Dare To Lead - Tom Lutz

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Dare to Lead

The Manager as Leader:

Accomplishing the organizations goals through people. Tom Lutz

Leadership is no place for the faint of heart

The leader does not have to be a tyrant,
but cannot be a friend either. It is how the human connection is made between leader and follower that determines whether this is a pleasing, pleasant, or at least a tolerable process or not.

Lesson One
Credibility Honesty Gaining and giving respect

What is your definition? State what your philosophy/policy is Carry it out Examples:

Always If you cant tell tell them you cant tell If something happens and you havent

told them and you should have fess up

Respect (it goes with Dignity)

Gaining and showinghow? Your examples: both negative and positive When does it go with dignity Why does it go with dignity? When might it stand alone?

Lesson Two
Empathy Caring Sincerity
These have to happen over time

What is it and who cares?
Statements of empathy
Other than, I feel your pain.

Why is it important? When is it real deep? When is it hollow or shallow?
Statements or acts of Caring

Verballanguage of sincerity Bodylanguage of sincerity Acts of sincerity

Lesson Three
Consistency Fairness Predictability

Same thing, every time
Tell them you are going do itthen.. Do it Remind them you did it!

The only way No favorites.ever When your humanness creeps inthen

Empowering, without a doubt. The results of good leadership: Our vision was so aligned we could
Finish each others sentences Make decisions with out him (and get it right) Drive decisions down to the most appropriate level

Lesson Four
Accountability Performance Why we call it Work


(sorry for the sports analogies)

The ball is in your court (hands)

It not only is your ball game to win or
Are you willing to take the hit? Are you willing to share the credit?

Accountability is not about blame it is

about Growth

When one persons behavior impinges
upon the others ability to do their assigned tasks in a timely manner it is now a performance issue. Learning from our mistakesif we are allowed.

See my other presentation.

Why we call it work

Where do you tell your family you are
going when you put on your hat and coat and go out the door each morning? Does this run counter to having fun? Remember the FiSH! Philosophy?
Choose your attitude; Make their day Be there (for them); (Make work like) Play

Why we call it work.

Leadership is
Lonely Exhilarating Tension filled Inclined to pay more


Lesson Five
Servant Leadership Diversity/inclusion

Servant Leadership
Your definition Whered it come from?
Robert Greenleaf Chuck Colson It is Biblical first you must serve

Demands work Rewards excellence Yields rewards.

What is being said here? Cruising on a ship that is
Unleakable Unbreakable Unsinkable

Generational Leadership

(age specific competencies of leadership)

The Silent Generation born before 1946 Baby Boomers or Boomers1946-63 Generation X1964-76 Generation YSince 1977

Gen Xers
Latch key kids Parents high divorce rates Fewer boundariescynical, pessimistic Short attention spans Want respect, crave information Set goals, not rules Less loyal that previous generations

Gen Yers
Most education minded in history Believe in work and meaningful roles Want work to be fun and social High financial and personal goals Very short term view Thrives on new experiences

Do you believe this Gen stuff?

What is your experience? What is correct and what is history
repeating itself? How about mentoring these folks?
What does a mentor do? How are they selected?

What can you do about it?

People leave bosses not organizations Skilled leaders can reduce turnover more
effectively than anything else Need the ability to:
Resolve conflicts equitably Learn from mistakes Be open to criticism Listen showing. and.and

Thank you
Your questions, please!

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