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Public Dealing And Customer Orientation

We are committed to: 1. Augmenting better coordination and awareness of the Scheme among all stakeholders of the Scheme and 2. Bringing improvement (i) Towards prompt delivery of services to Insured Persons and Employers. (ii) Towards Prompt handling of Grievances. (iii) Towards bringing better work environment in our offices. 3. Expansion of the Scheme to new areas and new sectors of employment, (i) Cleanliness towards upkeep of our offices and office records. 4. Developing potential skills and positive human relations (through Training and interaction among all involved in the Scheme.)

A very large social security network that encompasses basic economic risks namely health, Sickness, disability, death and maternity. It is a product of simple and liberal welfare legislation. It is an Efficient, Honest and Consumer friendly Organization and its employees act like Missionaries with Zeal. Security and Service in the hour of need is its Motto. It ensures Dependence during Disease, Disability and Distress.

Who is

What is
Service Standard

Common Complaints

Negligence Irresponsibility Inefficiency Long waiting hours and queues Officers and Staff taking long lunch and tea breaks, thus hard to meet them Most of the time officers do not attend to the telephone calls, leave alone returning calls Delay in replying to emails or telephone messages within the same working day, or within 24 hours if received after office hours Poor interdepartmental coordination Bureaucracy and red tape Not technologically advanced Lack of innovation Bribery and corruption Poor quality in deliverables

Common Responses
I dont know Thats not my job / department Calm down I am busy right now Thats not my fault You need to talk to my officer / supervisor You want it by when ? Dont preach / teach me

Simple action huge returns

When customers receive good service they

tell to 10 people on average. When customers receive poor service they share their experience with more then 20 people.

Professional Qualities in Customer service

Empathy Fairness


Sevottam is for you if . . . .

You have a vision for improving your organizations service delivery and are trying to translate vision into action.
You have taken initiatives to improve your organizations service delivery and are trying to align them for better results. You have achieved improved service delivery of your organization and are trying to sustain the results. You have sustained improvements in service delivery of your organization and are trying to replicate the experience.

Sevottam Model

Steps to Sevottam

Sevottam Assessment/Improvement Model: Quality Criteria and Benefits

Critical Areas(3) Citizen Charter Criteria(9) Implementation Monitoring Review Public Grievance Redress Receipt Redress Prevention Service Delivery Capability Customers Employees Infrastructure Elements for assessment* (33) 5 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3
Compliance with basic standards

Healthy competition to achieve excellence

* As questions which are rated on a five point scale ranging from ad hoc to Systematic

Integrated Model for Assessing Service Delivery

Citizen empowerment

Redress Satisfaction

Delivery Capability enhancement

Sevottam is supported by a certifiable standard IS 15700:2005 GPO New Delhi was awarded the first Sevottam certification in March 2008

Service Standards as per Citizens Charter of ESIC

Benefit Payment i) Sickness Benefit ii) Funeral Expenses Time Schedule -Not later than 7days -Immediately on receipt of claim i.e. same day iii) 1st payment of Maternity Benefit -- Not later than 14 days iv) Disablement Benefit -within 1 month v) 1st payment of DB -Not later than 3 months


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