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Attitudes are evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people or events.

Components of Attitude:
Cognitive component: belief Affective Component: feeling & Behavioral Component : action

Functions of Attitudes
Attitudes serve four important functions in this process: The Adjustment Function The Ego-Defensive Function The Value-Expressive Function The Knowledge Function

Changing Attitude:
Barriers to Changing attitudes: Escalation of Commitment Insufficient information Changing Attitudes: Providing New information Use of fear Resolving Discrepancies Influence of friends or Peers The Co-opting Approach


JOB SATISFACTION: refers to an individuals general attitude towards his/her job. JOB INVOLVEMENT: The degree to which a person identifies with his/her job, actively participates in it, and considers his/her performance important to self worth. ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT: The degree to which an employee identifies with a particular Organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the Organization.

Attitudes and Consistency

Cognitive dissonance theory: Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behaviour and attitudes, will attempt to reduce the dissonance and hence the discomfort. Measuring the A-B Relationship: Moderating variables: importance, specificity, accessibility, social pressures Self-perception theory: Attitudes are used after the fact to make sense out of an action that has already occurred.. Attitudes & workforce diversity Satisfaction & productivity Satisfaction and Absenteeism Satisfaction and turnover

Response to Job Dissatisfaction


EXIT Destructiv e NEGLECT

VOICE Constructiv e LOYALTY


Organization Citizenship Behaviour

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