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The Egyptian and Nubian Empires

Chapter 4, Section 1


Two empires along the Nile, Egypt and Nubia, forge commercial, cultural, and political connections.

Nomadic Invaders Rule Egypt

About 1640 B.C., Asian warriors, the Hyksos, use chariots to conquer Egypt.

Hebrews Migrate to Egypt

Hebrews move to Egypt from Canaan around 1650 B.C. Egyptians resent the presence of Hebrews and Hyksos in Egypt.

Expulsion and Slavery

Egyptians drive out the hated Hyksos Hebrews lose protection of Hyksos; are enslaved.

The New Kingdom of Egypt

Technological Advances
About 1570 to 1075 B.C. pharaohs create the New Kingdom, a powerful empire. Army uses bronze weapons and chariots to conquer other lands.

Hatshepsuts Prosperous Rule

Hatshepsutpharaoh whose reign most noted for her trade expeditions, not war.

The New Kingdom of Egypt (continued)

Thutmose the Empire Builder

Thutmose III, Hatshepsuts stepson, expands Egypts empire. Invades Palestine, Syria, and Nubia region around the upper Nile River. Egypt is most powerful and wealthy during reign of the New Kingdom pharaohs.

The New Kingdom of Egypt (continued)

The Egyptians and the Hittites

An Age of Builders

Around 1285 B.C. Egyptians battle the Hittites in Palestine Egypts pharaoh, Ramses II, and the Hittite king sign a peace treaty.
New Kingdom pharaohs build great palaces, magnificent temples. Valley of the Kings near Thebes is home to royal tombs. Ramses II builds impressive temples with enormous statues of himself.

The Empire Declines

Invasions by Land and Sea

Sea Peoples (possibly Philistines) cause great destruction in Egypt. Libyan raids on villages and rebellions in Palestine weaken the empire.

Egypts Empire Fades

Weakened empire breaks into smaller kingdoms. From around 950 B.C. to 730 B.C. Libyan pharaohs rule Egypt and erect cities.

The Kushites Conquer the Nile Region

Egypt and Kush

From 2000 to 1000 B.C., Egypt dominates the kingdom of Kush in Nubia.

The People of Nubia

Live south of Egypt near division of the Blue Nile and the White Nile. Nile River is a great trade route for goods and ideas. Nubians link Egypt and Mediterranean to African interior through trade.

The Kushites Conquer the Nile Region (continued)

The Interaction of Egypt and Nubia

Egyptian culture influences Nubia and beyond to southern Africa. About 1200 B.C., Nubia gains independence but keeps Egyptian culture.

Piankhi Captures the Egyptian Throne

In 751 B.C., Kushite king Piankhi conquers Egypt, ousts Libyans.

The Golden Age of Mero


The Wealth of Kush

Kushites settle in Mero; join in trade with Africa, Arabia, and India Mero becomes important center of iron weapons and tools Iron products transported to Red Sea, exchanged for luxury goods. Mero thrives from about 250 B.C. to A.D. 150, then declines. Aksum, 400 miles southeast, dominates North African trade. Askum has port on the Red Sea, and defeats Mero in A.D. 350.

The Decline of Mero

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