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Mausam Shah 9 Mahipal Jain 20 Shivangi Jain 29 Samyak Jain 40 Romit Shah 49 Mani Parmar 53 Richi Savla 54

American Funds is a family of 33 mutual funds that invest in securities from the United States and around the world and are managed by Capital Research and Management, part of the Capital Group Companies. American Funds is the third largest behind Fidelity and The Vanguard Group. They base their decisions on a long-term perspective because they believe it is the best way to achieve superior long-term investment results.

1) American Balanced Fund (balanced fund) Fund Objective Distinguishing Characteristics Types of Investments Non-U.S. Holdings

2)AMCAP FUND Its main objective is to provide long term growth of capital It ws started on may1,1967



main objective is to provide a way to earn income, by maintaining liquidity and preserving capital It was started on may 1,2009

4) AMERICAN FUNDS BALANACED PORTFOLIO SERIES Its main objective is to provide a way to earn income and provide long term growth of capital and current income It was started on may 18,2012

Growth funds Growth-and-income funds Equity-income funds Balanced funds Bond funds Tax-exempt bond funds Money market funds Portfolio Series funds College target date funds Retirement target date funds

American Funds offers the following growth funds:

AMCAP Fund EuroPacific Growth Fund The Growth Fund of America The New Economy Fund New Perspective Fund

New World Fund


American Mutual Fund

Capital World Growth and Income Fund Fundamental InvestorsSM

International Growth and Income FundSM

The Investment Company of America Washington Mutual Investors FundSM

Capital Income Builder The Income Fund of America

American Balanced Fund

American Funds Global Balanced FundSM

American Funds offers the following bond funds:

American Funds Mortgage Fund American High-Income Trust The Bond Fund of America Capital World Bond Fund Intermediate Bond Fund of America Short-Term Bond Fund of America U.S. Government Securities Fund

American Funds offers the following tax-exempt bond funds:

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond

Fund American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America The Tax-Exempt Fund of California The Tax-Exempt Fund of Maryland The Tax-Exempt Fund of Virginia

American Funds offers the following money market fund:

American Funds Money Market Fund

They offer the following Portfolio Series funds:

American Funds Balanced PortfolioSM American Funds Global Growth PortfolioSM American Funds Growth and Income PortfolioSM American Funds Growth PortfolioSM American Funds Income PortfolioSM American Funds Preservation PortfolioSM American Funds Tax-Advantaged Income

PortfolioSM American Funds Tax-Exempt Preservation PortfolioSM

Based on the target enrollment date, the funds incorporate varying degrees of risk and diversification. American Funds College 2030 FundSM American Funds College 2027 FundSM American Funds College 2024 FundSM American Funds College 2021 FundSM American Funds College 2018 FundSM American Funds College 2015 FundSM American Funds College Enrollment FundSM

Based on their target retirement date, the portfolios incorporate varying degrees of risk and are diversified among growth, growth-and-income, equity-income/balanced and bond funds: American Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement Fund American Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement Fund American Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement Fund American Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement Fund American Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement Fund American Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement Fund American Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement Fund American Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement Fund American Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement Fund American Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement Fund

1.Classes of shares. Some investors prefer to pay an ongoing fee for the financial advice they receive, while others favor a more traditional, transaction-based approach. That is why our regular mutual fund and CollegeAmerica 529 shares offer different pricing options:
Class A and 529-A shares Class B and 529-B shares Class C and 529-C shares Class 529-E shares Class F-1, F-2 and 529-F-1 shares

College America 529 Savings Plan

As the countrys largest 529 plan, College America is helping nearly 1 million families from all 50 states pursue their college savings goals.

Benefits of College America savings plan are : Experienced investment management Low expenses Diverse investment options Tax benefits Flexibility Control


Employer-sponsored retirement plans provide value to employers and their employees. They give employers a distinct advantage in attracting and retaining quality employees, and they provide employees with a convenient way to invest for retirement. More importantly, employer-sponsored plans offer employers and employees who participate significant tax advantages.

Qualified retirement plans

Retirement plans that meet certain requirements under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code are considered qualified retirement plans. Employer contributions are tax-deductible and may be subject to vesting schedules. Participant contributions are always immediately vested. Contributions (employer and participant) and earnings are tax-deferred until theyre withdrawn. However, if the plan offers a Roth option, employees Roth contributions are taxed upfront; these contributions grow tax-deferred and are tax and penalty free when taken in a qualified withdrawal. Employers offering qualified plans also take on specific fiduciary responsibilities.

Money purchase plans

A money purchase plan is a pension plan that has a mandatory annual contribution. Company contributions can be as high as 25% of covered pay (the contribution formula is set by the plan terms). Contributions can be subjected to a vesting schedule. In-service distributions are generally not available until a participant reaches the plans normal retirement age, or age 62, if later.

Profit-sharing plans
A profit-sharing plan, which features discretionary contributions, can be tied to company profits (meaning the employer during a difficult business year may decide to make no contributions to the plan at all). In-service distributions can be made available after five years of participation or when the participant reaches age 591/2. Hardship withdrawals are also available.

401(k) plans A 401(k) plan allows employees to contribute a portion of their pretax salary to a tax-deferred retirement plan. Some companies provide a matching contribution as an extra incentive for the participants to contribute. In-service distributions for certain hardships can be allowed. Matching contributions may be subjected to a vesting schedule. Employer contributions and match (if any) are deductible business expenses. If youre self-employed, a Solo 401(k) is an option.

Other Retirement Plans

1)Simplified Employee Pension plans (SEPs) Available to any employer or sole proprietor, though suited for smaller businesses, a SEP offers many of the tax benefits of the qualified plans with fewer administrative expenses.
2)Savings Incentive Match Plans for Employees (SIMPLE) IRAs

A SIMPLE IRA is a retirement plan for small businesses with fewer than 100 employees.

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