for large circuits since it take O(2n) time for n-inputs. Test vector CUT

x1 x2 x3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Ckt o/p 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Exp. resp 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1


1 1 1 1

Expected responses

Need to determine a minimum set of inputs that can test for (detect/catch) any single fault. Single fault detection is a good goal as: Probability of multiple faults is much lower than single faults Mutiple faults take much more time to detect

Test Generation
Function: f(x1,,xn) (f(Xn)) represents the fault-free circuit. A test Ti for fault p/d is an input vector Xnj to the circuit for which:
fp/d(Xnj) = f(Xnj)

where j is the decimal value of the n bit binary input. E.g., X31 =001 is a test for 3/0 for the earlier example as f(X31)=1 and f3/0(x31)=0 An alternative way of looking at this provides the basis for the EX-OR method of test generation:
The above condition implies Xnj is a test for p/d iff: f(Xnj) + fp/d(Xnj)=1 The minterms (MTs) of Fp/d= f + fp/d are tests for p/d.

EX-OR Method
MTs of Fp/d=f + fp/d are tests for p/d. Can be determined algebraically E.g., In the previous example, F1/0=(x1x2+x3) + x3=x1x2x3. Hence, test=110 (only MT for F1/0 ) for 1/0 F3/0=(x1x2+x3) + x1x2 = x1x3+x2x3. Hence, test=001, 011,101 (MTs of F3/0) These tests (MTs of Fp/d) can also be determined in a tabular manner as shown below, but this is more cumbersome Tests x1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 x2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Functions realized by Faulty Circuits x3 f 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 f1/0 f2/1 f3/0 f + f1/0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 f+ f2/1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 f + f3/0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0

Fault Table
Displays a set of faults (generally single faults) and a set of test inputs that test them (i.e., detect them) A 1 at the intersection of i/p vector Xnj and fault p/d Xnj is a test for p/d A 0 at the intersection of i/p vector Xnj and fault p/d Xnj is not a test for p/d

Tests x1 x2 x3 1/0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 2/0 0 2/1 0 0

Faults 3/0 3/1 1 4/0 0 4/1 1 5/0 0 5/1 1

0 0 1 1

1 1 0 0

0 1 0 1

0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0

0 1 0 1

1 0 1 0

0 0 0 0

1 0 1 0

0 1 0 1

1 0 1 0














Determining a Minimal Test Set

A test set for a fault set S is a set of i/p vectors (also called test vectors [TVs]) which contains at least one test for each fault in S From the fault table, we need to determine a minimal test set that covers all faults in the table (the set of faults in the table is the set S) Determining a minimal test set lower testing cost in terms of
Test time (this allows, for ex, product to get to market faster after manufacturing testing) Power consumption during testing

Determining a minimal test set is a minimal covering problem, just like in the PIT part of QM where we need to cover all MTs w/ a minimal set of PIs (this is especially true in PLA design, where each PI has a cost of 1).
Here, TVs PIs and faults MTs So a QM-type method can be used for covering all faults using a minimal set of TVs

After all the essential TVs (ETVs) and their faults are deleted on fault 3/0 remains In the reduced fault table (RFT), all TVs covering 3/0 cover each other & all but one can be deleted (dels not shown here for simplicity) We choose to not delete TV 011, & it is thus chosen to cover 3/0 Final minimal test set = {010, 011, 100, 110}

Tests x1 x2 x

Faults 1/0 1/1 2/0 2/1 3/0 3/1 4/0 4/1 5/0 5/1

0 0 0 1 1

0 1 1 0 0

1 0 1 0 1

0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0

1 0 1 0 1

0 1 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0

1 0 1 0 1

0 1 0 1 0 4

6 *(ETV) 2















Path Sensitizing method

Path Sensitizing method
1) Select a path from fault-site p to ckt. o/p(s). For fault p/d, z is the fault value (z = d if there is a fault p/d) 2) Forward Trace (FT):
Choose intermediate logic values at gate i/ps along the path, so that logic values of lines/wires in the path are functions of z (i.e., z or z). Also, choose the complement value d to the fault value to be injected at the fault line ( for no fault @ p, z = d) The path is then said to be sensitized from the fault site to the o/p. d

Wire p
z p2 p1 0 1 z


s-a-d (p/d)

0 p3 If the reqd values shown above for wires p, p1, p2 and p3, can be injected into them via some TV at the ckt i/ps (such TV(s) are determined during BT) we have a test for p/d, since: If there is a fault p/d, z = d, and o/p = z = d If there is no fault @ p, z = d (d is injected at p) o/p = z = d Thus o/p for p/d != o/p for no fault @ p

3) Backward Trace (BT):

Trace backwards and establish circuit inputs, if possible, required for obtaining the logic values at different points in the sensitized paths determined during FT. If there is a conflicting values needed at any i/p or intermediate points/wires during BT thre is no test for p/z Dont cares (Xs) at i/ps after BT w/ no conflict anywhere else multiple tests for p/z (<= 2k tests if k i/ps have Xs after BT)

Circuit I/Ps


Wire p z p2 p1 0 1 z z

This method may not yield all possible tests for a fault p/d (unlike the XOR method)
This can compromise minimal test set determination

s-a-d (p/d)

p3 I/P cone of p3

Path Sensitizing method (contd)

Examples of sensitized i/ps for different gates Can also determine these for other gates/components (e.g., XOR, XNOR, AOI, MUXes)

1/0 Two x =1 1 z input x =0 2

1/1 x1=0 z x2=0

1/0 x1=1 z x2=1

1/1 x1=0 z x2=1

OR gate w/ s-a-0 OR gate w/ s-a-1 AND gate w/ s-a-0 AND gate w/ s-a-1 Four input 2/0 x1=0 x2=1 x3=0 x4=0

2/1 x1=0 x2=0 x3=0 z x4=0

2/0 x1=0 x2=1 z x3=0 x4=0

2/1 x1=0 x2=0 z x3=0 x4=0 2/1

2/0 x1=1 x2=1 x3=1 x4=1

z z

x1=1 x2=0 x3=1 x4=1

x1=1 x2=1 x3=1 x4=1
z z

x1=1 x2=0 x3=1 x4=1

Path Sensitizing method (contd)

Need to be complementary for path sensitization

fault-free val faulty val

x1=1 x2=1 x3=0

BT 1/0 1->0 1 z

Forward trace Backward trace

2 3


5 z

Confirm w/ XOR method: F1/0=(x1x2+x3) + x3=x1x2x3 test for 1/0 = {110}

1 x1=X/0 4 x2=0/X 2 0 z 3 x3=0 0 3/1

5 z

Forward trace

Confirm: F3/1=(x1x2+x3) + 1 = (x1+x2)x3 = x1 x3 + x2x3 tests for 3/1 = {000, 010, 100}

Path Sensitizing method (contd)

Facts in fanout-free circuits (circuits in which each gate o/p feeds only 1 gate i/p or is a ckt o/p) and circuits w/ fanout (at least 1 gate o/p feeds > 1 gate i/ps):
For a given sensitized path, each wire along the path for p/d is also tested for a s-a-0 or s-a-1 fault as determined as follows:
For each wire w on the sensitized path, if logic value on w is z, then w is tested for w/d, otherwise (logic value on w is z) it is tested for w/d In Fig. 1 below, a test for 3/1 is also a test for 5/1 (the sensitized path is 3 5)

Thus fan-out free ckts can be tested for all possible single s-a-0 and s-a-1 faults by testing each primary input for s-a-0 and s-a-1 faults

For fanout ckts, if the faulty point has a fanout, then its test will test all sensitized paths for that test; but all fanout paths from a fault may not be sensitized; so a faulty points test is not necessarily a test for all fanout paths
Thus should try to do multipath sensitization (either simultaneously or sequentially) if possible in fanout ckts. For sensitization of simultaneous paths, when the paths are reconvergent, then only under special cases (given later) will tests for the primary fault be tests for wires on these paths If after tests for primary i/ps and their sensitized paths are determined for all possible faults, if some wires remain untested (because a path to them from primary i/ps cannot be sensitized), start the process from such wire(s) w/ the lowest level and find tests for them and all their sensitized paths
Test Xnj

Backward trace

x1=X/0 x2=0/X 2 x3=0 0

1 4 3 3/1
Forward trace


z p6/d z

p7/d z p3/d

p8/d z p4/d z z p5/d

5 z

2 sensitized paths for p1/d


Fig. 1: Test set for 3/1 & 5/1 = {000, 100, 010}

Fig. 2: Xnj is a test for p1/d, p2/d, p3/d, p4/d & p5/d on path1 and p6/d, p7/d & p8/d on path 2 if sensitized non-simultaneously

Testing Circuits with Fanout

Path sensitization: a) Multiple or single paths can be sensitized. 2/0 2/0 4 1 0 4 x1=0 x1=1 0
x2=11 z x3=0
5 6 6


z z


Single path sensitized by TV 110; also a test for 4/0, 6/0.

Further, the path is sensitized also for fault 2/1, except for a 0 needed now to be injected on wire 2. Thus if wire Further, as in the top path sensitization, the 2 is a primary i/p and does not provide any of the other vector 001 is a TV for 2/1 (and 5/1, 6/1) i/ps to any gate on the senstitized path, then just by changing the corresponding i/p from 1 to 0, we get a test vector 100 for 2/1 (and 4/1, 6/1). Double path sensitized by TV 111

Another single path sensitized by TV 011; also a test for 5/0 & 6/0.

2/0 x1=1 x2=1

1 1

Reconvergence point/gate of the 2 fan-out paths

However, this TV is not a test for 4/0, 5/0. E.g., consider fault 4/0. Since if 2 is non-faulty (nf)we are testing for only single faults wire 2 takes on value 1, which causes a 1 on wire 5, thus not sensitizing the path from wire 4 to the o/p 6. It is, however, a test for 6/0, since wire 6 occurs after the two paths reconverge (check out that 111 injects a 1 into 6) The corresp. double path sens. based test for 2/0 is 101 (as discussed above) TV 101 is also a test for 4/1, 5/1 and 6/1. E.g., consider 4/1. TV 101 injects a 0 into 4 (needed as the complement of the s-a-1 on 4), and on 5, needed for sensitizing the path from 4 to o/p 6

z z



Testing Circuits with Fanout---Multipath sensitization

From the previous example, we can obtain (and prove) the following rules for determining when a test for an initial fault location p/d determined using multipath sensitization, is also a test for subsequent wires on these paths:

p1/d Test Xnj d z

z p6/d z

z p7/d z p3/d

p8/d z p4/d z z p5/d o/p1 o/p2

p /d 2 sensitized 2
paths for p1/d

(a) If the multiple sensitized paths are not reconvergent, as shown above, then the wires pj on each path is also tested by the determined TV(s) for p1/d, based on whether the logic variable on wire pj is zthe logic variable on p1(tested for pj/d) or z (tested for pj/d)

Testing Circuits with Fanout---Multipath sensitization (contd)

p1/0 Test Xnj 1 z p2 z p6 z z p7 z p3 p4 z p8 z z p5 or
Reconvergence point/gate

2 sensitized paths for p1/0

p9/0 p10/1

No tests for these wires (b) If: (i) the test is for p1/0, (ii) the multiple sensitized paths are reconvergent at an OR or NOR gate, and (iii) the i/ps to this gate are all z, as shown above, then the tests determined this way for p1/0 are not tests for any pj/d (d= 0 or 1) for wires pj on each path from p1 to the reconverging gate. However, from the reconvergent point onwards, wires pk are also tested by the determined TV(s) for p1/0, based on whether the logic variable on wire pk is zthe logic variable on p1(tested for pk/0) or z (tested for pk/1) z z Reconvergence p8/1 p1/1 p6/1 point/gate p7/0 or z z z z z 0 z p4/1 z p9/1 p10/0 2 sensitized p2/0 z p5/1 paths for p1/1 p3/0 (c) If: (ii) the test is for p1/1, (ii) the multiple sensitized paths are reconvergent at an OR or NOR gate, and (iii) the i/ps to this gate are all z, as shown above, then the tests determined this way for p 1/1 are also tests on subsequent wires pj on these paths for pj/d (d= 1, 0 for logic z, z resp. on pj) as shown above (d) The above two situations are completely reversed when condition (iii) changes to: (iii) the i/ps to the reconvergent gate are all z (the first 2 conditions remaining unchanged) as follows: Alternate of (b): All the p1/0 test(s) determined here are also test(s) for the intermediate wires s-a-0/1 (based on z/z var, resp. on them) on the sensitized paths. This is b/c for an intermediate wire p j, z on the other path(s) (the one(s) not containing pj) = 0 path through pj via the reconv. OR/NOR gate is sensitized Alternate of (c): None of the the p1/1 test(s) determined here are tests on the intermediate wires on these paths before the reconvergent point (since z on the other path(s) = 1 thus not sensitizing the path through pj). They, are, however, tests for wires after the reconvergent gate. Test Xnj

Testing Circuits with Fanout---Multipath sensitization (contd)

p1/1 Test Xnj 0 z p2 z p6 z z p7 z p3 p4 z p8 z z p5 or z
Reconvergence point/gate

2 sensitized paths for p1/1

p9/1 p10/0

No tests for these wires (e) If: (i) the test is for p1/1, (ii) the multiple sensitized paths are reconvergent at an AND or NAND gate, and (iii) the i/ps to this gate are all z, as shown above, then the tests determined this way for p 1/1 are not tests for any pj/d (d= 0 or 1) for wires pj on each path from p1 to the reconverging gate. However, from the reconvergent point onwards, wires pk are also tested by the determined TV(s) for p1/1, based on whether the logic variable on wire pk is zthe logic variable on p1(tested for pk/1) or z (tested for pk/0) z z Reconvergence p1/0 p6/0 p8/0 point/gate p7/1 or z z z z z 1 p4/0 z z p9/0 p10/01 2 sensitized p2/1 p5/0 z paths for p1/0 p3/1 (f) If: (i) the test is for p1/0, (ii) the multiple sensitized paths are reconvergent at an AND or NAND gate, and (iii) the i/ps to this gate are all z, as shown above, then the tests determined this way for p 1/0 are also tests on subsequent wires pj on these paths for pj/d (d= 0, 1 for logic value z, z, resp., on pj) as shown above (g) The above two situations are completely reversed when condition (iii) changes to: (iii) the i/ps to the reconvergent gate are all z (the first 2 conditions remaining unchanged) as follows: Alternate of (e): All of the p1/1 test(s) determined here are test(s) for the intermediate wires s-a-0/1 (based on z/z var, resp. on them) on the sensitized paths. This is b/c for an intermediate wire pj, z on the other path(s) (the one(s) not containing pj) = 1 path through pj via the recconv. AND/NAND gate is sensitized Alternate of (f): None of the the p1/0 test(s) determined here are tests on the intermediate wires on these paths before the reconvergent point (since z on the other path(s) = 0, thus not sensitzing the path through pj). They, are, however, tests for wires after the reconvergent gate. (h) There cannot be simultaneously sensitized paths reconvergent on 2-i/p XOR/XNOR gates (the paths cannot be sensitized beyond such gates), & thus such gates are not considered here. Test Xnj

Testing Circuits with Fanout (contd)

Path sensitization (contd) b) In some cases, only single path sensitization will work and multiple will not (fault free O/P->O/P with fault at ckt O/P will be either 1->1 or 0->0, thus not detecting the fault.). p/0

z z z General case.


2/0 (1->0)

x1=1 z x2=1 x3=0



Single path sensitized by TV 110 2/0 x1=0 x2=1

0 2/0



0->1 z

x1=1 z x2=1 x3=1

z z

Not a function of z


Single path sensitized by TV 011

Double path produced by 111 is not a test

Path sensitization (contd) c) In other cases, single path sensitization will not work, and only multiple path will. p/1
Not possible to get a 0, but may be possible get a z at an intermediate gate on the path being sensitized in the FT

Testing Circuits with Fanout

1 1

z 1/z (either possible)


x1=1 x2=0 &1

1 1

0 1


General case


Need to get a Conflict! z instead of 1 for sensitization

Forward trace OK, but backward trace fails.

x1=1 x2=1

1 1


z z

0->1 Double path produces a test (11)

Summary of P-S:

We need to try all possibilities (all single path sensitizations, all possible multipath sensitizations) until a test is produced for the p/d fault we are considering There can be a large # of possibilities in complex circuits! Worst-case time can be v. high Adv over XOR method: A test for p/d automatically becomes tests for various faults along all single sensitized paths from p (do not have to compute them separately), and in some cases on simultaneously sensitized paths Disadv wrt XOR method: Not all tests for a p/d may be found (if we stop before exploring all paths from p, in all combinations of simultaniety), thus the fault table is not exhaustive, and the least-cost test set may not be found

Overview of Testing Phases

For each wire p and each d in {0,1} find tests for p/d by either: (a) the XOR method or (b) the path-sensitizing

Construct the fault table from the above tests (Note: the path-sensitizing method may not find all tests, though it will find at least 1 test for each p/d, if it exists)

Find a minimal test set from the fault table using a min-cost covering technique (e.g., similar to that used in the PIT part of single-function QM)

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