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EECE 320

Digital Systems Design Chapter 1: Introduction

EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 1



Lama Hamandi Office Office Hours: M, W, F 11:00 2:00 Email:

EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 2



Learn the fundamental principles needed to analyze and design digital logic circuits
- Combinational - Sequential

Learn digital design methodologies and the use of computeraided design tools Learn how to interpret and write documentation for digital circuits


John F. Wakerly: Digital Design Principles & Practices, 4th Edition 2006, Prentice-Hall


EECE 210

Electric Circuits and Electronics

EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 3



Introduction (Chapter 1) Number Systems and Codes (Chapter 2) Combinational Logic Design Principles (Chapter 4) Hardware Descriptive language (Chapter 5) Combinational Logic Design Practices (Chapter 6) Sequential Logic Design Principles (Chapter 7) Sequential Logic Design Practices (Chapter 8) Memory (Chapter 9)


Attendance Homework and short tests Projects Midterm Final Exam

5% 10% 20% 30% (Saturday November 24, 10am WingD) 35%

EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 4

Course Policy:

Homework are due in class at the beginning of the lecture. Late homework will be accepted with a penalty of 25% per day. You have to work individually on your homework. Similar homework will receive a grade of zero. All lectures begin on the hour. Late students may be refused entry to the classroom. Attendance of all lectures is required. Students who miss a lecture are responsible for its contents. No makeup for drop quizzes and exams. Keep checking the class website (Moodle) for information and updates. As per AUB policy, students who miss more than one fifth of the lectures in the first ten weeks of the semester will be dropped from the course. Beyond this date, students who accumulate absences more than one fifth of the lectures will receive a 10-point deduction on their final (course) grade

The project will be done in teams of three students. A test on the project material will be assigned at the end of the semester.
EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 5

Chapter1: Introduction

A digital designer must be competent in:

Debugging good troubleshooter

Planning Systematic approach Patience Logic (work by elimination)

Business requirements and practices Good communications skills Transmit and Receive

EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 6

Analog versus Digital

Two basic ways of representing information:

Analog: Take values across a continuous range (voltage, current) Digital: Take only values from a discrete set
- Decimal: {0,1,,9}, Binary: {0,1} or {T,F} or {Low, High}

Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters

Amplitude Analog signal: Values Reals

Time Amplitude 1 0 Time

EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 7

Digital signal: Values {0,1}

Digital Revolution

In the past 10 to 20 years, digital revolution has spread to many aspects of life:

Cameras: A picture is stored as an array of pixels. A pixel stores the intensities of RGB components as 8 bits each. (JPEG compression digital storage and processing)
Video Recording: Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) stores video in a compressed digital format (MPEG2) Audio Recording: Digital Compact Disk (CD) stores music as samples of the original analog waveform Telephone system: Digital transmission between central offices

Traffic lights: from electromechanical timers to controllers to maximize vehicle throughput

Movie effects: computer synthesis instead of tricks & miniatures

EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 8

Reasons for Digital Revolution


Reproducibility of results

Digital circuit: same inputs same outputs Analog circuit: the output depends on temperature, power-supply voltage, component aging,


Ease of design

No need for special math skills, just logic


Flexibility and functionality

Once in digital form, a problem can be solved using a set of logical steps



Hardware descriptive languages, HDLs to model and test any digital circuit before any real hardware is built



A transistor can switch in less than 10 ps A circuit can produce an output in 1 ns 1 Billion results/s
EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 9

Reasons for Digital Revolution


Commonly used circuits can be integrated into chips and massproduced at low cost and used in different products such as calculators, digital watches,

Steadily advancing technology

Digital designers try to accommodate advances in technology while designing. An example is expansion memory slots in a computer

EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 10

Design Tradeoffs for Digital Systems

Digital Computer
Input Memory Output I/O




Typically designed to maximize performance: Optimized for speed

Pocket Calculator

Typically designed to minimize cost: Optimized for cost

Tradeoff with speed

Portable Computer

Designed to minimize power: Optimized for power Low power comes at the expense of lower speed and higher cost (e.g. desktop vs. notebook)
EECE 320 Ch1: Introduction 11

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