SIM336 Strategic Management: Assignment Tips

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SIM336 Strategic Management

Assignment Tips
Report Structure

Report Structure
The report must be written in a recognised style Approximately 3000 words (+/- 10%)
Table of contents, Introduction main analysis Conclusions Recommendations References and bibliography You must apply the Harvard system of referencing.

Compare theory and practice

Does Porters (1985) Five Forces model fit with practitioners experience? 1. Introduction (150 Words) 2. Findings
1. Overview & Critique of Porters models of competition (500 Words) 2. Company analysis (1000 Words) 3. Does this theory and practice work? (1000 Words)
a) b) 50% 50% approach - 2) 1000 words, 3) 1000 words 75% 25% approach 2) 1500 words, 3) 500 words

3. Conclusion (300 Words) 4. Recommendations (50 Words)


Compare and contrast two theories, models? 1. Introduction (150 Words) 2. Findings
A. Overview & Critique of theory 1. (750 Words) B. Overview & Critique of theory 2. (750 Words)
A. 50% -50% approach -1) & 2) 750 words or 75% 25% approach. 1) 1100 2) 400 words

C. Compare & contrast the two theories (1000 words)

3. Conclusion (300 Words) 4. Recommendations (50 Words)


Case Study Approach

Can Virgin remain successful? 1. Introduction (150 Words) 2. Findings
a) Application of Theory to Company Analysis, (1500 Words) b) Efficiency of the strategy (1000 Words)

3. Use Annual general report e.g. Financial Times or Website if possible 4. Conclusions (300 Words) 5. Recommendations ( 50 Words)

The Plan
Advice to Nissan Offer a company some logical defended strategic overview based on your evidence gathering of the company and its environment

Part 2 Assignment Submission

All students are required to submit their Part 2 assignment via Turnitin. The assignment must contain both a bibliography and a reference section.

Date: 18th January 2013 Time: *Soft copy: 14.00pm *Hard copy: 16.00pm.
The assignment you submit to Turnitin is the only assignment that we will mark !

Students may submit assignment drafts through Turnitin prior to the submission date to generate originality reports. The last submission of the assignment prior to the hand in date will be deemed to be the final submission for assessment purposes.

Check your Turnitin Orginality scores!

Assignment Information
Students are advised to make use of the wide range of the available reading material provided - the Module guide, lectures and seminars, the recommended textbooks, any relevant supplementary texts, the Financial Times and of course the Athens database. There are 5 samples of assignments with varying grades from 2010/11 assignment submissions that you can use as a reference. The Universitys Generic Assessment Criteria will be used to assess grades.


2. 3.

4. 5.

Use quotes and views of analysis from books, journals (Athens), Financial Times and other articles Use examples from the Module Guide, Reports or Media Review the marked report samples (2008/9 + 2010/11) on livecampus to give you ideas of what is required for the assessment Harvard References Refer to Module Guide Good Luck !


Apply Model 1

Apply Model 2

Summary Model 1

Summary Model 2

Synthesis Conclusions

Summary Model 3

Summary Model 4

Apply Model 3

Apply Model 4

SIM336 Strategic Management

Good Luck!


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