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Crop Water Requirements

Crop Water Requirements

It is the total amount of water required by the crop in a given
period of time for normal growth, under field conditions.

It includes evapotranspiration, water used by crops for

metabolic growth, water lost during application of water and the water required for special operations such as land preparation, tillage and salt leaching etc. inches per unit cropped area.

it is expressed as the surface depth of water in mm, cm or

CWR = Consumptive use (Cu) + conveyance losses (Wu) + water required for special operation (Ws)

Sources of water for Crop Use

Effective Precipitation (ER):
It is that part of total precipitation which is used by crop as soil water reserve. It is the precipitation falling during the growing period of a crop that is available to meet the evapotranspiration needs of the crop. It is determined as:

ER = Total rainfall (P) Runoff (R) deep percolation (PW)

Gross Irrigation requirements of crops (IRg):

It refers to the amount of water applied to the field from the start of land preparation to harvest of the crop together with the water lost through distributaries and field channels and during water application to the crop field.

Sources of water for Crop Use

IRg = CWR (ER + SW + GW)

Net Irrigation requirements

It refers to the amount of water needed to replenish soil moisture deficit in the crop field.

IRn = IRg x Efficiency of water application = Cu ER - conveyance losses

Soil Water Contribution for Crop Use (SW):

It refers to the difference in moisture content at the time of sowing and harvesting of the crops that may be positive or negative. It is given as:

Sources of water for Crop Use

SW = soil water contribution in cm Msi = moisture content at the time of sowing in the ith layer, % Mhi = moisture content at the time of harvesting in the ith layer, % Asi = Apparent specific gravity of soil (The specific gravity of a porous solid when the volume used in the calculations is considered to exclude the permeable voids) Di = depth of ith layer of the root zone soil, cm
It refers to the water used by crops due to capillary rise in case of shallow water tables.

Ground Water Contribution for Crop Use (GW):

CWR = ER + IRg + SW + GW

Objective of Crop Water Requirement Study:

To decide possible cropping pattern of area
Effective use of available water Plan and design an irrigation project Plan water resource development in an area Assess irrigation requirement of an area Management of water supply from sources

Evapotranspiration (ET) and Consumptive use (Cu)

Evapotranspiration: It is defined as the water transpired by crop plants and the water evaporated from the soil in the crop field and intercepted precipitation by areal parts of plants in any specified time period

Consumptive use:

It is the evapotranspiration plus the water used by plants for metabolic activities which is hardly 1 % of ET

Consumptive use is the water required by plants to fulfill the

evapotranspiration needs of crops. (FAO)

Consumptive use is the total amount of water used by the plants

in transpiration (building of plant tissues etc) and evaporation from adjacent soils or from plant leaves in any specified time period. (S.K. GARG)

Classification of Consumptive use

Daily Consumptive use:
The amount of water consumptively used during 24-hours. It is estimated usually to record the peak period consumptive use rates to formulate the cropping pattern and to decide the water supply from sources during different periods of cropping.

Peak Period consumptive use:

It is the average daily consumptive use during a few days (6 to 10 days) of highest consumptive use in a season. It occurs when the vegetation is abundant, temperature is high and crops are in flowering stage. It is used in the planning of an irrigation system

Classification of Consumptive use

Seasonal consumptive use:
It is the amount of water consumptively used by crops during the entire cropping season/period.

It is used to evaluate and decide the seasonal water supply to a command area of an irrigation project.

Important terminology on Evapotranspiration

Potential / reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo):
The highest rate of evapotranspiration (ET) by a short and actively growing crop or vegetation with abundant foliage (leafage) completely shading the ground surface and abundant soil water supply under a given climate. An extensive surface of short green grass cover of uniform height (0.12m), actively growing, completely shading the ground and no water shortage resembles the reference crop.

Actual crop evapotranspiration (ETc):

It is the rate of evapotranspiration by a particular crop in a given period under prevailing soil water and atmospheric conditions.

Important terminology on Evapotranspiration

It refers to the evapotranspiration from a disease free crop growing in a large field under optimal soil conditions with adequate water and fertility and giving full potential production under the given environment. Usually calculated by multiplying the Crop Coefficient (Kc) for the period with ETrc, thus

ETcrop = Kc. ETrc

Factors affecting Evapotranspiration

Climatic factors include:

Climatic factors:
Precipitation, with greater frequency and amount of rainfall, ET becomes higher. In un-irrigated areas, water needs of crops are mainly met from precipitation and in irrigated areas it decides the amount of water available for irrigation. Solar radiations, it supplies energy for ET processes. With increasing day length or solar radiation, ET becomes more.
Temperature, Temperature of plant and soil rises because of more amount of solar radiation received from the sun and consequently increases ET. Wind speed, ET from soil surface and plants occurs at a higher rate on a windy day. The moist air in the immediate vicinity of a moist soil or leaf surface is swept away by wind and the dry air occupies the space.

Factors affecting Evapotranspiration

Relative humidity, ET varies inversely with the atmospheric humidity

Growing season:

Length of growing season and the actual date of sowing and maturing are important factors. The growing season of a crop coinciding with the hotter part of the year is expected to increase ET. Crops grown in different seasons have different ET.

Crop characteristics:

Growth habit, canopy development, leaf area index, plant density, duration and time of year when the growth is made, are important consideration to study the effect of crop characteristics on ET.

Factors affecting Evapotranspiration

Soil characteristics:
Hydraulic conductivity and water holding capacity of soil affect ET.

Cultural Factors:

Irrigation frequency, method of irrigation, depth of irrigation, fertilizer application and mulching are the important cultural factors affecting ET.

Crop Coefficient
Crop coefficient:
It is the ratio b/w the actual crop Evapotranspiration to the reference crop evapotranspiration.

Kc = ETc / ETo

It determined experimentally for various crops, Etc is

determined by Lysimeter technique and ETo by USWB class A evaporation pan.

Kc is different for different crop and for different crop growth


It is mainly affected by crop type, soil type and climate of the

Crop Coefficient (Kc) Curve

Soil-water (moisture)-plant relationship

Water is essential to crop plants for their growth and
development. It is the basic input influencing the crop production. Amount of water required by the crops is influenced by the soil type. regulated for maximization of yields with a given unit of water. An understanding of this relationship is essential in order that water management principles are applied to various climate, soil and cropping regions of both rain-fed and irrigated lands. water/moisture and field capacity is essential.

Soil water plant relationship is a process that requires to be

To understand this relationship, the concept of soil

Soil water/moisture and field capacity

Gravitational moisture:
When the water falls over the ground, a part of it gets absorbed in this root zone, and the rest flows downwards under the action of gravity, and is called as gravitational moisture.

Field Capacity:
Immediately after the rain or irrigation water application, when all the gravity water has drained down, a certain amount of water is retained on the surface of soil grains by molecular attraction and by loose chemical bonds (adsorption). This water cannot be drained under the action of gravity and is called the field capacity. It is the moisture content after free drainage has taken place for sufficient period (2 to 5 days).

Soil water/moisture and field capacity

Field capacity is very important because it is the water which is available in the soil for crop use
The total field capacity water is not used by the crops. The plants can extract water from the soil till the permanent wilting point is reached. Fields capacity is further divided into two types:

Capillary moisture:

It is that moisture which is attached to the soil molecules by surface tension against gravitational forces and which can be extracted by crop through capillarity.

Soil water/moisture and field capacity

Hygroscopic moisture:
It is that moisture which is attached to the soil molecules by loose chemical bond and it is not available to the plants for use.

Permanent wilting point:

It is moisture content at which plant can no longer extract sufficient water for its growth and wilts up. it is the difference in moisture content between field capacity and permanent wilting point.

Available moisture:

Soil water/moisture and field capacity

Moisture Content (%)

Duty of irrigation water, delta of crops, base period

Duty of irrigation water:
It is defined as the no. of hectares (acres) of land irrigated for full growth of a given crop by supply of 1 m3/sec (1 ft3/sec) of water continuously during the entire base period. It is affected by crop type, climate and season, useful rainfall, type of soil and efficiency of cultivation method etc. Delta of crops: It is the total quantity of water required by the crops for full growth as depth to which water would stand on the irrigated area. Delta = Volume (acre-ft) / Area (acres)
It is the time between first watering of crops at the time of its sowing and the last watering of crops before harvesting

Base period:

Relationship between Duty, Delta and Base period

Let there be a crop of base period B days. Now the volume of water applied to this crop during B days @ 1 m3/sec = V = (1 x 60 x 60 x 24 x B) m3 = 86400 B By definition of duty, 1 m3 of water supplied for B days matures/irrigates D hectares (104 m2)of land. So total depth of water supplied to this land (Delta) = Volume/Area = 86400B/104D Therefore, Delta = = 8.64 B / D (meters) Delta = = 864 B / D (centimeters) Example: find the delta of a crop when its duty is 864 hectare/cumecs with base period of 120 days.

Methods of estimating Evapotranspiration

These methods are classified into three types: Direct methods
Lysimeter method Field experimentation method Soil water depletion method Inflow-outflow method

Pan evaporimeter method

USWB class-A pan evaporimeter Blaney criddle method Penman method Modified penman method Radiation method Penman Monteith equation

Empirical methods

Direct Methods
Lysimeter method:
Used to measure ET and various components of water balance It is a container (usually 0.5m 2 m in diameter) having an experimental soil separated from the surrounding soil in the crop field Lysimeter are installed in fields with a large guard area having the same crop as in the lysimeter Measurements of different components for water balance studies such as water added to lysimeter through precipitation and irrigation, change in soil water storage and water lost through evaporation, transpiration, runoff and deep percolation are made, The relationship is:


Direct Methods
Lysimeters are so constructed that measurements of deep percolation and surface runoff are possible or it is possible to avoid these losses Both weighing and non weighing type lysimeters are used for measurement of ET For very short period (daily or hourly) estimates of ET, weighing type lysimeter is used

Direct Methods
Field experimentation method:
Field experiments with varying level of irrigation are carried out to estimate seasonal consumptive use of irrigated crops Measurement of water supplied to the crops through effective rainfall and irrigation and changes in the soil moisture reserves during the growing season are made The water thus supplied under varying levels of irrigation is then correlated the yields obtained The quantity of water used to produce most profitable yield is taken as CU

Direct Methods
Soil water depletion method:
Soil water contents in different layers of root zone are measured just before and after irrigation or rainfall and during the period between two successive irrigations as frequently as possible depending upon the degree of accuracy desired The soil water depletion during any short period is considered as the consumptive use fro that period The seasonal consumptive use is obtained by summing up soil water depletion or losses during the different periods of measurement in the growing season

Direct Methods
Inflow-outflow method:
Used to estimate yearly consumptive use over large area, also called as water balance method

Change in soil water storage is considered negligible and it is assumed that the subsurface inflow into the area is same as subsurface outflow

Pan evaporimeter method

USWB class-A pan evaporimeter:
There exist a close relationship between the rate of consumptive use by crop and the rate of evaporation from properly located pan evaporimeter. Pan evaporation is the combined effect of all atmospheric factors and is independent of plant and soil factors Crop evapotranspiration rates for various crops may be estimated from the pan evaporation rates multiplied by a factor known as crop factor (Kcrop) which varies with the stages of growth, extent of ground cover with foliage, climate and geographical locations

USWB class-A pan evaporimeter

It is the most widely used evaporimeter for finding

evaporation from the free water surface The Class A Evaporation pan is circular, 120.7 cm in diameter and 25 cm deep. It is made of galvanized iron (22 gauge) with a stilling pan The pan is mounted on a wooden open frame platform which is 15 cm above ground level to facilitate the circulation of air beneath the pan Daily evaporation rate is given by the fall in water level measured in the stilling well by hook gauge Adjustments are made to the evaporation values if rainfall occurs during a period of measurement

After measuring the drop in water level each time, water

is added to the pan to bring back the water level to original position of pointer tip level

USWB class-A pan evaporimeter

The relationship between potential evapotranspiration
and pan evaporation is given as:

USWB class-A pan evaporimeter

Empirical methods
Blaney criddle method Penman method Modified penman method Radiation method Penman Monteith equation

Empirical methods
Blaney criddle method:
Developed a formula for estimating CU based on temperature, daylight hours, and locally developed crop coefficients

ktp CU Cu KF kf 100

Empirical methods
Penman method
Developed the formula using important climatic parameters such as solar radiation, temperature, vapour pressure and wind velocity to compute the evaporation from open free water surface ET is obtained by multiplying with crop coefficient

Qn Ea Eo
it is quite satisfactory for both humid and arid regions under
calm weather conditions It drawback is that it uses many climatological parameters that are difficult to obtain

Empirical methods
Modified Penman method

ETo * W .Rn (1 W ). f (u).(ea ed )

ETo CETo *
ETo* = Refenrence crop Evapotranspiration (unadjusted) ETo= Refenrence crop Evapotranspiration (adjusted) C = adjustment factor to account for day and night weather effect

Empirical methods
Radiation method:
ETo C (W .Rs )
n Rs (0.25 0.50 ) RA N

Penman-Monteith Equation

Where: Rn is the net radiation, G is the soil heat flux, (es - ea) represents the vapour pressure deficit of the air, a is the mean air density at constant pressure, cp is the specific heat of the air, represents the slope of the saturation vapour pressure temperature relationship, is the latent heat of vaporization and is psychrometric constant, and rs and ra are the (bulk) surface and aerodynamic resistances.

Penman-Monteith Equation
The surface resistance, rs, describes the resistance of vapour
flow through stomata openings, total leaf area and soil surface.

The aerodynamic resistance, ra, describes the resistance from

the vegetation upward and involves friction from air flowing over vegetative surfaces.

The latent heat of vaporization, , expresses the energy

required to change a unit mass of water from liquid to water vapour in a constant pressure and constant temperature process. The value of the latent heat varies as a function of temperature energy required to increase the temperature of a unit mass of air by one degree at constant pressure. Its value depends on the composition of the air, i.e., on its humidity

The specific heat at constant pressure Cp is the amount of

Penman-Monteith Equation
The vapour pressure deficit is the difference between the saturation
(es) and actual vapour pressure (ea) for a given time period. a horizontal surface perpendicular to suns rays is called the extraterrestrial (solar) radiation, Ra

The solar radiation received at the top of the earth's atmosphere on The net radiation, Rn, is the difference between incoming and

outgoing radiation of both short and long wavelengths. It is the balance between the energy absorbed, reflected and emitted by the earth's surface or the difference between the incoming net shortwave (Rns) and the net outgoing longwave (Rnl) radiation soil. it is positive when the soil is warming and negative when the soil is cooling. The soil heat flux is small compared to Rn and may often be ignored

The soil heat flux, G, is the energy that is utilized in heating the

Components of Global energy balance

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